
21-01-15 (Adobe Stock)根据搬家公司United Van Lines与Move.org的调查数据,民众正在成群结队地搬离新泽西州。新州搬走的人口数量在United Van Lines上排名第一位...


21-01-11 小费员工的整体工资必须达到最低时薪的标准,若实际小费收入无法弥补,雇主将有义务填平差额。根据调查报告United Way ALICE Report,有将近40%的新泽西州居民生活开支入不敷出...

Signals in the Fog of War

20-11-27 Biden's victory. Xi was quoted as saying that China and the United States should "focus on...

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 fraud is surfacing across the United States.On November 7, as many media entities proclaimed Joe Biden...

新泽西人口流失排行第一  纽约州紧随其后

20-09-03 (Adobe Stock)搬家公司United Van Lines的统计数据显示,疫情期间搬离原居住州的民众,排名第一的是新泽西州,迁出率约为70%,这代表著10名客户中有7户是搬离新泽西的;排行...


20-08-24United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)通过一项决议,要求五角大楼和情报界对遭遇UFO事件进行公开调查。参议院情报委员会委员会主席马可.卢比奥...

衣食住行 2017年哪些商品会降价?

17-01-08 。美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture – USDA)经济研究局食品价格展望为家庭主妇和所有美食爱好者们带来了好消息:厨房里一些必不可少...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 ? According to a report by research firm Geopolitical Futures (GPF), the United States would suffer some...


17-01-04 ,这事已获得处理。自由党没公开此事,而且继续接受程慕阳的捐款,以及在其办公室设立的青年自由党人卑诗省分部(Tru-Youths United Association)提供的帮助,该分部的主席就是程慕阳...


17-01-04 United Church Of Christ)牧师。他曾数次在著名的电视和电台节目上谈论他的濒死经历。当中包括:NBC的Today Show、The Oprah Winfrey、48 Hours...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 dubious, threatening statements against the United States and its allies—published a report on Christmas...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 boards is commonplace in the United States. But the showdown over Vanke is a rarity in the Chinese...

初来乍到 哪里可以加到便宜好油

16-12-17 重要,要能让自己的车在路上顺利方便较合适。加州常见的品牌加油站,包括:Chevron(雪佛兰)、Mobile(美孚)、Shell(壳牌)、76(康菲)、United Oil、USA gasoline、7-11...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 speak to a Taiwanese leader since 1979 when the United States broke off diplomatic ties with the island...

联航推基本舱低票价 随身行李收费你坐不坐

16-12-06 才能使用。联合航空(United Airlines)在11月推出了Basic Economy基本经济舱的票务计划,票价相对普通经济舱便宜,但是,乘客只能携带9英寸x 10英寸x 17英寸大小的行李,也就是只能放置...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 rates. In the United States, over 60 percent of all births were of an order higher than first parity in...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 and tolerance, Emperor Kangxi united China When Emperor Kangxi acceded to the throne, China was...

节日送礼 预算小窍门

16-12-04 财务专家说,节省节日送礼的预算是相当容易的。一个重要的诀窍是,清单一定要列完整。国家首都地区联合之路(United Way of the National Capital Area)社区影响力副总裁...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 Congress on China, are calling for a reconsideration of the United States’ long-held China policies, citing...

联合航空便宜新票价 4项购买须知

16-11-28 经常搭乘联合航空公司(United Airline)飞机的人,很快就有机会买更便宜的机票。但是,听起来虽然不错,但有些机票却有严格的规定,可能令许多人无法接受。联合航空公司最近公布的所谓基本经济舱...


16-11-28 :Rockville United Church, 355 Linthicum Street, Rockville, MD 20851。本次音乐会为免费公益演出,座位有限,预订从速。微信联系:lei_gu_music...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 that may violate laws in the United States and under the World Trade Organization (WTO).Through this...


16-11-20 美国联合航空(United Airlines)15日宣布将限制低价票乘客只能携带一个能塞在座椅下的小包,并推迟接受波音的几十架新客机交货,以此提高盈利。   据美国中文网援引路透社报导,美联航...


16-11-19 、马里兰州和维吉尼亚州的代表在D.C.东南区的联合医疗中心(United Medical Center)启动了年度街道智能安全意识运动(Street Smart safety awareness...


16-11-15 好的,因为他对川普获胜有信心。美国大选期间,川普曾经表示,他当选总统带来的影响力将是“脱欧+++”,将相当于英国脱欧带来的震撼的十倍。*** ***英国独立党(United Kingdom...


16-11-15 ,保护他们两年内免遭驱逐出境,并给予他们工作许可。前美国公民及移民服务局(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS)首席律师...


16-11-10 it is time for us to come together as one united people.It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our...


16-11-07 招聘信息,因为工作全年的员工不愿过多加班,该公司计划增招20%季节工。联合包裹服务公司(United Parcel Service Inc.,UPS)表示,该公司通常在9月赶在相关公司竞相招聘前开始招聘...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 Great Britain)宣告美国(脱离英国而)独立Said that the  United States is free (from Great Britain)表示美国(脱离英国而)独立9What...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 lived in the United States for decades, but is still driven to awaken a yearning for democracy among his...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 , the world’s second largest GDP, and the United States, the world’s largest GDP. While the bubble in...


16-10-16 颁发「世界首善」证书。但联合国官方微博指出,证书上的联合国「United Nation」为错误写法,陈光标则回应,证书是「联合国骗子」造假。事实上,2014年陈光标赴美时,还引发一件争议。当年1月陈光标...

金正恩屡核试 更多盟国制裁朝鲜

16-09-26 United Services Institute, RUSI)朝鲜半岛安全议题专家柏格(Andrea Berger)表示:“如果朝鲜的长期盟友持续公开遏止和朝鲜的关系,平壤在海外的非法管道将更为有限,操作更受...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 guarantee a harmonious, united, and healthy family. A person's character and morality, in turn, are the...

日本发现全球最古老鱼钩 距今逾2万年

16-09-19 挖掘洞穴的三个区域,并在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 Luo Yu recently emigrated to the United States and lives in Pennsylvania.“In July or August I...


16-09-14 食品公司、亚美医师协会、冦驰、1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers Union等。 招聘的职位有:银行出纳、双语客户服务代表、护士助理、双语电话翻译员、销售人员、收银员...


16-09-08 1、「可负担住房讲座」本活动是由亚裔社联会(Asian Community United Society)举办。讲座的目的是帮助华人社区了解如何申请可负担住房。内容包括:怎么在纽约市申请可负担住房...


16-09-06 继美国总统奥巴马去年访问哈瓦那后,美国与古巴之间的关系快速解冻。联合航空(United Airlines)近日获得美国交通部的批准,建立每日从新泽西纽瓦克直飞哈瓦那的航班。首航预定为11月29日早上...

韩国第一大航商破产 冲击全球航运业

16-09-01 破产,规模超过1986年破产的美国轮船公司(United States Lines)。该股周二重挫24%,目前已暂停交易。韩国第二大航运公司现代商船(Hyundai Merchant Marine)正...