
19-01-03 ,limitedaccountability.Confucius promoted the stable properties of the collective and the perceived possible social outcomes that...


18-12-13 ’s Herald Square, 8th Floor)。网站:macys.com/social/santa-land/thank-you。6.阿斯托利圣诞市集 Astoria Market...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 have demonstrated nothing but deep investment and commitment to social justice. That is how I came to...


18-11-15 )。网站:macys.com/social/parade。费用:免费。2.感恩节大餐 Thanksgiving Dinner(Pexel)在美国,感恩节可谓神圣的节日之一,感恩节晚上的大餐,也是美国人最为...


18-10-18 Strategies and Social Media Marketing)时间:10月20日(周六)2:00pm~4:00 pm。地点:约克维尔图书馆(Yorkville Library)。地址:222 E. 79...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 Beijing is paranoid. Fearing certain content will resonate with the Chinese people and cause social unrest...

A Management Model Based on Morality (Part 1)

18-10-11 success by taking a righteous path. The ancients believed that life, death, riches, and the social status...

Confucius and Socrates: The Courage to Stand on the Side of Truth (Part 2)

18-10-08 unjust social forces, so he offended many people. Someone accused Socrates of having close relations with...


18-10-02 ,就是一个部门帐户。”约翰逊说。其他的社交扫描软件,还有Social Sentinel,目前正在佛罗里达州的一些学区使用。这家总部位于佛蒙特州的公司表示,它在马里兰州和维吉尼亚州也有学校客户,但不能披露哪些学校...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 1)

18-10-02 , which created endless social problems. People came up with ruthless money making schemes and tricks to...

China’s Real-Estate Sector Faces Massive Layoffs as Beijing Cools Housing Prices

18-09-10 a harder time getting loans, Chen Xin, a researcher with China’s state-run Shanghai Federation of Social...

Emperor Tang Taizong’s Leniency Based Principles

18-08-28 complaints. In the following years, the nation returned to prosperity with a bumper crop. The social order...

Congressional Hearing: US Tech Giants Fueling Emerging Xinjiang Human Rights Disaster

18-08-16 Social Council Kelley Currie admitted, “The United States is deeply troubled by the Chinese government’s...

Media Attacks Do Little to Sway ‘Q’ Supporters

18-08-13 social media that could censor the information.Sather also believes that the sometimes indirect nature of...

Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists

18-08-05 World Socialism Forum of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. The conference focused on...

Online Censorship in Full Swing as Vaccine Recall Scandal Erupts in China

18-07-30 , according to Free Weibo and Weiboscope, websites that track censorship on China’s social media.According to...

纽约难民及移民中心迁新址 升级服务

18-07-25 【看中国纽约讯】纽约市社会服务部(Department of Social Services)部长班克斯(Steven Banks) 日前宣布,人力资源管理局难民与移民就业中心(HRA...

Marriage Is Predetermined – Husband and Wife Should Treat Each Other with Respect (Part 1)

18-07-25 are not destined to marry someone, even if that someone is of low social status and you condescend to...

危机暂解除 部分H-1B配偶10月前可在美工作

17-04-04 签证持有人的配偶(持H-4签证)在美国工作。在此之前, H-4签证持有人不得在美工作或申请社会安全号码(social security number)。这项规则公布后2个月,“守护美国工作”(Save...

62岁 66岁 70岁 何时领美社安福利金更有利

17-03-27 。据CBS报导,在美国,一般来说年龄到了62岁,你就可以随时索取社会安全福利(Social Security Benefits,简称社安金)。一般来说,人们开始申请社会福利金最常见的年龄是62岁、66岁...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 dinner three times a night to receive guests. Nevertheless, I still worry about being rusty at social...


17-03-13 residency)。比如:租房合同(lease agreement),水电煤气费帐单(utility bills),银行对账单(bank statement)等,都行。社会保险号码(Social security...


17-03-04 :$5(提供点心及饮料)。具体安排:• 1:00pm~1:30pm, Check-in & Pre Social Time。• 1:30pm~3:00pm, Panel Discussion...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 ” seeking medical treatment, according to a deleted post from the social media account of his company...


