
21-01-30 (Adobe Stock)泛西房地产服务公司(Transwestern Real Estate Services,TRS)2020年第四季度的办公楼市场报告显示,新泽西州办公楼市场被疫情严重拖累...


20-12-21 Center)则只提供首次驾照办理、外州登记、真实身分证(REAL ID),以及临时、商用与其他无法网上办理的驾照和证件更新。[/justify][justify]网络预约登记也有成为永久性制度的可能性。此前...

纵欲毁前程/Greed Can Ruin a Person’s Destiny

20-11-27 fierce-looking people, but none of them suited the criteria. It was really difficult to find a person in real...

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 trail. So what that means is you really have to catch it in real time. You can’t go back forensically in...


20-10-30 》(The Real Warren Buffet)一书的作者詹姆士·欧洛林就在书中强调,巴菲特的人生,始终遵守一致的行为准则。巴菲特从来没有羊群心态,所以他也不会想在群体中寻求避风港,这是因为他觉得不需要...


20-10-30 【看中国纽约讯】近期,美国地产学校将举办网上免费公开课“总统候选人的地产政策将如何影响你我 (The President Candidates’ Real Estate Policies...


20-10-28 「 The President Candidates’ Real Estate Policies 总统候选人的地产政策将如何影响你我 」Insider Live免费线上公开课, 由来自的SYLVIA...

神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 you, which is useful! If one day there is a fire, the wash-painting dragon will become a real dragon...


20-08-08 的《真情永驻》(Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited)一书中,魏斯博士记录了一个关于“缘分”的真实而神奇的故事。两个互不相识的男女患者...

善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22 inspire  people  to  reflect  on  the  real  meaning  of  human  life  and  other ethics-related issues...


20-06-16 ,这种事情并不少见。” “这种事情现在很不常见了。” 他补充说:“绝大多数警察都很出色”,但有些人是“流氓”。     “I grew up at a time when there was real...


19-01-12 。据Real Capital Analytics的数据,2018年第三季度,中国企业和其他机构投资者在欧洲出售了价值2.333亿美元的海外酒店、写字楼以及其他商业房地产,仅买入5810万美元的欧洲房地产;在美国...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 brothers for wasting time on cheating. He said, "If you don't have real talent and knowledge, you...

一亿欧元请不动 C罗拒绝去中国踢球

16-12-31 佐治.文迪斯(Jorge Mendes)日前在接受意大利体育媒体采访时透露了上述消息,但没有点出那家中国足球俱乐部的具体名字。C罗现年31岁,效力皇家马德里队(Real Madrid),同时也是葡萄牙...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 residential real estate assets, also from Blackstone. Anbang’s biggest gambit this year was its failed $14...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 , as he was too young to be a real official. Lu Gong politely declined. After Lu Gong came of age, he...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 social conventions and customs. It did not publish fictitious stories, but real events that are...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 road. Real action on your behalf.A team of advanced technologies boost safety, reduce stress, and help...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 abortion remains all too real for many. “If we weren’t in hiding, they would have forced us to have an...

明日智 今日能 2017 Mercedes-Benz E300

16-11-28 and pressurized air spring-struts that respond in real time to road-surface and driving conditions. In...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " (Part 5)

16-11-08 their real nature is revealed. Eventually, they will be cast aside with scorn.Those who are jealous of...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 value of foreign assets. Chinese citizens have also been active buyers of foreign real estate and...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 Shi" and forgot his real name. Although Old Shi disregarded etiquette and formalities, he was...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 China’s real estate market is akin to a Ponzi scheme with the government acting as the dealer...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 felt the dream was too real to dismiss. He followed his father's instructions in the dream and...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 However, the inherent law of good being rewarded and bad being punished is the real standard of...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 unsuccessful early attempts at creating a Chinese republic. “Sun Yat-sen created a great system, but the real...

Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury 梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承

16-09-13 等等。Mbrace标准版程序可以在任何一款新车型上免费使用5年。Intelligent Drive: Virtual eyes on the road. Real action on your behalf 智能化...


16-08-31 ......的...............这下....场面也是瞬间尴尬了....没有可以“亲切交谈”的员工....Sheikh只能默默走过去拿起一本书翻看...也是real尴尬....据了解...当天被抓包擅离职守的9名工作人员都是政府高官...


16-08-23 奥运会,而是选择留在家里为他加油鼓劲在电视中看到老公斩获铜牌的消息后,Abbie欣喜若狂地向大家宣告了喜讯“哇哇哇哇哇我老公拿铜牌了!我们全家都为你骄傲,开心得跟农场上的小猪一样!爱你!”(也是real...


16-08-17 they are poor; when they are rich, they are as careful in spending their money –that is the real...


16-08-15 (Pension)、年金计划(Annuity)、人寿保险(Life Insurance)和房地产(Real Estate)。其中退休金是公司或者雇主发放的退休福利。联邦社会保险(Social Security...


16-01-09 ?还是联邦政府及航空公司横向连系出问题?美国国土安全部8日揭开谜底,公告自2018年1月22日开始,国内线旅客出示的驾照必须来自遵守“真实身分法案”(REAL ID Act,以下简称本法案)规定或被获准展延...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 position. As a last resort, Taizong gave him a position that ranked high, but did not bring real political...


15-02-10 新和新买家的涌入,房价正在上涨。根据纽约房地产委员会(Real Estate Board of New York)的数据,2014年第三季度,皇后区的房屋售价中值达到了40.2万美元(约合人民币247...

越贵越买 纽约法拉盛公寓九成买家为华裔

15-02-09 还在打地基,但买家对这座公寓楼的兴趣浓厚。地产项目开发商奥奈克斯房地产公司(Onex Real Estate Partners)数据显示,2015年1月的一个周末,当销售大幕拉开时,买家们聚集在售楼中心...


15-01-29 ,因为缺少信用记录和工作履历,美国本土的几大银行都没有放开对海外客户的房贷。麻溜地装好现金可能是第一重的保障,之后就是要找到可靠的房产经纪人(broker)和律师(real estate attorney...

外国人投资美国房产 会有哪些税务问题?

15-01-28 稍高。外国人卖屋时的收入有一条税例,名为Foreign Investmentin Real Property Tax Act of 1980(外国人投资房地产税例,或简称FIRPTA)规定,美国富升地产...


15-01-14 ,所以如果不确定的话,去找一位理财顾问谈谈吧。)所有的东西都在黑色星期五购买大家都知道黑色星期五那天可以买到一些非常划算的东西,但节俭购物专家丶RetailMeNot旗下网站The Real Deal高级编辑...


14-10-02 文/李善德 美國上市的房源按性質大致可分為傳統買賣屋(Standard Sale),銀行屋(Real Estate Owned)簡稱REO以及短售屋(Short Sale)又稱為銀行賠售屋。傳統買賣...