英伦风豪华轿跑Jaguar XE   Embrace the Life, Jaguar XE

16-10-18 XE车系能同时满足 CO2 排放量109g/km*的低污染与250km/h极速奔驰的驾驭快感。First of a new generation, the Jaguar XE is built to...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " (Part 3)

16-10-18 of nature and feel at ease wherever one goes As soon as one learns how to feel and reason, one is...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 China’s real estate market is akin to a Ponzi scheme with the government acting as the dealer...

Righteous Historiographers Would Rather Die Than Distort the Truth

16-10-18 a story about a historiographer's family. This is the story.Cui Zhu, an officer of the Qi Dynasty...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 ruled on the case. Everyone is trying to draw the line with those who are involved in it. Why do you...

中国剧毒化学品卡芬太尼 热销多国

16-10-16 强100倍,而芬太尼也比海洛因的毒性强50倍。而令人担忧的是,卡芬太尼不但杀伤力极强,还可用来制造化学武器。2002年,车臣分裂武装在莫斯科一家剧院劫持了数百名观众。在那次人质事件中,俄罗斯安全力量...

六位现当代著名科学家 他们为什么信神?

16-10-14 《科学去向哪里?》(Where Is Science Going?)“作为一个为最清晰的科学领域——物质研究奉献了一生的人,我可以这样告诉你我关于原子的研究结果:没有物质这么回事。“所有的物质只有在一种...

川普又放炮:如果希拉里当选总统 美国将被IS占领

16-10-13 )造势时表示,IS正在为希拉里祈祷,希望她能成为美国总统,因为这样他们不但可以占领世界的那一边,也能占领美国。川普表示,希拉里因为电邮门丑闻应该去坐牢。对于美国共和党内部包括众议院议长莱恩、联邦参议员麦肯...

香港成报点名炮轰刘云山 称其为土包子

16-10-13 立法会议员宣誓时,继续做他们的“伪港独骚”,除展示“Hong Kong is Not China”(香港不是中国)布条,还将“China”读成疑似辱华的“Chin-na”(支那)的发音。“支那”带有辱华...


16-10-12 而醒来。3. 花一点时间反省与感恩在睡前时段,让自己回想一下今天所发生的事,去反省与感恩周遭身边的人。Your Brand Is My Business的创办人Rhonda R. Swan 在每天睡前...

非凡,注定稀有 2017款Jaguar XJ     WELL-MANNERED. QUICK-WITTED. 2017 Jaguar XJ

16-10-10 advanced and luxuriously appointed, the 2017 Jaguar XJ is the pinnacle of the Jaguar sport sedans. Select...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 the entrances of gentle goddesses and male figures that precede the Creator, who is represented by...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 something improper happens, I will be strong enough to handle it." Kou Xun said, "This is not...

吹嘘调戏女人经历 川普旧录音遭起底 大选刮起黑旋风

16-10-08 election is over as of a few hours ago.(译:大选在几小时前已经结束)虽然这只是一人之言,但足见这起事件影响之恶劣。共和党最高阶民选官员,美国国会众议院议长保罗・莱恩(Paul...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 too seriously." Yan Zi quickly responded, "It is etiquette that differentiates humans from...

2017 捷恩斯 G90 韩国现代旗舰豪华车  2017 GENESIS G90 THE NEXT LEVEL OF LUXURY

16-10-03 alert.COMFORTFIRST CLASS COMFORT, SILENCE IS GOLDENHailed as the epitome of comfort from the back and spine...


16-10-01 ?哪里我可以叫到出租车?The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。Are you free?您有空吗?Sure....

沃尔沃XC90承袭北欧经典  VOLVO THE XC90

16-09-28 THE XC90THE MOST AWARDED SUV OF THE CENTURYDESIGN——This is what success looks likeAt first glance, the...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " 《袁氏世范》选译

16-09-26 very polite. The wealthier and the higher-ranking the person is, the more humble they will be toward...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26  The Value of Marriage in Ancient China This is the story of a scholar, Liu Tingshi, courtesy name...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 thing. You must cherish your life as a human being and do only good deeds!" There is a saying: "...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes Everyone makes mistakes, but only the virtuous ones are...

2017款奥迪Q7 无处不在的科技体验  The Audi Q7 It’s not lonely at the top

16-09-19 , including offroad and individually adjustable settings, the Q7 is ready to take on your favorite windy road...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 Xusheng, cousin of Ji Xiaolan, said: There is a woman who begs for food. She is very filially pious...

前野马队员远离痛苦 感谢干细胞治疗法

16-09-19 ) consultation, is simple and painless.「Takes about an hour,」 says Egloff.While the science behind stem cell...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 springboard for up-and-coming regime leaders,would be reformed. Now, there is talk of—and some support for...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 By Qin Shan Thriftiness is a virtue. For a family or a nation, indulging in extravagance and luxury...

美新州一车站惊现多枚炸弹 全市高度警戒

16-09-19 海滨公园炸弹爆炸案有关联。来自FBI和新泽西州警方的拆弹专家已抵达伊丽莎白市现场,他们使用机器人去检查包裹内的数个装置。FBI Bomb Squad is on scene and continuing...

英狙击手1500米外一枪射爆IS分子 救12人

16-09-12 英国一名狙击手在叙利亚执行营救任务期间,在1500米距离外,一枪射爆伊斯兰囯(IS)武装人员身上背着的一个燃料箱,杀死数名IS分子,救出12名面临处决的人质。据《每日邮报》报道,当一名IS分子...

Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury 梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承

16-09-13 be on you 专注于全新GLE设计的独特眼光,亦是引人注目的魅力所在The athleticism of the GLE is evident in its solid stance....

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 to live in poverty. Finding food is a daily struggle. Everyone wants to change the situation but no...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness There is an ancient proverb: "Tolerance enables...

天津市长黄兴国被查 或涉“8.12”事件

16-09-10 不断地发生的这一系列天灾人祸惨案,都是中南海内部各派势力相互厮杀而造成的人间惨祸,是中南海各个集团以中国人民当人质,来向敌对方讨价还价,是中国百姓容忍中共独裁政权所付出的沉重代价。“8.12”爆炸事故前...

Secret NYC

16-09-06 company that publishes textbooks, their Midtown building is home to a small hidden gem. If you make your...

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Longevity

16-09-06 Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. Is there a secret to longevity? Some people are...

美国超市系列|走进好市多,我就不想走~ 美国 Costco 买虾米?

16-09-06 Costco 试吃东西吃超饱,无限量供应。6. 不用会员卡也可以买快餐区的食物。7. 好市多会员卡为全球通用!美国官网明文规定 "Your membership card is valid at...


16-09-04 与行李的最大可用空间。小型物品则可收纳于选购的置物套件,包括行李厢置物网以及行李厢层板下方的置物盒。PUSH LUXURY TO NEW HEIGHTS.驾驶舱The X5’s interior is...


16-09-04 一点是,在美国,要学会complain,也就是所谓的抱怨。一般退货的时候,人家都会问你 "Is there anything wrong with it?" 就是”该产品有什么毛病...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 people"] is to "save the world and let people be safe and secure." He envisioned great goals as...

省钱有妙招!到美国T.J.Maxx商场捡便宜 6个窍门更划算

16-09-03 “按原状出售”(as is),询问店员是否可获额外折扣。7月和1月折扣较多:你较可能在1月和7月获大折扣,因为商家要设法卖出旧库存,以便有空间展示新一季的商品。购买折扣礼卡:在Raise.com...