华府空气质量差 烟雾为祸首

17-04-27 的乔治王子(Prince George’s)县的空气均被评为F级。维州劳顿(Loudoun)和马州安娜兰朵(Anne Arundel)两县得到D,维州费尔法克斯(Fairfax)和马州蒙哥马利...

欲在D.C.购屋?  出价或许得高于要价

17-04-27 想要在华盛顿D.C.购屋或买condo者,可能要付出卖方要求的价格,甚至更高的价钱。Long & Foster’s三月份市场分析显示,包括东北区国会山(Capitol Hill...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 the principles of ruling a country and hiring officials, to list evidence of Chen's corruption...

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 Xiang Junbo oversaw rise of cavalier Chinese insurance sectorChina’s powerful financial sector has...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 a deer a horse to save Hu Hai’s face), who finally betrayed the country. The great Qin empire, once...

天王郭富城  半岛摆酒娶方媛

17-04-23 51岁天王郭富城(Aaron)终于找到“王的女人”,在香港迎娶中国大陆网红、29岁的方媛(Moka)。舞王结婚,婚礼主题订为“Let's Dance ”,以简约却隆重的布置,让双方家人及...


17-04-22 ,零零散散看完也是一笔不小的开销。Costco贴心的出售4张或10张为一组的优惠票!并且永远不过会过期! 7.免费检查耳朵比起在耳科医生那里付Co-Pay,Costco会员可以前往Costco's...


17-04-22 马里兰州洛克维尔(Rockville)Town Square的道森市场(Dawson’s Market)购物, 顺便赞助慈善活动。可以和朋友一边饮著酒、吃著奶酪,一边聆听现场的娱乐表演。 请民众每人最少捐赠...

健康瘦身墨西哥小吃 Al Horno Lean Mexican Kitchen

17-04-22 。我们去到Al Horno中城Hell's Kitchen的店里,点了一个烟味辣椒牛排卷饼(chipotle steak burrito)和仙人掌塔可(cactus taco)。我们都对这个仙人掌...


17-04-22 • 跟你要信用卡或借记卡信息• 要你使用礼品卡(包括亚马逊和iTunes)、预付借记卡或电汇付款“合法的私人收债公司会指示你开支票给U S Treasury,并直接寄给IRS,”FTC消费者保护局的律师...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 Emperor Xiaowen and His CourtOn the western wall of the  Met Museum’s Sackler Gallery for Chinese...


17-04-18 的成本将该市中心的People's Guaranty and Trust银行楼与隔壁另一栋楼改建成一个127户的公寓楼。楼下有空间开餐馆和商店。同时还有几个更大的开发计划也在规划当中。新州...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 appeared, and Diwu's fellow villagers relied on him. They elected him as a local leader to defend...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 and friendship.”For Xi and Trump, building a cordial relationship and gaining each other’s trust...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18  One's moral character is the most fundamental element of being a human being. In Chinese...

为九月份晚开学 蒙县扩展暑期课程

17-04-18 是一个挑战,因为可能没有办法从工作中拿到更多的休假时间。蒙哥马利县康乐部(Montgomery County's recreation department)表示,它已增加额外40多个全天或半天...

健康瘦身墨西哥小吃 Al Horno Lean Mexican Kitchen

17-04-17 Al Horno中城Hell's Kitchen的店里,点了一个烟味辣椒牛排卷饼(chipotle steak burrito)和仙人掌塔可(cactus taco)。我们都对这个仙人掌很好奇...


17-04-13 •葛雷。     主演:冯•迪索/巨石强森/蜜雪儿•罗德里奎兹/莎莉•赛隆。      网站:tinyurl.com/mqazwr8。《汤米的荣耀》( Tommy's Honour)这是一部...


17-04-13 Coupe 也将首次在池塘一侧展出。(图4 TT RS Coupe)Porsche's Panamera Sport Turismo wagonPorsche将携多款在日内瓦车展首发亮相的汽车...

