
16-10-03 )。        地址:57th Street and 7th Ave. New York, NY 10019。        路线:乘坐地铁A、C、B、D、1到59街/N、Q、R到57街7大道/B、D、E到7大道...


16-10-03 为方便华埠民众,10月2日10时至下午4时,将在华埠地威臣街(Division Street,市场街和包厘街之间Between Market Street and Bowery),将设立免费「电子...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People Yan Ying...

2017 捷恩斯 G90 韩国现代旗舰豪华车  2017 GENESIS G90 THE NEXT LEVEL OF LUXURY

16-10-03 embodies a smarter, more progressive approach to luxury with innovation and styling seamlessly integrated...


16-10-03 :        An honest and civil exchange of ideas  想法的互换能够增加我们的见识,尤其是那些因意见不同摩擦产生的火花能够我们带来更大的收获。这是达特茅斯,这个海纳百川的大家庭...


16-10-03 根据日前加拿大环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)报导,中国多年来派出便衣公安持旅游签证入境加拿大,将一些贪腐案的在逃疑犯强行遣返回国 ,此举受到本地律师界的关注,并促使加拿大安全情报局...


16-10-01 24.不,不经过。但是你可以搭这班车转乘24路。Good. How much is the fare?好。车费多少?It's seventy-five cents for adults and...


16-10-01 和国家税务中心(Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation)则公布了一份三页长的假通告,其中还附带有“付款凭证”,索求325美元的付款。假通知巧妙地运用与IRS正本...

苹果云端Gmail都危险 洛杉矶逾30名流被骇

16-09-30 (Edward Majerczyk)在周二(27日)联邦法庭上承认违反了计算机诈骗和滥用法案(Computer Fraud and Abuse Act),将面临最高5年的刑期,但法庭文件显示,他很可能被判6个月...


16-09-29 ,上海大剧院,东方艺术中心演出成功。范女士自1985年担任萧璧珠老师钢琴伴奏迄今。 关于法拉盛文化艺术协会法拉盛文化艺术协会﹝Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts...

沃尔沃XC90承袭北欧经典  VOLVO THE XC90

16-09-28 XC90’s distinctively proud stance leaves you with a feeling of uncluttered and sophisticated luxury....


16-09-28 :ticketing@sy-pi.org、或剧院票房:57th Street and Seventh Avenue Monday–Saturday: 11 AM–6 PM Sunday: 12 PM~6 PM。  ...


16-09-28 :卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall)。        地址:57th Street and 7th Ave. New York, NY 10019。        路线:乘坐地铁A、C、B、D、1到59街...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " 《袁氏世范》选译

16-09-26 ), and served as high as the Prosecutor. He once served as the mayor of Leqing County, and was known for...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 his hometown and proposed marriage to her. But the engagement was not official because Liu had not...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 Unfortunately, his greed did not decrease with age. One year, there was a fire in the neighborhood and it...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 capable of listening to others' opinions and criticisms with an open mind. Emperor Taizong of the...

解冻食品 最好使用水

16-09-26 物科学部(Food and Bioscience unit)的研究员爱克斯达(Susanne Ekstedt) 表示,一般人解冻肉品时会放入冰箱冷藏让它慢慢解冻,但其实解冻食品时,应越快越好。她说...


16-09-26 Pavilion举行(地址:Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Towpath, Potomac, MD 20854)。本次活动由全美甘肃联谊会联合兰州大学校友会共同举办,同时邀请华盛顿秦腔社的西北...


16-09-26 Fire and Rescue Department)新的「黄点计划(Yellow Dot Program)」便可能救了人的一命。这个计划很简单:1. 向当地消防局领一本小册子。2. 用铅笔(以便将来可更新...


16-09-23 Your Mind and Create a New One)简介中说:〝当你向宇宙下订单,努力正向思考,你的情绪却没有改变,能量被圈限在旧的习惯里。你的愿望空有意念与期待,却缺乏相对应的情绪动能...


16-09-22 , and Medicine)21日公布的报告,美国人并未因移民而减少了工作机会。过去20年,美国移民人数增长七成,来到4,300万人,为总人口的13%,每4名美国人中有1人是移民或其后代。自2001年以来...


16-10-03 Hollow Ferry渡轮去探访这个历史古镇,寻访欧文的故居、墓地、及传说中伊克巴跨过的那个小桥。当地在周末还有农夫市集(Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Farmers Market...

哈勃频频测到壮观天象 显示宇宙在发生巨变

16-09-19 、以及什么原因促使它们开始离开。两座矮星系将离开荒芜之地,进入富含物质的星际空间。(NASA, ESA, and E. Tollerud (STScI))星系异常迸发新星7月25日,航空航天局说,NGC 3125...

2017款奥迪Q7 无处不在的科技体验  The Audi Q7 It’s not lonely at the top

16-09-19 drive, class-leading horsepower1 and innovative driver assistance technologies, this IIHS Top Safety...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 mother-in-law and listened to her orders. One night, they spent the night with bodies curled under the porch of...

前野马队员远离痛苦 感谢干细胞治疗法

16-09-19 end for the Broncos took its toll on Egloff. His hips hurt, his back ached, his knees creaked and...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 springboard for up-and-coming regime leaders,would be reformed. Now, there is talk of—and some support for...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 By Qin Shan Thriftiness is a virtue. For a family or a nation, indulging in extravagance and luxury...

美新州一车站惊现多枚炸弹 全市高度警戒

16-09-19 海滨公园炸弹爆炸案有关联。来自FBI和新泽西州警方的拆弹专家已抵达伊丽莎白市现场,他们使用机器人去检查包裹内的数个装置。FBI Bomb Squad is on scene and continuing...


16-09-18 非裔美国人历史暨文化博物馆延长开放时间即将开幕的国立非裔美国人历史暨文化博物馆(National Museum of African American History and Culture)在开幕...


16-09-14 。         地址:Old Fulton Street and Furman Street。         费用:免费。         网站:goo.gl/3eN4wH。  ...


16-09-13 report: alcohol and young people)就指出,青少年过早饮酒对肝脏、骨骼、内分泌有害。酒精对儿童与青少年大脑的影响更是巨大。2013年8月发表于《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA...

Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury 梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承

16-09-13 Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承Design 设计理念成就...

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 , cars and trucks often break down there. One day a truck loaded with canned food rolled over into...

Nothing Gained and Nothing Lost

16-09-13 Nothing Gained and Nothing Lost Li Shiheng was a member of the Imperial Academy (an institution...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness There is an ancient proverb: "Tolerance enables...


16-09-08 ,11月18日);假日市集与历史古迹导览(Holiday Market and Historic House Tour,12月11日 );以及两场相信艺术论坛(In Arts We Trust,10月12日...


16-09-08 of Arts and Design和Museum of the Moving Image。...

美国ITT技术学院突关闭 学生该怎么办

16-09-07 College Access and Success)副总裁科克伦(Debbie Cochrane)说:“最重要的是学生要慎重考虑自己的选择,现在有很多法律服务帮助学生权衡各种方案的利弊。教育部门的网站也有...