干细胞疗法(stem cell therapy)是近年医学界的大新闻之一。干细胞与一般的细胞有几个重要的区别:它本身没有特定的作用,但可以生成多种特定作用的细胞;而且它们可以多次分裂复制。这些特性使干细胞在理论上可以重新生成软骨、骨头、韧带、肌腱、神经、脂肪、肌肉、血管、甚至某些内脏器官。
在等待正式批准出炉的同时,研究机构Park Avenue Stem Cell开始提供试验性的研究治疗以帮助那些已竭尽传统疗法的病人。
Park Avenue Stem Cell的试验使用的是从病人自身的脂肪里分解出来的干细胞。早期干细胞疗法使用从他人的脐带、胎盘、骨髓等处移植的干细胞,可能产生排斥作用。从病人自身脂肪里抽取出来的干细胞不仅数量多,而且完全不会有组织排斥的风险。这种手术只需要局部麻醉,一般10分钟到半个小时就可完成。
在从脂肪抽取干细胞的同时,还可以将多余的细胞冻结保存(Cryo-preservation and banking of adipose derived stem cells)。此方法可随时提供病人自己的干细胞,用于治疗心脏病、肺病、关节炎或神经疾病等。许多神经退化或免疫系统的疾病需要多次治疗,所以冷冻干细胞提供一个最方便、最经济的长期疗法。
Stem Cell Therapy - "The Future of Medicine"
Stem cells have received a lot of attention in recent years. What are they, and what promises do they hold? According to National Institutes of Health, stem cells are distinguished from other cell types by two important characteristics. First, they are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity. Second, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to transform into cells with special functions, such as cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, nerve, fat, muscle, blood vessels, and certain internal organs.
This remarkable potential of stem cells holds great promise in the treatment of orthopedic conditions, blood vessel and muscle conditions, immune disorders, and neurological disorders.
Definitive studies demonstrating the efficacy of stem cell therapy is still five to ten years away. However, there is a growing body of anecdotal and experimental evidence showing the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in healing and regeneration. Currently, extensive treatments are taking place in Europe and Asia.
In an effort to provide relief for patients suffering from certain degenerative diseases that have been resistant to common modalities of treatment, Park Avenue Stem Cell is initiating pilot experimental studies.
While early stem cell research has traditionally been associated with the controversial use of embryonic stem cells, new developments focus on the use of non-embryonic adult mesenchymal stem cells, which are found in a person’s own blood, and fat.
A recent breakthrough enables Park Avenue Stem Cell to use adipose (fat) derived stem cells for experimental treatment. Autologous stem cells from a person’s own fat are easy to harvest safely under local anesthesia, and are abundant in quantities up to 2,500 times those seen in bone marrow. Because they come from the patient’s own body, this treatment eliminates the risk of tissue rejection.
At the time of stem cell extraction, excess cells can be cryo-preserved for later “on demand” access for repeat deployments, or to treat additional ailments.
Patients who are looking for non-surgical alternatives to their degenerative disorders can participate in Park Avenue Stem Cell’s trials by calling 844 903 PARK.