谈川习会射导弹内幕 川普:我认为习喜欢我

17-04-12 的第二次翻译后,对我说:“任何人使用毒气,你几乎可以这么说,或其它东西,任何人如此残暴地对儿童及婴儿使用毒气,对这样的人,这么做是没有问题(it’s OK)。”“习近平认为这件事(美攻叙)没有问题...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 impressed by Liu Shu's excellent answers on the classics, so he invited him to give lectures at the...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 the bank’s research.‘Underwater’ LoansIt might be unwise to draw too many parallels between today’s...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 other's brilliance and radiance, representing the supreme sovereign. In fact, yellow was the most common...


17-04-10 都只是细节。”(原文:I want to know God's thoughts;the rest are details.)佛家讲人的元神不灭,讲生命在业力轮报中轮回,讲善恶有报是恒定的道理...

硬派越野之典范 2017 ALL-NEW DISCOVERY

17-04-09 rutted road to a cabin or lakeside, the Discovery Sport's extra capabilities could make a big...


17-04-07 /史提夫•布希米/吉米•金莫。        网站:tinyurl.com/n7cnzl7。《园长夫人》(The Zookeeper's Wife)新西兰女导演妮琪•卡罗(Niki Caro)最新...


17-04-07 :www.anjcs.rog。新泽西培训:时间: 7月8日(周六)~9日(周日)。地点:Days Hotel(195 Route 18 S,East Brunswick,NJ 08816)。纽约培训:时间:9月3日(周日...

川习会展开 川普在私人庄园宴请习近平

17-04-07 在私人庄园马阿拉哥宴请习近平夫妇。第一千金伊万卡和她的丈夫、总统高级顾问库什纳也出席了晚宴。晚宴现场在Rome’s Palazzo Chigi,该宴会厅的格局是16世纪风格。现场照片显示,参加晚宴...

特斯拉市值大涨 超福特通用

17-04-06 。但实际上,特斯拉的营运仍然处于亏损状态中。它上季的财报显示,每股的获利是-$4.68。  特斯拉豪华车型Model S和SUV车型Model X首季销售量皆创新高。今年晚些时候,特斯拉将推出中低端车型...


17-04-04 独家报道披露:金正南在2月13日遇害后,马来西亚政府第一时间弄错了金正男的国籍,把他误认成韩国人,然后通知了韩国使馆……大马警方看到金正男所持的朝鲜(the Democratic People's...


17-04-03 Zookeeper's Wife)新西兰女导演妮琪•卡罗(Niki Caro)最新执导的新片《园长夫人》(The Zookeeper's Wife),取材自黛安•艾克曼(Diane Ackerman)的同名...

STEM新实验室将 巡回马州各学校

17-04-03 计划的未来领导者(Advancing Tomorrow's Leaders in STEM program)、与大学暨职业的研讨会等。...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 This saying comes from China's age-old and profound culture. It is a virtue that should always be...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 former British colony’s return to China in 1997. Beijing, however, has always seen its anointed candidate...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 Easter Han Dynasty (25 – 220 AD) was such a role model. One year during Zhongli Yi's tenure as Guiji...


17-04-02 。但是过度刺激也不行,因刺激效应在明显递减,刺激空间在缩小,过度刺激只能给未来埋下更大的隐患。夏斌强调,从债务链的险情看,中国已存在系统性金融风险。托宾Q系数“托宾Q”系数也称托宾Q比率(Tobin’s Q...

“跑车”SUV中的王者 2017 Range Rover EVOQUE

17-04-01 cargo, and it hauls at pretty good speed besides.It's been said the modern automobile is a study in...

纽约保护移民 成立辩护基金

17-03-30 New York的共同执行总监巴尔德斯(JavierValdés)认为,州府仍然有更多工作要做,“在移民社区受到攻击的情况下,我们赞扬私人慈善团体提供的无偿法律援助,但州长及州参议员并未提供急切需要的资源...


17-03-24 cloth.释义:孟子的母亲曾三次搬家,是为了使孟子有个好的学习环境。一次孟子逃学,孟母就折断了织布的机杼来教育孟子。子不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。What's a father?A good...

The Rarest of Buddha Statues at the Met Museum

17-03-24 Chinese artifacts in the Met Museum’s collection, one sculpture from antiquity stands out for its cultural...