康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30   Kangxi  said,  "When  I  was young I would read a paragraph aloud  120  times,  and  recite  it  120...

善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22 ;s  words,  Wu  Qianjin  said  in  remorseful  tears,  "Everyone  around  me  said  I  was...

至孝感化强盗弃恶而去/A Band of Thieves Was Moved by Filial Piety

20-06-22 a table of dishes to entertain the robbers.During the meal, Zhao said to them: “I have an elderly mother...


20-06-16 ,这种事情并不少见。” “这种事情现在很不常见了。” 他补充说:“绝大多数警察都很出色”,但有些人是“流氓”。     “I grew up at a time when there was real...

A Story of Filial Piety

19-01-25 garden?" The son of the rich man said, "If I can make a living by taking care of the garden...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 the tattoos.  However, Di Qing said: "Your Majesty does not look down at me.  I am very grateful...


19-01-22 suffering and reincarnations end?How many times have I cried without a reason?Alas! In this lifetimeI have...

How Kindness Transformed a Thief

19-01-16 thief had confessed sincerely and decided to let him go.The thief asked the owner, “I was lost and...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-12 Chu. However, Jin is now attacking us during my ruling of Chu. This is my fault. If I give an order to...

For the First Time, China Compensates Persecuted Victim’s Family

17-08-12 through legal procedure, mediated by the court, and compensated by the state. As far as I know, this is...

Stories of the Ancients Honoring Their Teachers

17-08-12 marksmanship that he perfected throughout his life. I cannot forget what he did for me." People in ancient...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 that family, marry her younger sister." Liu Tingshi replied, "When I proposed to her, I had...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 : "I caused the death of the destitute family behind our house. The King of Hell forbids me from...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 him not to behead the man. Very pleased, Emperor Taizong said, "First I had Wei Zheng, who used...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 , At that time I was holding an urgent order statement so did not clearly see who it was.Then she heard...

前野马队员远离痛苦 感谢干细胞治疗法

16-09-19 commonplace, too. But such sightings weren’t always so normal.「I got to the point where I couldn’t swing...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 southwestern China commented on Weibo. “I’ve placed a bet that [it will happen] in 2017 at the latest.”Xi...

14个最流行品牌名 你知道它们的意思吗

16-09-18 。2. 运动服饰品牌阿迪达斯(Adidas)阿迪达斯将设在亚特兰大的Speedfactory将依顾客喜好及时调整的运动鞋的样式及颜色。(Adidas)Adidas并非“All Day I Dream...

The Power of Compassion

16-09-13 truth, and he even knelt down and said: "I do not care about the starch even if you refuse to give...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 !" Cui Luo replied nobly: "Xing Shao speaks ill of me, and I speak well of him. We both are...

干细胞疗法 修复生命的引擎

16-09-04 failure. But he didn’t feel well. Okerlund reveals, “If I walked from my house out to the mailbox across...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 defeated and our troops killed. Therefore, I felt much grief and couldn't help crying." Upon...

2岁童激动演唱字母歌 数百万人网上观看

16-09-02 , y and z,Now I know my A, B, C'sNext time won't you sing with me....

Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law

16-08-30 , "The law applies to everyone in the country. How can I allow my brother-in-law to get away with...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 his letter, "Since I have such a good official in you, I really don't need to worry about...

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 , "Nobody knew I picked up the money, so if I wanted to keep it, all the money could have been mine....

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 thought, "What bold thieves would come while I haven’t even left the county and steal from me. How...


16-08-27 。大陆微信公号“i看见”发文“要说官员玩迷信,王保安必须靠边站,他们才是祖师爷”表示,最近在对落马官员的通报中,“政治信仰”,“迷信活动”,这样的字眼用的比较多。中共是无神论者,不容“封建迷信”那一套...

【更新】意大利6.2强震 37人罹难古城变废墟

16-08-24 齐还宣布,重型设备正在前往灾区救援。教宗方济各为地震受害者及其家属祈祷,并在Twitter上表达了他的哀悼。地震学家Enzo Boschi i说,在这些地区,经常会发生强大的余震。不能进入未被检查的建筑物...


16-08-22 。我为什么在这黑暗中?我将怎么办?我想起了笛卡尔的名言:“我思,故我在。” (Ithink, therefore I am.)于是我轻松多了。接着我想,黑暗怎么会好呢。应该是有光才是好。突然我就置身在光亮...


16-08-22 )所著的「我会教你成为富翁」( I Will Teach You To Be Rich)这本书,书中提供了真正致富的价值。另外一个免费的个人理财网站Mint.com,也值得你去查看。它会自动整合...

Food is for Alleviating Hunger

16-08-21 The county officials were quite intimidated. Liu Nanhuan told them, "He was once my student. I...

Chiseling Caves to Cultivate the Tao

16-08-21 as Ziwei Cave was finished, one elderly Taoist arrived and said, "Your cave looks spectacular. I...

Even an Emperor Must Pay for His Misdeeds

16-08-21 supervise your behavior. I didn't commit any crime. You are violating your father's wish and...

孙杨爆冷门 涉“禁药”风波

16-08-20 的决赛。早前,孙杨接受外媒采访时,还霸气的说:“1500米,我是王者(1500metres - I am the king)”。对于孙杨的反常表现,中国官媒的解释是孙杨感冒了。报道称,孙杨从8日男子...


16-08-17 kingdom needs a good general. Now our kingdom is in a chaotic state and I have an urgent need of a capable...

A Way to End Karmic Retribution

16-04-09 time.” The monk begged the deity, “I did many good things during this lifetime, I'm begging you to...

谷歌上网气球最新进展:8个基站竟能覆盖西非 图

15-05-30 可以进行接力性质的通信,从而拉大气球和地面移动基站之间的距离。这位高管也透露,上网气球最早将会在2016年商用。在本周举行的谷歌2015年I/O开发大会上,谷歌对外介绍了安卓操作系统的最新更新升级,介绍...


15-05-30 最大的问题就是洗之前经常喜欢大声嚷嚷:你们看看,这地是有多脏,赶紧让我来洗洗。每每让你党恨不得掐死他。雁南雁北i:房子-中国特色的房子:绑架了中国经济的房子,如今已成“烫手的山芋”。有报导说:就现在已经建好...

谷歌推出Google Photos 无限存储完全免费

15-05-29  CBS MONEYWATCH 引用美联社消息称,谷歌在一年一度的谷歌I/O开发者大会上推出新的照片管理应用系统Google Photos,用户可通过该应用存储和管理手机拍摄的照片与视频...