When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 , it is necessary to be unremitting and persistent. Big starts from small; millions accrues from one...

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 China), but it is no more than a small brook at its origin. It becomes bigger and wider as it keeps...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 brokerage that’s currently under regulatory investigation. Lerado on June 27 disclosed that it had sold 1.48...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 your administration, then it shows how poorly you have governed! Not only are you unaware of your...



郑中基旋风访台 爱妻相随陪宣传

17-07-12 【看中国讯】睽违9年未在台湾开唱的郑中基,近日在电影剧组忙于拍摄的他,带著爱妻旋风访台30小时,向台湾粉丝宣布,年底将在台北小巨蛋举办“PLAY IT AGAIN世界巡回演唱会~台北站”,要与台湾...


17-07-09 :1950年代的纽约风华 Taking it to the Streets:  1950s NY through the Lens of Flushing Photographer Frank Oscar...


17-07-07 。                网站:www.flushingtownhall.org。    8、街坊巡礼:户外摄影课程 Taking it to the Streets Photography Tour & Lesson...


17-07-08 上旬杜鹃花盛开时,如同被覆盖一样,所以这座山也被称做杜鹃山。庭园里一年四季都会有不同的花盛开,您可以根据季节来此欣赏自己喜欢的花卉。和友人漫步于庭园中,如同回到了中国古时候的亭台楼榭之中、繁华都市中的...

清代金银器珍品 金银累丝 双龙戏珠如意

17-07-08 为四爪,关节处有叶片状鳞甲。双目为两个径约2毫米的熔珠,须与角为不同粗细的银丝、鬓发与尾均为焰状银片,缘饰细搓丝花边,双龙口内均有舌状银片。双龙首间有一片状珠,构成双龙戏珠的图案,珠正中为一镶嵌宝石...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 achieve the goal. It is just like the old saying "read the book one hundred times, and you will...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 years in 48 states, have become decidedly iconic. It’s an ironic outcome for a photographer who is...

  A Noble Person is Principled with Lofty Goals

17-07-06 a shield and asked him to dance using it as a prop. After dancing three times, Zilu calmed down. Zigong...


17-07-08 ,也在细致刀工、精准侯的烹调下,呈现出食材的本质,成就出隽永的菜式。现代化改变了生活方式,饮食文化也深受影响,所幸仍有许多传统菜肴被承传下来,有的内化为平民百姓的日常饮食生活,有的在历代名厨代代相传中...


17-06-30 Half Technology)最新的《IT招聘预测与本地趋势》(IT Hiring Forecast and Local Trend Report)报告中显示,大华府地区23%的首席信息官员(chief...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 Be it natural or man-made, they would ask themselves: Have I done something wrong? Why would Heaven...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 not popularized in the West under the direct banner of communism. Instead, it came largely under the...

New Documentary Highlights the Hidden Price of Making an iPhone

17-06-30 China, Yi had to breathe it in every day.Yi and other Chinese victims of global supply chains for...

  Chinese Dish: Longjing Stir-Fried Shrimp

17-06-30 It combines the fragrance of Longjing tea leaves (one of China’s famous teas) with fresh shrimp from...

银监会排查 万达市值 蒸发70亿

17-06-30 IT产品代理商英迈;同年斥资100亿美元收购美国CIT Group的飞机租赁业务;2017年4月,以7.75亿美元现金收购嘉能可51%权益。第二次经济政变6月22日,万达所持债券及股票均遭遇狂抛。当天...

浙江光大卖壳给君享金融 5千投资人血本无归

17-06-30 ,而且浙江光大也不追责,张波是个有了年纪的人,他要是没钱,我们受害者能怎样呢?判他多少年都不重要,我们只想追回我们的血汗钱而已。”从事IT工作的徐先生也表示,君享金融整个套路就是找光大这国企名头来背书...


17-07-01 炎症反应,引发心脏病,而注射流感疫苗则能减少血栓形成,保护心血管。因此,建议心脏病患者接种流感疫苗。多吃红色食物从中医阴阳五行的学说来看,心主神明,“五色对五脏”,红为,入心,所以红色对应著心脏,夏天...


