
20-07-21 寿险(Accidental Life)、定期寿险(Term Life)、万能寿险(Universal Life)、 终身保险(Whole Life)。·最终费用保险是为50岁至85岁的丧葬对象提供的一项...

康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30 painting.The  fourth  talent  was  "life  skills." Some of the princes' mothers did not have...


20-06-29 (Term Life)定期寿险只保一定的期限,如:10年、15年、20年、25年和30年的保险期,若投保人在保险期限内死亡,保险公司将会支付赔偿金。定期寿险的特点是:•保费低、保额高。•不具有现金价值...

善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22 inspire  people  to  reflect  on  the  real  meaning  of  human  life  and  other ethics-related issues...

至孝感化强盗弃恶而去/A Band of Thieves Was Moved by Filial Piety

20-06-22 , so I have to try my best to make her life as comfortable as I can. I don’t need many things for...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 the story of its founder, Zhang Sanfeng.Zhang was a legendary Taoist monk whose life spanned the Song...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 heritage. My wife is French, and a big part of our life is French also and we don't ignore that, but we...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 life, all of them would follow my example. How would I lead them then?" King Jinggong nodded his...


16-10-03 美国弗吉尼亚大学的吉姆•塔克(Jim Tucker)博士,致力于轮回转生的研究。在《回归生命──记得前世的儿童超常案例》(Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 someone else to marry for the sake of your career and future family life? If you must marry someone from...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 life as the fabric store owner. Now that I have been reincarnated as a pig, I must not lead a good life...

解冻食品 最好使用水

16-09-26 ørgEgelandsdal是挪威大学(Norwegian University)生命科学( Life Sciences)教授,专门研究肉。他也赞同这个说法,他表示从来没有科学证据说食物应该在冰箱里解冻。也许这意见背后的想法...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 age and spend the rest of life in anguish.Unfortunately, under the influence of the Communist culture...

克制贪欲 Virtue and Luxury

16-09-19 himself, and live a modest life to establish his virtue.” “By paying little attention to material...

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 government tried many ways to stop this practice. Because the villagers were getting used to this way of life...

Secret NYC

16-09-06 an urban legend. Titled Life Underground, artist Tom Otterness’ whimsical creatures are inspired by...


16-09-06 后面的是一个地铁排气口,以及4、5号地铁的紧急疏散出口。地点:58 Joralemon Street.地铁小铜人Life Underground在8大道上,A,C,E,L地铁的14街车站里有许多可爱的小铜人...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 a young man. He was intelligent and courageous. Because he was brave throughout his life and never lost...


16-08-15 (Pension)、年金计划(Annuity)、人寿保险(Life Insurance)和房地产(Real Estate)。其中退休金是公司或者雇主发放的退休福利。联邦社会保险(Social Security...

保养品 换季了吗?

16-04-08 碧儿泉,本季春夏除了有格陵兰青春活藻抗老轻乳霜,还有富含高效保养所需35种活性成分的奇蹟活源活化面膜(Life Plankton™ Mask),为肌肤注入极致纯净、活化修护能量,肌肤看见弹嫩滑,重现活颜...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08  After that Li Fu watched Gong Qingyou's life journey closely and found that indeed, Gong passed the...


15-09-08 病人;心理学家们在荣格的启迪下,越加关注心灵感应如何在文艺创作中发挥作用:《少年派的奇幻漂流》(The Life of Pi)中人类相食的悲剧是以艾伦‧坡1838年的小说为原型,而这部小说竟然把47年后...


15-09-08 , Jr.)博士的畅销书《生命之后的生命》(Life after Life)于1975年发表后被广泛关注,近来更是渐渐进入主流医学界的视野。坦博特(Michael Talbot)发表于1991年的《全息宇宙...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 himself. He should not concern himself with his way of life and his expenses!" Her fairness and...


15-09-07 /Rexrode的 “Art Connections: Images of life from two generations ”多媒体展出。•Audrey Salkind的“From My Perspective...

奥斯卡礼袋金额超12万美元 礼物并没有防狼喷雾 (图)

15-02-13 ,与以往礼袋中奢华护肤品和高端科技产品不同,今年的礼袋将会有许多让人大跌眼镜的项目。 最具话题的礼袋奖品项目来自洛杉矶营销公司Distinctive Assets,他们提供的是由Enigma Life创始人...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 out the rest of her life in the royal palace as one of the many royal concubines of the previous...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 called Notes on the Life of a Xian Emperor.Empress Ma was kind-hearted by nature. She was modest, frugal...


15-01-28 法律措施。一种选择是确立“终身财产权”(life estate),在这种安排下,家长会付给子女“公平市场”的房租,新泽西州帕西帕尼(Parsippany, N.J.)顶级财政资源公司(Summit...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 here refer to one's previous life, this life, and the next life. This saying refers to people who...


15-01-22 的,在安德森的多部电影中(比如《青春年少》[Rushmore]和《水中生活》[The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou]),她都为比尔·默里(Bill Murray)设计了面部毛发...

移民美国: 生活一辈子挣多少钱才能衣食无忧(图)

15-01-15 《How Much is Enough - Money and the Good Life》的书。而在北美华人圈的网络论坛上,这个问题更是每隔一阵就会被提出来,用网络“行话”讲,是那种“月经帖子”,象是有人...


15-01-06 的经济学家就写过一本《How Much is Enough – Money and the Good Life》的书。而在北美华人圈的网络论坛上,这个问题更是每隔一阵就会被提出来,用网络“行话”讲,是那种...


14-12-29 心灵的援助,让他们获得了解脱。常怀慈悲与关爱,令我的生命充满喜悦。上面是一个女人的濒死体验。想了解更多,可以去找《生命之后的生命》/life after life 书看。这本书是Raymond A....

阖家团聚 节庆融民俗 圣诞怎么玩

14-12-24 》(It's a Wonderful Life)等在以圣诞节为主要节日的国家,享有极高的声誉,在不同时代被拍成不同版本的电影,经久不衰,甚至收集圣诞电影也成为一些人的爱好。圣诞电影有几十部,内容上有浪漫片...


14-12-11 12月11日,林心如更新微博,晒出一张照片,并写道“The life is.......”还配上了四个太阳的小图案,看似心情非常好。照片中,林心如晒出自己的一双美腿,似乎是在享受日光浴。  微博一出...


14-11-18 Life)也具有160多年的歷史,產品除了具有傳統人壽保險的福利之外,還免費附加了全新的三大福利:1、免稅的終生退休金收入,2. 長期護理保險,3. 重大疾病保險。這種保單被稱為「活著可以用的人壽保險...

梵高生前最后画作拍出天价 6180万美元成交(图)

14-11-05 6180万美元的高价。据报道,梵高于1890年创作了这幅名为《雏菊与罂粟花》(Still Life, Vase With Daisies and Poppies)的画作,这是梵高生前的最后画作,梵高...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 direct Emperor Taizong's private life towards the righteous direction as well. For example, Emperor...


14-10-27 life的吹气黄鸭,惹得许多人围观,万一围栏给推倒了,也一样很危险,所以以后任何大型物件都不应悬挂,连年宵都应取消,总之香港从此很危险。没关系了,反正香港容得下周融陈净心、容得下化身环球时报评论员的议员高官...