
20-04-17 快速过渡贷款4、Small Business Debt Relief——小型企业债务减免计划 5、Paycheck Protection Program(PPP)(will be forgiven...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 , banknotes, the RMB, these are all notes, not wealth; two, the wealth of the people is in fact debt owed by...


19-01-24 工作”为名的诈骗。联邦公平债务催收法案(federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act)禁止第三方收款机构从事不公平和欺骗性的贸易行为。例如,收债员不能在上午8点...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 their debt to GDP started to increase. And the trade-off between growth and inflation deteriorated.In...

China’s Real-Estate Sector Faces Massive Layoffs as Beijing Cools Housing Prices

18-09-10 average debt-to-asset ratio of over 80 percent.In response to the heavy debt, many companies—including...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 assets since Portugal’s 2010–2013 debt crisis, buying up companies on the cheap across insurance, banking...

Reincarnated into a Horse to Settle a Debt

17-10-20 him from her previous life, in this life she turned into a horse to re-pay the debt. Now the debt was...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 government debt. Under Bush, the debt grew by almost $5 trillion. Under Obama, it grew by more than...

财改解极端化 “默克龙”同创新局

17-05-18 消除对欧债的疑虑,他明确表达反对把欧元区国家间的“旧债”(old debt)予以共同承担化的立场。而这的确是德国普罗大众最难以接受的欧债处理模式:欠债不还一笔勾销。双方会面后,默克尔对马克龙的主张释出了...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 a group of local debt collectors in the presence of her son. Somebody called the police, but upon arrival...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 , according to the Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit issued by the New York Fed in February.Data...

社区问答 580:怎样提高信用分数?

17-04-07 经纪人建议提前还款以保证一个低balance,就是这个原因。查询和新帐户(Inquiries and New Debt)   当你打算申请新的信用卡或者贷款时,信用卡公司或贷款银行都会去查询你的信用...


17-02-06 & New Zealand Debt Fund,代码为AUNZ。图2根据这支ETF在2016年6月30号披露的财务信息(见上图),这支ETF的投资标的为澳大利亚和新西兰的政府和跨国机构债券。其管理的...


17-01-02 以保证一个低balance,就是这个原因。 查询和新帐户(Inquiries and New Debt)  当你打算申请新的信用卡或者贷款时,信用卡公司或贷款银行都会去查询你的信用,从而产生查询...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 blame. He also carved a stamp with the words "A wish that one could cancel all the hunger debt in...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says

16-11-28 growth.China’s total debt is $27.2 trillion or 255 percent of GDP in the first quarter of 2016. The rapid...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 Region, Sh8892nxi Province, he sold his own property to pay taxes for his citizens, who were in debt due...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 in 2010 for equity and debt underwriting, and similar to Credit Suisse, owned a 33.3 percent...


16-11-10 worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for...

China Capital Outflows Are a Vote of No Confidence in Economy Companies and people are moving money out, the currency under pressure

16-11-08 mining and manufacturing have massive overcapacity and debt issues, Chinese companies are looking...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 will be a local debt crisis, followed by a financial crisis. So, in the government’s view, real estate...


16-07-01 报《Debt and (not much) deleveraging》,中国有接近一半的债务都与房地产有关。所以土地和房地产在中国是比股票更重要的融资抵押物,是最重要的。房地产和股票一样被作为抵押物...


16-06-25 的杀伤力最大。Debt to Credit Ratio:信用卡使用率,即欠款余额对信用额度的比例。约占分数30%,一般建议将使用率控制在20%以下。Length of Credit History:信用经验...


16-06-15 就是按时付款。● 贷款余额过大。你的信用额度利用率(Debt Utilization Ratio)占了将近30%的权重。所以贷款余额过大不仅需要你支付利息,而且还摧毁你的信用纪录。提高你的信用额度最好的办法...

closing cost 和 lock rate的常见问题

16-05-09 ,underwriting fee就是overcharge了。每个人的credit score不同,income/debt ratio不同,拿到的最好的rate也不同。所以不要简单看到别人得到怎么样的rate,你也似乎肯定能...


16-04-12 of 假如,防备 276. in charge of 负责,总管 277. in common 共用的,共有的 278. in consequence(of) 因此;由于 279. in debt 欠债...


16-03-12 经纪人建议提前还款以保证一个低balance,就是这个原因。查询和新帐户(Inquiries and New Debt)当你打算申请新的信用卡或者贷款时,信用卡公司或贷款银行都会去查询你的信用...


16-02-16 Tuition Loan),信用卡欠款(Credit Card Debt)等。这些债务加上住房花费不能超过月收入的36%。如果你的其它债务占月收入的12%,你只能用24%做房款。所以在买房时,要把其它债务...

美国报税  不要忘了六项最节税的扣除额

16-02-04 。另外,如果是重贷的住家净值债务(home equity debt),可申报的扣除额最高不得超过10万美元,如果是已婚分开报税,则不得超过5万美元。学生贷款利息扣除额背负高等教育学生贷款利息者,可以申报2,500...

Unfilial and Murder-Plotting Mayor Struck by Lightning

15-12-11 they all calmed down. The person from Shanxi immediately burned the record of debt Zhuo owed him, and...

欺天讹人 应誓偿还 One's Oath Dictates His Own Retribution

15-12-04 argued that they had repaid the debt long ago. Chen rebutted that he still held the promissory note and...


15-11-16 Insurance)。银行还会考虑家庭其它债务,比如汽车月款(Car Loan),学费贷款(College Tuition Loan),信用卡欠款(Credit Card Debt)等。这些债务加上住房花费不能超过...

全美大学生准备游行 吁免费读公立大学

15-11-12 自己的基本生活费而同时打几份工,他们很难有时间参与该活动的组织工作。”马伦说,虽然目前其它反对债务高涨现象的组织,如Debt Collective和Strik Debt还没有与“百万学生游行”的组织者接触...

彭博网络中断 英国出售国债受阻

15-04-20 周五,在英国金融城,由于财经信息公司彭博(Bloomberg)的服务网络中断,英国当局被迫推迟标售国债。  事发时,英国债务管理办公室(Debt Management Office, DMO)正准备...

避缴所得税 纽约市别住满183天

15-04-14 W. Wood)指出,国税局要求纳税人报税的项目,有三项并非现金所得,它亦要求务必申报。  这三项非现金项目,仍须报税的是:  一、“债务取消所得”(Cancellation of Debt...