17-07-01 促进睡眠的作用。小夜灯建议设置在床边的两侧,不会让人太过清醒,也避免影响到家人的休息。厨房宜采用冷色调白光灯,吸顶灯及嵌入式灯具较适合,因为厨房要烹饪食物,会用到,为了保持厨房的阴阳平衡,厨房灯光颜色...

习近平罕见谈白手套 火烧至第二层

17-06-27 习近平当局加强金融监管、整顿保险业、限制资金外流,还可以追溯到2015年的大股灾。但整肃行动还是有分寸、有层级,如果说,徐翔、肖建华等人,是勾结权贵的外人,车峰、吴小晖等人则是权贵的外戚,如今只是烧到...

纽约市街名的故事 The Stories Behind NYC Street Names

17-07-05 a translation from—you guessed it—the Dutch phrase “Breedeweg,” or “broad road”). Fun fact: Broadway not only...

大都会名画欣赏 “华盛顿渡德拉威河”

17-06-26 to more liberal reforms. In the fall of 1851 the painting was shipped to the United States where it...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

17-06-24 needed.The fluctuation of the grain prices didn’t matter to him – neither did profits, really, so it seemed....

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 , according to the Financial Times. While it is not yet clear if the Central Commission for Discipline...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 money. I forgot where I had hastily put it away. I wouldn't have expected you to bring the gold...

The Value in Being Broad-Minded

17-06-24 whenever it was reasonable and reward his subjects when they deserved it. As a result, his people were very...

夏天吃姜 养生保健功效强

17-06-23 温,能暖胃驱寒、刺激消化。中医师认为,体质适合的人,其实晚上吃姜也没有关系,但是如果体质比较燥热就不宜吃姜,例如:容易嘴破、气大、长痘痘的人,任何时候吃姜都会造成一个耗损的作用,特别是吃浓缩的姜母鸭...

辽宁夜市爆炸冲击力惊人 网传逾40人伤亡(视频)

17-06-21 后面桌子那儿吃串,一二百米吧,好大一声,东西全飞了,人们全站那儿懵了,然后就开始跑,好多受伤者浑身是血,有四人当场死亡。玻璃全炸飞了跟子弹一个效果,店内跟清水房一样啥都没了,一会就灭了。逝者安息,提醒大家...

吴小晖被抓有更深层内幕 习近平要顶破天花板

17-06-17 》表示,当局整肃行动还是有分寸、有层级,如果说,徐翔、肖建华等人,是勾结权贵的外人,车峰、吴小晖等人则是权贵的外戚,如今只是烧到第二个层次。此前,6月14日,《大纪元》引述北京一位红二代老干部透露内幕说...


17-06-18 。塔顶正中置一锣帽状六边形短柱,上依次接宝珠、叶片状珠座及熖形塔刹尖。此形制为契丹自身样式,未见于其他地区。第一重塔身正中錾刻大日如来端坐于莲台上,结智拳印,背后有头光、背光、上錾华盖、祥云,两旁为八大...

Confucian Wisdom on the Ways of Treating Others

17-06-18 honesty, forbearance and kindness. It still has deep meaning in today's society. Sincerity is the...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 dishonesty in China and how it impacts children. — Epoch Times translation teamI remember a survey a few...

Timeless Music that Touches Nature and Heaven

17-06-18 and people through music." Music with rhythm and tempo does not ensure it will resonate in the...


17-06-14 问题,不符合标准的话,它可能导致火势迅速的蔓延。”他并指出高楼外表燃烧其实是一个普遍的问题,2009年的拉克纳尔大火、还有近几年在中东、澳大利亚都有类似的案例。灾后,去年为葛伦菲尔大楼安装外墙的Harley...

大火吞噬伦敦24层高楼 伤亡惨重

17-06-14 6人丧生,很多人下落不明,至少70人被送医,警方预计死亡人数会上升。直到中午12点半还没灭。下面是已知的情况:凌晨0点54分,伦敦消防队接到电话,伦敦北肯辛顿区拉特默尔(Latimer)路的格伦费尔...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 Beijing: “We came too late. We are sorry. You talk about us, criticize us. It is all necessary.”Twenty...