The Story of Li Mi
The Story of Li Mi
Li Mi (722 – 789 AD), from the Tang Dynasty, was called the "White Robed Prime Minister." He served four Tang Dynasty Emperors. All four Emperors regarded him highly and considered him a teacher and a friend. Li Mi had lofty aspirations, and enjoyed learning about gods, Buddhas, and Daos. He was filled with compassion and righteousness. When his country was in danger, he became the pillar of the imperial court and developed strategies to subdue the invaders. He retired as soon as peace was reestablished in his homeland. He always maintained a calm and tranquil attitude.
When Li Mi was a young boy, he was known for his quick mind and creativity, and was considered a "child prodigy." One time, Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling (678 – 740 AD) wanted to employ an official who was not talented, had a weak personality and moral character, and was very obedient. Although Li Mi was only seven years old, he said to Zhang Jiuling without mincing words, "Prime Minister, you come from a humble background and have the reputation of being fair and unbiased when you handle government affairs. Do you really want to hire someone who is submissive and lacks moral fortitude?" Zhang Jiuling was very astonished after hearing Li Mi's words. He quickly admitted his mistake and began to call him "little friend."
One year, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (685 – 762 AD, ruling from 712 – 756 AD) was personally selecting the empire’s scholars. Zhang Jiuling mentioned Li Mi and the emperor immediately summoned Li Mi to the palace. When Li Mi arrived, the emperor and Prime Minister Zhang Yue were playing a round of Go. The emperor ordered Zhang Yue to test Li Mi’s literary skills.
Zhang recited a four-line poem using the Go chessboard and pieces as the subject. He asked Li Mi to compose a poem with the same theme. Li Mi opened his mouth and verbalized a four-line poem as well. Emperor Xuanzong was delighted and immediately told Li Mi to head to the Eastern Palace to study with Crown Prince Li Heng.
When Li Mi grew up, he submitted a memorial to Emperor Xuanzong with several suggestions concerning national affairs. Emperor Xuanzong read the report, was highly appreciative and wanted to offer him a government position. Li Mi replied that he was still young and did not wish to become an official. Therefore, Xuanzong offered him the title of "subordinate official" to the crown prince and asked him to advise the crown prince. Li Mi said he wished to remain a civilian and would like to become friends with the crown prince. The crown prince liked Li Mi very much and always regarded him as his teacher.
Li Mi did not like Yang Guozhong (? – 756 AD, a prime minister late in Emperor Xuanzong’s reign), who was authoritarian. He wrote a sarcastic poem about Yang Guozhong. In response, Yang Guozhong forced Li Mi to leave Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. When Li Mi noticed the chaotic political situation and "darkness" covering the government, he moved to Ying Yang and lived a secluded life.
During the An Shi Rebellion (755 – 763 AD), people were thrown into a state of intense fear and desperation and were deeply distressed. Emperor Xuanzong fled to Sichuan. Crown prince Li Heng ascended to the thrown in Lingwu, Ningxia Province, and became Emperor Suzong in 756 AD. Half of the country was in the hands of An Lushan, the leader of the rebellion, and less than thirty military and political advisors were with Suzong. That was the time when Suzong remembered his friend Li Mi in Ying Yang. He had Li Mi escored to Lingwu. Li Mi thought the imperial court must be in trouble and immediately came to Lingwu.
Emperor Suzong was very happy to see Li Mi and offered him the prime minister position. Li Mi did not accept and said, "Your majesty treats me as your trusted friend, this is a much nobler position than being the prime minister. Why do I need such a title?" Emperor Suzong did not insist.
Emperor Suzong trusted Li Mi and sought his advice in every matter, large or small. He even asked Li Mi's opinion regarding the appointment and dismissal of prime ministers, and candidates for the crown prince. During imperial court meetings, Li Mi sat next to Emperor Suzong. The imperial generals and officers often said, "The one in the yellow robe is the Emperor, and the one in the white clothing is the recluse from the mountain." Li Mi wore the same outfit when he lived in seclusion and while in Lingwu.
Li Mi, Guo Ziyi (Tang general), and Li Guangbi (Tang general) developed strategic plans that were successful in recapturing Chang’an and Luo Yang. After they ended the An Shi Rebellion, Li Mi said to the emperor, "Your majesty, now that I have repaid you, may I please return home?" Emperor Suzong replied, "You and I spent years together to end this rebellion. I'd like you to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous time with me now, why do you want to leave?" Li Mi sincerely said, "Your majesty and I became good friends when we were young. You entrusted me with great responsibilities and trusted me completely. It is because of these reasons that I have no choice but to leave." Li Mi continuously asked to be sent home. Therefore, Emperor Suzong could not refuse and reluctantly agreed.
Afterwards Li Mi built a house on Mount Heng and lived in seclusion.
Emperor Daizong of Tang (726 – 779 AD, reigning from 762 – 779 AD) summoned Li Mi during his reign and awarded him the title Supervising Secretary.
When Emperor Dezong ruled the Tang Dynasty (779 – 805 AD), there was a rebellion led by the general Zhu Ci. Emperor Dezong rushed to Fengtian and summoned Li Mi to be prime minister. Li Mi saved the country from grave dangers with his superior strategies. Therefore, he was awarded the title of Marquis of Ye.
Emperor Dezong told Li Mi, "Fortune tellers say that the rebellion was preordained by heaven, and it had not much to do with human affairs."
Li Mi replied seriously, "Following heavenly destiny means that one must abide by the laws of heaven to handle affairs, it does not mean that one can evade responsibility because an affair is preordained by heaven. The emperor and the prime minister have the duty of steering the fate of the country and guiding the civilians to abide by the laws of heaven. Should an emperor disregard his responsibility and use heaven's will as an excuse, then rites, policies and punishments are all unnecessary. Historical tyrannical rulers such as Jie (Xia dynasty) and Zhou (Shang dynasty) claimed that they were following orders from heaven and attempted to escape their responsibility. If your majesty thinks like this, then I'm afraid you are just like Jie and Zhou."
Li Mi was honest, exercised self-control and maintained morality. When he served as an official, he acted strictly according to established rules, upheld existing laws and was an honest public servant. After he returned to seclusion, he enlightened to the true meaning of life. He seized the opportunity to walk away from political life and chose another path in life. He was truly able to accomplish his aspirations while taking things lightly and attaining tranquility.
不慕权名 功成身退
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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