康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30   day  to  find  out  how  the  Emperor's  children learned their lessons.On  this  particular  day...

善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22   was  afraid  of  him.  One  hot  day,  he  went  up  to  a  terrace  to  cool  off.  People  who  were...

A Story of Filial Piety

19-01-25 , who was spoiled and wandered around wasting money. One day, the rich man saw him do nothing useful all...


19-01-17 Library)。地址:188 Madison Avenue (34th St and Madison Ave)。网站:nypl.org/money。3.马丁路德金日 Martin Luther King Day...

A Kind Heart is Rewarded for Saving an Abandoned Baby

19-01-17 recklessly, future rewards are diminished. At a future date, or if there would be a “judgement day”, such...


19-01-12 。首先是考虑成人日托中心。莱斯莉将她的妈妈送到该郡的赫恩登港成人日托中心( Herndon Harbor Adult Day Health Care Center) ,并立即看到了贝弗利在健康和动作举止...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 day should be respected like a father for life." People paid a lot attention to their conduct and...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (1 of 2)

17-01-20 and practiced diligently. One day, someone reported that 5,000 enemy soldiers were on their way to...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 known as Yang Hongji, was an accomplished scholar from Shishou County (in modern day Hubei Province) in...

Jealousy Harms Others and Hurts Oneself (I)  妒嫉之心 害人害己(上)

17-01-16 that were set up day after day. Pang saw this and thought Qi's soldiers were deserting. With...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 a straightforward and upright person. He looked down upon mean and shameless people. One day, while he was passing...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 Bing visited them each day to see how the child was doing.  A friend of Bing Ji was worried about him...

周末好去处: 纽约动漫展 巧克力展 大都会博物馆

16-10-08 下面来看本期的周末好去处。1. 哥伦布日大游行 Columbus Day Parade 为了庆祝意大利航海家哥伦布发现美洲大陆,一年一度的哥伦布日大游行将再次来到纽约曼哈顿的第5大道。今年有3万...


16-10-05 不同,热门讲座门票已售罄。   网址:festival.newyorker.com。 6、哥伦布日大游行 Columbus Day Parade 历年纽约市最热闹浩荡的大游行,今年已是第72届哥伦布日...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 touching and inspiring stories. One day, King Jinggong of Qi held a banquet and invited his friends and...


16-10-01 day, Mr. Lu.没问题。这是您的护照,还有您的钱。祝您愉快,陆先生。I have room reserved.我已订了房。Please wait a second.请稍等。Please hold...


16-09-28 Museum Day   纽约的博物馆每年都举办「免费博物馆日」活动,现在大家又有机会可享受免费参观博物馆的待遇了。不过活动须两人以上才可免费。在免费日,纽约州有超过90家博物馆全部免门票,游客自由进入。纽约市...

又届苹果黄金季节 多食有益健康

16-09-26 美国人常说:「一天吃一颗苹果,医生远离我(An apple a day keeps the doctor away.)」事实真的如此吗?Lean Plate Club™博客的版主斯夸尔斯(Sally...

2017款奥迪Q7 无处不在的科技体验  The Audi Q7 It’s not lonely at the top

16-09-19 you to pedestrians and larger animals within 300 feet. Technology has finally seen the light of day...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 heard a round of whipping and screaming. After a long while it calmed down.On the next day, the lady and...

14个最流行品牌名 你知道它们的意思吗

16-09-18 。2. 运动服饰品牌阿迪达斯(Adidas)阿迪达斯将设在亚特兰大的Speedfactory将依顾客喜好及时调整的运动鞋的样式及颜色。(Adidas)Adidas并非“All Day I Dream...

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 , cars and trucks often break down there. One day a truck loaded with canned food rolled over into...

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Longevity

16-09-06 people over 14 years. It found that if people drink 2-6 cups of coffee a day, their mortality rates would...

