One's moral character is the most fundamental element of being a human being. In Chinese history, a person's moral character was always the number one consideration in determining whether one would be recommended to serve in any position. Of course, the moral character of the person making the recommendation is also important. He has to be broadminded, impartial, and unselfish. If a person is selfish and partial to those who are close to him, then whatever he does will be for the sake of establishing his own clique. The story "Li Ke Recommends a Prime Minister" in the historical records
Zi Zhi Tong Jian is a good example.
King Wenho (? – 396 BC) of the State of Wei in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 – 256 BC) once summoned an official, Li Ke, who served outside the court, and said to him, "I am looking to appoint a prime minister. The two candidates I have in mind are Wei Chengzi and Zhai Huang. Which one do you think is more suitable?"
Li Ke replied, "There is a saying: 'A person in a lowly position should not pay attention to concerns of high positions. A person who is a distant relation should not be concerned with matters of your close relations.' I should not comment about matters in the court since I serve outside the court."
The king said, "This is of national importance. Please do not be modest." Li Ke thought for a moment and then said, "One can observe a person's moral character and capabilities from five areas: Who are the ones closest to him? Who does he befriend when he is rich and noble? Who does he recommend when he is prominent and powerful? What does he not do when he is down? And, what does he not take when he is poor? Answers to these will reveal which is the better choice." Hearing this, the king said happily, "Now I know whom my prime minister will be."
On his way home, Li met Zhai Huang. Zhai stopped him and asked, "I heard that the king summoned you to ask of your opinion on the selection of a prime minister. Whom did the king choose in the end?" "Wei Chengzi," Li answered. Zhai Huang immediately became angry and said, "How am I inferior to Wei Chengzi? I recommended the governor for Xihe City. When the king was worried about the situation of Ye City, I recommended Ximen Bao to govern. I also recommended Leyangzi to help the king to conquer the State of Zhongshan. After the victory, the king could not find a suitable person to defend it, and I recommended you to be the governor. The prince's teacher, Quhou Fu, was my recommendation also. You know of all this. Why do you think that I am inferior to Wei Chengzi?"
After hearing Zhai Huang, Li Ke said solemnly, "You and I have a relationship between noble people. Didn't you recommend me to the king so that I could serve the country well? I don't think that you did it so that you could become more powerful and have a higher salary." Zhai could not refute this. Li continued, "The king asked who would be the more suitable person to be prime minister. I only told him my honest opinion. I know that Wei Chengzi used nine-tenths of his salary to recruit good people for the country and used what was left for his family. He found three wise people from the east: Bu Zixia, Tian Zifang and Duangan Mu. They are all capable with excellent moral character. The king treated them as teachers and learned from them the ways to govern a nation. The five people that you recommended, however, only have the talents of regular officials to serve the king, therefore the king treats them as subjects. So how can you be compared to Wei Chengzi?"
Zhai Huang was embarrassed and apologized profusely to Li. He said, "I am sorry that I just said so many wrong things and offended you. I will learn from you and try to elevate my moral character from now on."
Li Ke's ability to recognize talent by virtue, the moral character of Wei Chengzi, Zhai Huang's immediate realization, and King Wenho's acceptance of Li Ke's recommendation are all very interesting points in this story. One can tell a person's nature from his speech and conduct, no matter how trifling. If a person truly has high moral character, a single word or action of his can reflect his good qualities and affect the people around him.
荐才举贤 以德为先