让未来提前到来 2017 New Tesla Model X
遇见 Model X
Model X为历来最安全、速度最快、功能最先进的运动休旅车。配备全时四轮驱动及100 kWh电池,续航里程达295英里。Model X的乘坐空间宽敞,可容纳7名成人及其随身行李。此外,本车款行驶速度极快,时速0~60英里/小时,加速仅需2.9秒。
Model X的设计以安全为首要考量因素。置于车底的电池可降低车辆重心,其侧翻风险仅约为同级任何车辆的一半。电池结构有助于增强Model X抵御车侧冲击力道。没有汽油引擎存放于车头,前行李舱成为了一个巨型缓冲区,能大幅减低冲击力。虽然美国国家公路交通安全管理局 (NHTSA) 尚未针对Model X进行碰撞测试,但Tesla内部进行的碰撞测试标明,Model X应为第一款于每一测试类别皆获得最高安全评级的运动休旅车。
Model X拥有最大的全景式挡风玻璃,让您尽览天空和星空。最佳化的防晒隔热玻璃膜、无阻视野的设计,为驾驶及所有乘客带来更广阔的视觉体验。
七人座 大空间
Model X设有三排座椅,可容纳七人乘坐。每个座椅都经过精心设计,第二排座椅更是匠心独具:每个座椅都是独立安装,可单独调整倾斜角度,乘客可享有最大程度的舒适度;提供充足的腿部活动空间与座椅下存储空间,进出第三排亦十分便利。第三排座椅在不使用时可收起,第二排座椅亦可向前折叠,以提供更多的储物空间。
所有乘客的物品可以放在Model X宽大的前行李舱、后行李舱以及座椅下方。装配车尾悬挂架后可以放置更多物品。Model X是第一款牵引能力高达2.268吨的电动汽车。
Meet Model X
Model X is the safest, fastest and most capable sport utility vehicle in history. With all-wheel drive and a 100 kWh battery providing 295 miles of range, Model X has ample seating for seven adults and all of their gear. And it’s ludicrously fast, accelerating from zero to 60 miles per hour in as quick as 2.9 seconds.
Safety First Design
Model X is designed with safety as the first priority. The floor-mounted battery lowers the center of gravity so that the risk of rollover is about half that of any vehicle in its class. The battery structure strengthens Model X against side impact intrusions. And without a gasoline engine, the large front trunk acts as a giant impact-absorbing crumple zone.
Falcon Wings
Falcon Wing doors allow easy access to second and third row seats from even a tight parking space, while traditional SUV doors or Minivan sliding doors would not grant any access.
With only a foot of clearance on either side, Falcon Wing doors articulate smoothly up and out of the way, allowing passengers to enter from both front and rear directions.
Big Sky
Model X has the largest all glass panoramic windshield in production, providing an unparalleled view of the stars and sky above. Optimized solar tinting and obstruction-free view creates unlimited visibility for the driver and all passengers.
Seating for Seven + Gear
Model X comfortably seats seven people in three rows. Every seat is the best seat in the house, but the second row seats are a work of art. Mounted on a single post and independently reclining, each second row seat is designed to maximize passenger comfort, legroom, under seat storage and access to the third row.
Massive Storage
Model X offers best in class interior storage space. Carry all the people, baggage, bikes, strollers, and groceries you can manage. There’s even a trunk in the front.
来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt