Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 buried in the eastern side of the city. The two birds flew to the grave, bowed in front of it to show...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 , this phrase does not refer to ordinary robbers and murders.  It refers to people who kill countless...


19-03-01 9,425张,得票率2.66%。威廉姆斯的竞选口号是“是时候行动了”(It’s Time Let’s go)。他曾经在去年与副州长霍楚(Kathy Hochul)竞争纽约州副州长一职,他虽然失败,但他在纽约市...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 Bang took his dog with him to go to the capital to trade. When the boat sailed to Zhangwan, it was...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 , everyone should know their own auspicious color and wear it often to enable fortune to flourish for the...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 getting drunk, a man touched the eucalyptus tree and got caught. After Jing Gong heard about it, he was...

冬季易上火 推荐6种降火食物

19-02-27 时水分的丧失,并可促进新陈代谢、生津利尿,加速毒素的排泄和热量的散发。3、不吃辛辣燥热的食品,如:辣椒、干姜、生蒜、胡椒、浓茶、烟草、烈酒、咖啡、大葱等,以免生热助、灼伤津液、加重病情。4、保持规律...


19-02-24 证明,碘缺乏与某些形式的癌症有关。《碘:为什么你需要它,为什么你不能没有它(Iodine: Why You Need it, Why You Can’t Live Without it)》一书的作者布朗...


19-02-24 。』”剑指共产 留下种在20世纪人类的世界领袖中,蒋公直接与共产主义交锋,他洞察认清共产主义最早,他反共最坚定、最彻底。他以铲除共产邪恶为终生使命,百折不挠。他站在历史、文化、哲学和精神信仰的最高处,剑指...


19-02-21 按照自然界四季六气的变化,归为六类,称为六淫,分别为:风、寒、暑、湿、燥、。自然界的不和谐变化,与人体不正确保养,产生六淫,从而影响到人体,成为破坏人体平衡,使人致病的外邪。外邪首先从人体表面的十二皮部侵入...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 supplements have their place; however, in improving one’s health, it may prove more effective to work on...

诗与灯的节日 ——元宵节



19-02-17 。结果,每个人所占的签语都是“正月十六焚身”。东方朔解签:“正月十三日傍晚,神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今圣上想想办法。”武帝得知警示偈语,问东方朔如何解...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 It took him a few days to empty Liu Shi’s 7 warehouses and transport that much money. Liu Shi then...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 province.  Its construction cost a great deal of manpower and material resources.  Legend has it that the...

养生之道 新年养生大宝典 五脏六腑这样养

19-02-14 了,此因生气的时候,人体会分泌出儿茶酚胺,让我们的血糖升高,脂肪酸分解加强,使得血液和肝细胞里面的毒素增加,危害健康。如果真的忍不住,大了,生气时不妨喝杯水,以促进体内游离脂肪酸排出,减小毒性。或赶紧离开现场...

逢九必乱成规律 命理大师预测土猪年运程

19-02-07 义和团之乱。卢恒立还表示,2017年“鸡年”运势带动全球股市大涨,2018年“土狗年”则开始埋下“火种”,并将会在“土猪年”爆发,全球的经济成长将在2019年划下休止符。香港著名风水师蒋匡文也预期...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 answer is that when you ask how large a cup is, it depends on its capacity. French writer Victor Hugo...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07   Here is a folklore story, which tells of the incredible wonder that it could bring.A beggar by the name...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 just donated it to the temple and was honored as 'Big Donor'." Wan burst into laughter...


19-01-31 ,使用这种超远程砲摧毁敌方的陆地或者海上目标,瓦解区域封锁,替美国海军打出破口。...


19-01-29 文│美里火锅现煮现吃,美味方便。只要事先准备好食材,随时可以轻松开饭。红萝卜先蒸透 红萝卜是极佳的甜味食材,事先蒸煮软透,冷藏保存,可方便随时取用。如此,红萝卜可切大块,享受好口感;红萝卜不必在...


17-08-04 【看中国综合报导】美国公民和移民服务局(USCIS)近日首次公布的非移民工作签证H-1B签证统计数据。数据表明,广泛提出的关于H-1B签证计划的投诉是真实的:少数IT外包公司的获得不成比例的H-1B...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 begins to stress the development of one's moral character, it is the beginning of benevolence, the...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 Researches at Facebook shut down an artificial intelligence (AI) program after it created its own...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 ; even if the wife is homely, it can bring prosperity to the husband.”During the time of Emperor Qianlong...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 country. He thought that by singing the songs with poems and combining them with rituals, it would be...


17-08-03 ,在铁笼子里被打得头破血流、伤痕累累才可以吃饱饭的凄苦。一个被人为以金钱划分等级阶层的社会,人与人之间没有一丝温情,只有物欲,包括婚姻爱情,想想都可怕。鄙视链这个词,近来越发的,大概是缘于两张图表。一张...



美首度公布H-1B报告 IT外包公司数据全露馅

17-08-02 美国移民局近日首次对外公布非移民工作签证H-1B的统计数据,IT外包公司2016财年获得的H-1B签证配额数量包办前五名,唯其给予外籍劳工的年薪相对较低,平均为7.86万美元,仅约提供H-1B外国...


17-07-28 ,尤其缺雨时,那甘蔗,堪比石头。前年夏,雨水少,入秋以后,几乎不雨了。有一次,外出回家,口干唇焦、气大、内心急,墙边砍了高壮的甘蔗,削了猛啃,啃不断的,采手齿并用的撕裂方法吃食,止渴润喉,好不痛快...


17-07-27 ,天相属水、廉贞属,相会吉星(例如六吉星)或是化星(科、权、禄),可以水火既济(水火阴阳调和),亦是刚柔并济。命格是府相格局的人会吉时,在年轻时都有所专业,到中年之后他会走上管理阶级。若是格局是府相会...

Yang Loses His Life Due to Karmic Retribution

17-07-28 , "You gave me the seal, so why are you now taking it back?" The god said, "Not only do I...

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 Every time Huang Wanqing walks past a promotion of “Body the Exhibition”, he may wonder if it’s the...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 couldn’t bring himself to beg either. Therefore Zhang found a piece of old fabric in his home and took it...

重庆官场“改换门庭” 陈敏尔“祭”出王岐山压阵

17-07-23 ,涉及超过60个官员。陈敏尔连烧几把“”,被认为是在快速的与前任孙政才做切割。陈敏尔在7月15日接替孙政才,坐上重庆官场头把交椅。到7月19日,据中共重庆机关报《重庆日报》统计,重庆共举行了11场市级...

新潮女大生 踢馆算命师

17-07-23 便知。伤官格才女首先,何谓伤官,实际上伤官与食神本同类,它们是命学上一个专有名词,是指从日主所生出来之物。譬如某人出生日为甲午,甲属木,午属,五行之中,木能生火(其他如火生土、土生金、金生水、水生木...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 was in meditation. Niti's karma had almost been paid off, so it was the time for him to break...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 I would meet … The woman, as she has said publicly, was not a government official.”It also soon...