
23-05-17 安全(Safe Community)——需修改现行的保释制度,支持警力加强。◎优质教育(Quality Education)——保持SHSAT考试和天才班。◎繁荣经济(Prosperous Economy...


23-04-20 。3、繁榮經濟(Prosperous Economy)——控制房產稅上漲,為小企業創造良好環境。週國東來自香港,為第一代移民,畢業於明尼蘇達大學電腦專業,後到紐約的一家電腦公司就職,在紐約工作生活了30多年。由於...


20-07-10 走向的关键一刻,谁将成为下一届美国总统?他又将凭什么资格被选择成为美国总统?1992年克林顿竞选总统,当时他的竞选团队有一句话:It's the economy,stupid.(是经济,傻瓜...

美国商会: “港版国安法”危及香港特殊地位   反制议案进入参议院银行委员会

20-05-26 economy, take away America』s economic independence, and strip the rights of the people of#HongKong https...


20-04-19 扩大和加强其对权力的垄断。它所做的几乎每件事都是为了防止对党的任何形式的反对,阻止中国人民在如何执政方面有发言权。”美国智库外交关系协会高级研究员易明(Elizabeth Economy)认为,有关大疫之下习近平...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 over the last three years, we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world, by far.由于过去三年来我们实施的经济政策...

专家:一旦疫情危机解决 习近平不会做出改变

20-02-15 的举动。因为这事关重大,习近平需要时间来寻找合适的人选,以挽回湖北和武汉的局面。美国之音15日报导援引中国问题专家易明(Elizabeth Economy)表示,中共当局这种找替罪羊的做法是否足以阻止中国...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 for supremacy. To deal with a likely hard landing of the Chinese economy, China is headed back toward...


18-12-24 Everybody knows what goes on in the world’s second-largest economy influences everything from...


18-12-05 和智库在资金来源和合同方面应该保持绝对透明。美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)高级研究员、亚洲项目主任易明(Elizabeth Economy)负责撰写该报告...

美国移民改革 将带来哪些变化

17-08-10 参议员汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)和大卫·帕度(David Perdue)发起,英文名称是Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy,缩写...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 government position is given to an unworthy person." Regarding the economy, he believed that the public...

川普宣布移民改革法案 采择优制大砍绿卡

17-08-02 Economy, RAISE Act),目标为大砍绿卡发放的数量,由每年的100万个削减到50万个。对于亲属移民,未来新法案虽然仍将优先考虑美国居民的直系亲属,包括配偶和子女,但是将中止发放绿卡给其他家庭成员...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 very negative across all topics except the economy, where the coverage was only 54 percent negative....

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 negative across all topics except the economy, where the coverage was only 54 percent negative. CNN and NBC...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 After several years of growth, the auto loan market—traditionally a staple of the U.S. economy...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 security.The most important foundation of the market economy is the protection of private property. Customers...

美式豪华的营造者 2017 New Lincoln MKX

17-03-10 vibe.)2.7L GTDI V6 Engine (Power player.)Fuel Economy (Take the scenic route, and still have fuel for...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 , developed the nation's economy, cut unnecessary expenses, and always tried to find ways to increase...

川普就任总统 中美变数考智慧

17-01-22 安全问题的前研究员凯恩(Paul Kane)的文章《为拯救我们的经济,抛弃台湾吧!(To Save Our Economy,Ditch Taiwan)》,文中认为,对美国国家安全最大的威胁,就是美国的债务...


17-01-06 Fort Henry Drive, Kingsport, Tennessee305 W. Economy Road, Morristown, Tennessee德克萨斯州4101 E. 42nd St....

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 may bring wide-ranging impacts to China’s own economy and monetary policy.The Chinese economy has...

联航推基本舱低票价 随身行李收费你坐不坐

16-12-06 才能使用。联合航空(United Airlines)在11月推出了Basic Economy基本经济舱的票务计划,票价相对普通经济舱便宜,但是,乘客只能携带9英寸x 10英寸x 17英寸大小的行李,也就是只能放置...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 richest economy, and the most glorious culture. Emperor Kangxi established the "Prosperous Era of...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 of opening up what it considers key sectors of its economy to significant U.S. or foreign competition...

联合航空便宜新票价 4项购买须知

16-11-28 (Basic Economy),限制乘客携带上飞机的行李,也不允许选择座位。航空公司表示,基本经济舱的票价将低于普通经济舱,但拒绝透露真正的票价。新票价预计明年春天开始发售,但基本经济舱只有美国航线的某些城市...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 with Asia’s biggest and the world’s second biggest economy, Goldman Sachs has been the only Western...


16-11-10 double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time we will get...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03  economy资本主义经济Market economy市场经济12What is the  “rule of law”?「法治」是什么?Everyone must  follow the law.人人都应遵守法律...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 to support real estate?Real Estate Dependence SicknessChina’s economy is suffering from real estate...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 , "The people are the root of the state." He introduced many initiatives to develop the economy...


16-03-21 ——外交关系委员会亚洲与中国问题资深研究员易明(Elizabeth C. Economy)当时曾撰文指出,尽管外国投资者进入中国股市的程度非常有限,但当今中共宣传系统已经对指责外国人的游戏久用成瘾...


16-03-20 Regional Analysis)发行的报告“华盛顿地区未来经济路线图(The Roadmap for the Washington Region’s Future Economy)”,其中涵盖许多有关刺激未来...

印度的一项绝技 让中美2国望尘莫及

15-10-04 的经济体,难道我们不能梦想一个20万亿美元的印度吗?”(India is a2 trillion dollar economy today. Can we not dream of an India...

美独立劳动人口  改变传统工作

15-10-04 【看中国讯】研究显示,随着越来越多人加入“按需经济”(on-demand economy)领域,美国目前有超过4,200万民众属于独立劳动人口,代表传统工作正在悄悄转变。法新社报导,由企业服务...


15-10-01 今天出炉的研究显示,随着越来越多人加入“按需经济”(on-demand economy)领域,美国目前有超过4200万民众属于独立劳动人口,代表传统工作正在悄悄转变。法新社报导,由企业服务顾问公司...

移民问题多 美国城市仍大力争取

15-07-22 a New American Economy)的新报告称,2011年,在美国各地创许新商业机构,移民占百分之28。  戴维斯加大(UC Davis)经济学家斐利(Giovanni Peri)说,新移民拥有...

民调显示  多数共和党选民支持非法移民留下来

15-07-04 American Economy by Burning Glass Consulting)对爱荷华州可能是共和党选民的400人进行的一项民意调查,超过四分之三的爱荷华州共和党选民 - 77% - 将支持这样的候选人...

火遍中美社交网络 “橘子哥”来自广东梅州(图)

15-02-23 economy at work。(看到经济全球化起作用了真好)。  据当地苹果商店的工作人员说,马特被偷的手机辗转被卖到了中国,然后“橘子哥”的信息便通过iCloud同步了过来。工作人员帮马特切断了iCloud...