16-04-03 。政府补贴:绿卡持有者在退休前没有累计十年的交税记录时,只要转成美国公民,退休(65岁)后政府直接发放生活补贴(每月$600多)。本人不在美国生活,也可享受这笔钱。社会保障卡(Social Security...


16-03-20 一个利率的系统有很大的不同。  那如何建立良好的信用历史呢?最简单的办法:按时付账单,按时给信用卡还款。所有要了你social security number的那些地方的账单,一定要按时付,即使你感觉账单...


16-03-20 ,必须尽快通知保险公司,并索要保险支付申请表。  六、申请社会安全号码  社会安全号码,就是社会安全卡上面的9位数字,英文叫“Social Secuiry Number”,简称SSN。您可以登录社会安全号码管理局...


16-03-20 ,以及一对一的辅导服务。需要VITA的志工协助报税者一定要携带以下的文件:• 政府颁发的身分证明,如有效的驾驶执照、护照、或老年证(Age of Majority Card)• 社会安全卡(Social...

美国报税4月截止前 增加退税有妙方

16-03-06 ,善加利用“传统IRA”(Traditional IRA)达到节税目的。在美国,为退休做准备,除了美国联邦政府提供的两项退休福利,“社会安全退休金”(Social Security Retirement...

高龄父母移民 医疗费如何解决

16-02-17 投保人参保的菜单选项,老人需要去住地办理红蓝卡的联邦社保办公室 (Social Security Office)谘询。王先生说,按照移民法,来美5年内的新移民不可以享有美国政府的福利项目。但通常移民老人...


16-02-16 :(1)买主姓名(Buyer Name)(2)社会安全号(Social Security Number)(3)房价(Sales Price):实际房价或最高房价(4)贷款额(Loan Amount)(5)贷款...

在美国生活 了解你的退休收入

16-02-12 30年代起美国建立了强制性的社会保障制度(Social security), 以求解决美国人老有所养的问题,在这之后,又于20世纪80年代初开始了401k计划,作为社安金的辅助,不是全民福利计划。401k...

美国社会安全号有什么用? 详细解读SSN

16-02-12 。一,什么是美国社会安全卡(社会安全卡)?美国社会安全卡的英文全称就是“Social Security Card”. 社会安全卡上面的9位数字就是 “Social Security Number"...


16-02-13 ,而纽约州健保交易市场提供的服务是65岁以下,健保网络上没有为年龄超过64岁投保人参保的菜单选项,老人需要去住地办理红蓝卡的联邦社保办公室 (Social Security Office)谘询...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 the lunar phase impacts human physiology and social behavior. Although modern science does not have an...

了解美国身分盗窃内幕 帮你避免被诈领退税

16-01-30 社会保障局(Social Security Administration, SSA),不是国税局,SSA通常到7月才会将收到的W-2表转给国税局,此时,国税局早已完成退税。因此国税局在受理民众送来的W-2表...

调查:朝鲜只有7200名网民  占总人口0.03%

16-01-30 据一项新的调查显示,朝鲜只有7200名互联网用户。这对于朝鲜2490万名公民来说,网民只占了总人口数的0.03%。据市场营销公司We Are Social发布的一份报告显示,在朝鲜,互联网网民数量...

2016快速找到科技工作 先具备这10项技能

16-01-24 2,500万个工作职缺,找出最受科技业雇主迫切需求的技能。以下就是2016年美国科技雇主最需要的10项技能。1. 社交媒体(Social Media)平均年薪:$62,680(美元,下同)产业需求增长率...

美国报税4月截止前 增加退税有妙方

16-01-24 安全退休金”(Social Security Retirement Benefits)以及“医疗保险”(Medicare)外,还有许多其它选项,其中最普遍的是“个人退休储蓄帐户”(Individual...

难再吸引风险投资 科技新创公司陆续裁员

16-01-18 裁员15%,约60人左右,并关闭其在纽约的办公室,以便瘦身经营。Living Social去年10月裁员20%,约200人左右。市值20亿左右的Evernote公司,近期已经展开了两次裁员行动。即便是...