
20-06-12 援助金:·是美国公民或美国居民外籍人士;·不能声称自己是依赖他人收入的人; ·拥有有效可以就业的社会安全号码 (Social Security number, SSN);及·调整后的总收入...

Ivy League网站提供近500门免费网上课程

20-05-11 Social Sciences(有101门课程)4、健康与医药Health & Medicine(有52门课程)5、计算机科学Computer Science(有50门课程)6、科学Science...


20-04-21 ,但如果这2年你没有获得联邦退税(不是州退税),意味著国税局可能不可以直接把钱存入你的银行帐户,所以你还需要耐心等待。日前,美国国税局(IRS)表示,社会保障(Social Security)和补充保障收入...


20-04-17 社会疏远距离(Social Distance)准则来保护纽约人的安全。因此,纽约小企业服务部建议您在营业部门窗上张贴通知的内容加以说明,以便让您的邻居和执法人员知道您正在遵守这些准则。纽约市小企业服务部...


20-04-13 (图片来源:维基百科)从本周一(4月13日)起,纽约市社会服务局(Department of Social Services, DSS)将联合市游民服务局(Department of...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 closures, social distancing, and reducing large gatherings.我的政府部门正在直接与疫情爆发最严重的社区进行协调,我们已经发布了有关停课,社会疏远和减少大型...

退休生活多少钱才够花? 请看懒人退休计划

20-02-15 安全福利金(简称社安金)、雇主赞助的退休储蓄计划(如401k养老金计划),以及个人储蓄。社会保障是指社会安全福利(Social Security retirement benefits),从领取社会安全码...


20-01-26 的人也可能会对他人有传染性。英国卫生和社会保障部(Department of Health & Social Care)表示,截至周日下午,英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰的52人已经接受了新...

Things You Need to Know About the 2020 Chinese New Year/2020中国新年小知识

20-01-24 also sophisticated and popular in social interaction. They are sanguine and very adaptable, being...


20-01-14 American Federation, Asian American for Equality, Brooklyn NAACP• Center for Law and Social Justice at...


19-12-12 6:00在波多马克社区娱乐中心举办,地址是:Social Hall, Potomac Community Recreation Center, 11315 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD...


19-12-11 支取退休金总额的4%,其后依据每年通胀率调整比率,但随著人类寿命的延长、健康护理费用的增加和更低的投资回报率,按这种方式生活,钱很快就会花光。虽然退休者还能领取国家的社会保障金(Social...


19-11-22 (周四)早上9点~中午。地点:从中央公园西77街沿6大道~34街。地址:6th Ave, West 77th-34th St., NYC)。费用:免费。网站:macys.com/social/parade...


19-09-08 )使用。那么HSA有什么特殊的好处呢?那就是避税。如果雇主提供高抵扣额医疗保险,雇员可以选择将一部分税前收入存入这个健康储蓄帐户。存入HSA帐户里的钱可免征联邦税、社会安全税(Social Security Tax...

台湾情治人员资料被盗 中共网络攻击大起底

19-08-10 利用人性,以及社交工程(Social Engineering,如Facebook等)的方式来达到骗取被害人信任,也是目前大陆网军经常使用的方式。从英文字面上,我们可以注意到其3大要点:持续性、潜伏性、高...


19-06-27 /social/fireworks。4、第十八届纽约亚洲电影节 18th New York Asian Film Festival(MaxPixel-CC0-Public-Domain)第 18 届纽约亚洲电影节...

美颁新规 鼓吹反美者赴美签证或将被拒

19-06-04 美国国务院驻海外使领馆最近颁布签证新规,要求几乎所有类别的移民和非移民签证的申请人,需在申请表上填写自己过去五年内使用过的社交平台(social media)与账户名称以及电子邮箱和电话号码等信息...


19-04-13 的是,这个集市每周都会有个不同的主题,如:龙虾与啤酒(Lobster & Beer)、复古日(Vintage Day)、冰淇淋(Ice Cream Social)等。时间:4月13日~10月...


19-03-22 )。地点:梅西先驱广场(Macy’s Herald Square)。地址:151 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001。网站:macys.com/social...


19-03-21 /social/flower-show。费用:植物园会员 $28、非会员 $38。 7.永志难忘:纳·京·高尔的音乐魔力 Unforgettable: The Magic of Nat King Cole 由歌手...


19-02-08 American Arts Social(Flushing-Town-Hall)来享受美好的下午茶时光吧!印第安艺术家们将与您分享他们的故事、艺术作品、鼓乐、歌曲、传统舞蹈,以及社区建设。本活动由American...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 social etiquette. He is broad-minded and tolerant of others. Because he practices what he preaches, he is...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 clear and strict separation of the social classes. The lowest and poorest class was the Sudra race...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 of herself on social media attending anti-Trump protests, and just four days before her meeting with...

Helping Others in Need Demonstrates Compassionate

17-07-12 righteous conduct and social responsibilities of each individual. Since ancient times, those who rule with...


17-07-12 Communities and Social Networking)上发表的新研究证实了脸书有一种“罗生门”效应,即不同的用户群体对使用体验有各自不同的阐释。研究人员也惊讶的发现,用户可以轻易地分成以上形容的四类人。研究...

  A Noble Person is Principled with Lofty Goals

17-07-06 Noble men have noble goals and dare to safeguard the truth, take social responsibility, and have...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 Marxist idea that knowledge and truth are social constructs.Under it, a new wave of skepticism and...

  2017年纽约梅西独立日烟花秀 堪称史上最大最精彩

17-06-29 :macys.com/social/fireworks。 最佳观赏地点:1、曼哈顿罗斯福快道(FDR Drive)地址:Midtown Kip's Bay Gramercy Park, East...


17-06-29 东河上空绽放!        时间:7月4日(周二)晚9点开始。        地点:纽约东河和纽约各地。        网站:macys.com/social/fireworks。        费用...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 Japanese children answer honestly? It involves social and cultural values that are reflected in the family...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 a decade of economic change and social openness, the Party declared martial law in Beijing. On June 4, 1989...

Music, the Blossoming of Virtue

17-06-11 Dynasty. They describe the social forms, etiquette and ceremonial rites. In the chapter “Record on the...


17-06-10 ,那么在他们的年龄到65岁之前或之后3个月内,需要注册Medicare Part B。大多数65岁以下获得Social Security残疾福利的人, 在获得福利24个月以后,有资格加入Medicare Part...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 on Clinton, and it alleges these articles received traction in U.S. news outlets and social networks...

消减福利  增加军费   川普2018财年预算面面观

17-05-25 、负责养老金计划的社会保障福利(Social Security)及军事开支。 残保、学生贷款、联邦雇员退休福利削减 在未来10年将削减400亿美元支出,并将把残保预算削减720亿美元。其他支出削减包括...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 a movie script that reflects the social issues at the bottom of Chinese society. The agent stressed...


17-04-20 。CNN财经网报导,根据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的分析,2014年约有800万非法移民在美国工作,其中340万人缴纳社会安全税(Social Security taxes...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 political and social issues.“Xi Jinping sees no benefits in protecting North Korea because the country has...


17-04-18 ,包括:注册护士、社工(social workers)、会员服务代表(member service representatives)、协调员(coordinator)、客户经理(account...