9月到了 别错过美商家推出的7个免费赠品

16-09-06 日获得免费咖啡9月29日,为了庆祝全国咖啡日(National Coffee Day),全美的咖啡店都会提供免费或折价出售咖啡。目前大多数咖啡店还没有公布活动细节,但从往年的情况来看,唐恩都乐甜甜圈...


16-08-31 11日(周日)之前海滩依然开放给民众,虽然纽约市的海滩和水域以前都会在劳工节(Labor Day)到来的时候关闭,但今年就不同了。除开放海滩外,还包括所有36个中型和大型的公共游泳池,不过小型游泳池则会在...

劳工节将至  盘点美国秋冬购物打折季

16-08-30 Labor's Day(9月第一个星期一)Labor Day是美国一个连休三日的公众假日,是最为典型的节日之一,也是约定俗成的代表夏日结束的象征。许多商家借此机会推出夏款清仓的活动。为了减少库存和昂贵的人工...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 but was unable to find him. One day, he coincidentally met Zhang on the street. With tears in his eyes...

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 members, fearing that they would persuade him to keep the money. On the morning of the second day, He Yue...

Chiseling Caves to Cultivate the Tao

16-08-21 food. After arriving at Zhaozhou, he sat for meditation every day under Zhaozhou Bridge. One day, Wang...

Even an Emperor Must Pay for His Misdeeds

16-08-21 throne and became Emperor Xuan. One day when Emperor Xuan looked at the scars on his body, a feeling of...

逃出家园 难民国奥运队再创未来

16-08-20 这个棚户区称为家。第一位曾经赢得「纽约马拉松」比赛,并成为几个长距离比赛世界纪录保持者的非洲女性洛鲁佩(Tegla Larpoupe)在2014年的「世界难民日」(World Refugee Day),参观...


16-08-17 你有听说过“地球超载日”(Earth Overshoot Day)吗?据官方说法,昨天,我们已经迎来了这一天。这可不是什么值得庆祝的好日子,到达Earth Overshoot Day意味着地球在这...

小提醒 今天在美国报税截止日是4月18日

16-04-09 和马萨诸塞州的居民来说,还多了一天,4月19日才是报税截止日。为什么会这样呢?都要归功于二个很特别的纪念日公共假期。解放纪念日(Emancipation Day)今年美国哥伦比亚特区订于4月15日(星期五)庆祝...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 , upset, he wanted to go to the netherworld to see the truth of it. So on the day that Gong Qingyou died...


16-01-06 day will do.哪一天都行夕96、Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!97、Congratulations! 祝贺你!98、I can't help it. 我情不自禁。99...

美国会内部斗争激烈 国土安全部2月底恐临关门

15-02-15 通过送交参院的版本,排除国土安全部非法移民特赦相关业务的预算,此案3度在参院表决失败;共和党虽掌参院多数,但人数未达足以过关的60票。  国会于16日总统日(President’s Day)假期这周休会...


15-02-15 》(A Good Food Day)中说,骨汤帮他养成了一种全新的饮食习惯。“骨汤一直能给我带来慰藉,”他说。他的妈妈是托斯卡纳人。他回忆说,小时候家里总有鲜肉和鲜禽汤。“我不再整天喝咖啡,整晚喝葡萄酒,”他说...


15-02-14 情人节,又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节(St. Valentine's Day),即每年的2月14日,是西方的传统节日之一。男女在这一天互送巧克力、贺卡和花,用以表达爱意或友好,现已...


15-02-13 情人节虽然带有爱情的浪漫色彩,但从未规定过这仅仅是情侣的专属。对于美国人来说,每年的Valentine's Day就是一个关于“Love”的节日,所有的爱都将在2月这一段特殊的日子里被大肆...

纽约近期活动看板 468‘

15-02-12 。4.Valentine's Day Love in Times Square 时报广场情人节 来自纽约甚至全美各地的情侣会聚在时报广场,庆祝2015年最浪漫、充满爱意的一天。  时间:2月14日星期六。  地点:曼哈顿...