Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 ;s back with their criticism and mockery. A noble man with high virtue is always conscious of making...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 past year. The result is a tome of rich detail concerning U.S.-China trade, China’s state-owned...

007特技演员重庆高空坠亡 友人质疑其死因

16-11-22 Dies)、《新铁金刚之黑日危机》(The World Is Not Enough),还有《雷霆救兵》(Saving Private Ryan)等经典电影。在出事之前,史蒂夫还在其脸书上发布贴文,写着...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 believed that it was hard for businessmen to attain the Tao. However, Li’s story tells us that it is not an...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 Yong’s story is cast in a popular TV drama in modern China.卖掉家产代替百姓交赋税 福及子孙刘棨,在康熙三十四年,担任湖南长沙县令,以廉明著称。康熙...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 The Chinese regime’s growing influence over Hollywood is different from the rise of any other power...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity As a proverb goes: "No one is perfect. Everyone makes...


16-11-19 occurrence. It is the ultimate home-delivery service.(这就像是一个无限的送餐到家服务。)」  虽然这两位老太太因为语言的障碍,并没有办法愉快的交流。中国温老太太只会说...


16-11-15 一个森林中,一条公路两边长满五颜六色的树。摄影:Vaidas GeguŽis在加拿大安大略省的麋鹿山中,秋天的痕迹随处可见。摄影:Opspeculate Aerial Media在丹麦的Kalbyris森...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 Unlimited is one powerful freedom machine. Its Trail Rated® status, Command-Trac® and Rock-Trac® 4x4 Systems...


16-11-13 ,ask who is there.When about to enter a hall, one must call out one's arrival.When people ask who...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 6)

16-11-13 deceived, it is harder to escape the eyes of gods. Anything we do, whether we think it is fine or not, and...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 Credit Suisse AG is broadening its business in China, a move that puts the Swiss investment bank at...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 is capable of pacifying the army and the people in Sichuan." The entire royal court of officials...


16-11-13 求和,并且愿意自为人质,李世民表示同意,派出唐俭作为出使东突厥的外交使节。李靖率领一万精锐骑兵悄悄跟在唐俭后面,在唐俭和颉利可汗握手言欢的时候,发动突然袭击,唐军所向披靡,斩首一万多级,俘虏突厥男女老少...


16-11-13 还谈到未来的经济计划,他表示将通过提升国际贸易和在全国进行基础设施建设来创造就业,并对搬到海外的美国公司施加产品税,以减少离开美国的工厂数量。除此之外,川普还暗示将在打击“伊斯兰国”IS的政策上作出...


16-11-11 视为亵渎,遭强硬派穆斯林于4日在雅加达号召逾10万人示威,致大规模骚动。钟并于7日接受警方长达9小时的侦讯。伊拉克军队在睽违摩苏尔城市边界2年之后,与其他战斗人员首次光复了IS占据的摩苏尔东部社区...


16-11-11 “双十一”各大电商平台交易量暴涨,11日凌晨在天猫客户端大量出现“UnionPay is error”字样,让众多网民误以为是银联系统出了故障,支付宝对此回应称:工程师写错英文。不过,银联并不接受...


16-11-10 her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely. Now it is timefor America to bind the wounds of...


16-11-09 获巨额利益。伊拉克摩苏尔解放战役,随着关键城市的逐一收复进入了新阶段。当局31日指出,特种部队距摩苏尔仅数百米之遥,入城扫荡在几个小时内就可展开。据估计有多达5千名IS武装分子参与了反击,自17日...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " (Part 5)

16-11-08 appear to speak politely, as though they are kind to others, but inside, their heart is totally the...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 The Chinese currency, the yuan, is a strange animal. Linked to the dollar, it hardly moves—but when...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 government affairs. Do you really want to hire someone who is submissive and lacks moral fortitude?"...


16-11-06 维基解密始创人阿桑奇称,在此次的美国大选中,资助希拉里的幕后金主势力十分强大,他们不仅支持希拉里,同时还支持极端回教组织〝伊斯兰国〞(IS),正是因为这些金主,希拉里得到银行界、情报机关、传媒等的...

北京释法如撕破羊皮 香港政界哗然

16-11-05 宣誓仪式上展示 “Hong Kong is not China”(香港不是中国)的标语,又被指自行改变誓词,把 China 读成具有侮辱性的“支那”。此次人大决定释法后,在香港引起一片哗然。香港大...

希拉里邮件门跨入2.0 刺激更甚纸牌屋

16-11-05 ,希拉里向中东的恐怖组织,包括作恶叙利亚、伊拉克甚至欧洲多国的伊斯兰国(简称IS、ISIS)提供武器。不过这些内容,目前没有得到证实。 ...

希拉里川普问鼎白宫宝座 政策比一比(图)

16-11-05 更严格的枪械管制措施,主张对购枪者进行全面背景调查。●反恐之战川普赞成提高军事支出,但不倾向动用地面部队;川普主张切断伊斯兰国(IS)的资金来源,摧毁IS的钻探和炼油设施。川普反对推翻叙利亚总统阿塞德...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 。(确定您的阅读能力)编号英文中文一、AMERICAN  GOVERNMENT美国政府APrinciples of  American Democracy美国民主原则1What is the  supreme...

六中全会后港选战升温 换特首大势形成

16-11-01 , that is the question”,改说成“To run, or not to run, that is the question”(是否去马参选,值得考虑),回应是否参选特首,全场即时掌声雷动...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 and returned home. Surprised to see him, his wife asked, "How is it that you have completed you...

A Taoist Talks About Destiny 神奇道人论命理

16-10-31 destiny. It was very profound and practical. It is beneficial to read even today. Below is the translation...


16-10-29 的时间延长到12月中旬,以协助伊拉克政府军进攻摩苏尔的伊斯兰国堡垒。联合国难民署加紧向摩苏尔冲突区流离失所民众提供人道救援。法新社消息英国国防大臣法伦周三表示,希望在反伊斯兰国(IS)部队从四面八方逼近IS...

佛州成大选关键战场 川普民调领先2%

16-10-26 ”。佛州21%的人认为,美国面临的最大问题是“来自伊斯兰国(IS)的恐怖主义威胁”,17%的人则认为是“失业和工作”,15%的人认为是医疗保健,13%的人则认为是“美国工人实际收入下降”。这项民调也显示...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 4)

16-10-26 sincere and respectful with one's deeds. This is what sages preached as the method for one to be...

Mi Zijian Knew Precisely What to Accept or Reject

16-10-26 government hall.  When Mi Zijian was acting as the magistrate in Danfu County (what is now Dan County in...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 to hundreds of thousands of addresses.Now, Li is back at it—but he’s no longer using email. In the...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves Ji Yun (1724 – 1805 AD), courtesy name Xiaolan, was a scholar and...

夺回IS据点 摩苏尔战役开打

16-10-21 2016年10月17日,伊拉克政府军从摩苏尔南方盖亚拉空军基地挥军北上,并在哈姆达尼亚地区重创IS。(图片来源:Getty Images)摩苏尔光复将翻转美国失利的中东局势并缓解IS的扩散伊拉克总理...