布朗士住宅爆惨烈火灾 “幕后黑手”到底是谁?

22-01-26 )宣布与非营利组织“纽约市发展市长基金”(Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City)共同成立“布朗士火灾援助基金”(Bronx Fire Relief Fund),筹集资金...


22-01-26 (Bronx Fire Relief Fund)收到了来自全国各地、商业和慈善机构的数千个捐款。在布朗士出生、后来获得格莱美提名的音乐家Fat Joe,也在音乐界和娱乐界大力宣传,并成功帮助基金会获得了更多额外...


20-09-25 Relief Fund)。州政府将承担符合条件的学龄儿童自今年9月1日至12月31日的费用,但并不保证能够支付所有的费用。如果州政府支付额少于学校实际学费帐单,则需要申请家庭自行支付差额。州长墨菲(Phil...


20-07-30 。记者会当天,川普还在白宫里招待了“洋基名人堂(Yankees Hall of Fame)”的传奇“中继投手(relief pitcher)”马里安诺·瑞维拉(Mariano Rirvera),以及小球员...


20-06-12 提供支援。浏览网站:nyc.gov/sbs,了解最新病毒资源和信息。*作为《冠状病毒援助、救济与经济安全法案》(Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security...


20-04-17 快速过渡贷款4、Small Business Debt Relief——小型企业债务减免计划 5、Paycheck Protection Program(PPP)(will be forgiven...

中共多次拒绝美国医疗队 反指责美不提供实质帮助

20-02-03 Relief在中共贪官一箱箱往家搬口罩的时候,早就把各项物资绕过黑十字送到协和医院了。”中国武汉市率先爆发的这场信新型冠状病毒疫情来势十分凶猛,不但已经攻陷中国大陆全国各省,而且一扩散到全球几十个国家和地区...

特殊高中入学标准惹争议 亚裔家长团体起诉市府

19-12-26 ,才有提出诉讼的权利。而该团体无法代表其个人成员。”其次,法院裁决,就算该团体有资格为其成员提告,他们所自称受到的伤害未能满足获得“禁令救济(Injunctive Relief)”的要求,“因为他们自称...


19-12-23 McKinley's hands.  McKinley experienced a moment of relief, for he was able to make the right choice...


18-11-24 202-503-1533。NOVA Relief Center,从2013年开始,每年为叙利亚难民送提供衣服和毯子,帮助难民提高生活品质。他们将在12月8日前在费尔法克斯、劳顿、威廉王子郡、阿灵顿和亚历山大市举行募捐,收集...


18-10-28 增加负担得起的保险选择,并确保已有疾病的人得到保险覆盖。这些豁免被称为州解决方法和赋权豁免(State Relief and Empowerment Waivers),以反映新的方向和机会。美国卫生...


18-09-25 Foreclosure Relief Corporation)在60天内将其出售或出租给各地市政府、开发商或社区发展公司作为中低收入家庭的经济适用房(affordable housing),而房屋所在的市政当局...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 mountains”, a bronze statue of Yue Fei, and a large relief sculpture made of green sandstone. The various...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 gaining insight into life and the mundane world can one find relief from the "bitterness." Tea...


17-09-17 Giving)美国运作(Operation USA)救救孩子(Save the Children)直接救济(Direct Relief)MAP国际(MAP International)救世军(The...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 ?" Emperor Renzong felt ashamed and sent Fan to manage the relief work. Wherever he went in the...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 warehouses to provide relief from hunger. He requested that the emperor reduce taxes and replaced corrupt...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 art, you can see an intricate limestone relief that measures about 12 feet across. Titled Emperor...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 You are just one person. How many people can you relief? How can you possibly help everyone?"...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 liang of silver pieces for disaster relief, then he called upon government officers and the wealthy to...

美加速边境递解非法移民 执行细则一览

17-02-22 外国人的快速递解;转送移民法庭)有关移民救济(Immigration Relief,如难民庇护)规定,申请暂时留在美国等候最终裁决。这个政策与INA有关要求拘留非法移民的规定一致,并允许国土安全部部长...

干细胞疗法 医疗的未来

17-01-16 treatments are taking place in Europe and Asia.In an effort to provide relief for patients suffering from...

干细胞疗法-医疗的未来 Stem Cell Therapy  "The Future of Medicine"

17-01-07 treatments are taking place in Europe and Asia.In an effort to provide relief for patients suffering from...

九成美国人不知道怎么管理401(k)退休账户 全面解析美国的各种养老金计划

17-01-06 年的一项法案——Taxpayer Relief Act,Roth这个名字来自于推动Roth IRA立法的参议员。以IRA为例,传统型IRA和Roth IRA最大的区别就是存进去的钱什么时候交税,传统型...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 donated his own salary and opened the granary to provide relief to disaster victims. His subordinate...


16-12-06 Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)930585I-192...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 a person of justice and integrity. His family was prosperous for generations, and he often provided relief...

福利 看过来:在美国 这些人有资格减免房产税

16-02-15 (School Tax Relief)只要65岁以内, 只要有至少一位屋主将此物业作为其自主宅, 所有物主调整后的年总收入不超过50万, 大约每年减的金额是$281。2) 减免优惠型学校税...


15-12-08   A relatively modern branch of clinical medicine that deals with pain and symptom relief and emotional support...


15-12-03   牛津饥荒救济委员会(Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)(又称乐施会)发布的一份报告称,约一半的全球温室气体排放是占全球人口10%的最富有人群造成的。  报告称...


15-06-01 。  美国财政部下设的美国货币监理署(OCC)于上周五作出这一决定,指称美国银行违反了“服役人员民事救助法案”(Servicemembers Civil Relief Act)。  美国货币监理署表示,自2006年...

最年长脸书用户 庆107岁生日

15-01-20 脸书最年长的用户是加州的艾蒂丝.柯克梅尔 (Edythe Kirchmaier),她20日年满107岁。  柯克梅尔是两年前在护理慈善部门Direct Relief人员的帮助下,登记为脸书的用户...