Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 , severely restricting NGOs, and staging televised confessions of those who are detained.”Wolf said that he...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 Wen Tianxiang (a scholar and general in the late stages of the Song Dynasty who fought against the...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 , included accounts from doctors who knew about or participated in the grisly practice of removing organs...

WHO公布最致命12种细菌 警告即将无药可医

17-02-27WHO)与德国图宾根大学(University of Tubingen)合作,根据国际专家评估确定了这份清单。评估标准是细菌感染的致命性、是否需要长期住院治疗,以及目前用以治疗的药物种类。世界卫生组织...

  The Story of Li Shizhen (2 of 2)

17-02-24 physician and herbalist. He was also a person who practiced divinity. According to the Biography of Li...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 ;no musical instruments sounded better than Xu's singing." Even Emperor Tang Xuanzong, who...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 , who gave him a post in the Imperial Medical Institute. However, after one year at the post, Li quit...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 encouraged his officials to offer advice and forgave those who criticized him for wrong reasons. When...

Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 provided by Richard Hu, a Falun Gong practitioner who was on hand, Li Huahong is seen accosting Peter Li as...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 Equally certain was the advent of a righteous new ruler who would comply with the will of heaven, rectify...

发明迷你冰箱 只为救人

17-02-10 ,可以打预防针应该是一项基本人权。”预计这种设备可实质性地改变目前预防疫苗的配给现状。世界卫生组织(World Health Organzation,WHO)估计,如果改善预防疫苗的扩散范围,每年可以挽救150万...

日媒解析胡锦涛到广州 胡春华仕途预测两极化

17-02-06 习近平,对习近平会有助力,而不是相反。美国之音引述研究中国政治的学者认为,目前有关下届中央政治局常委的消息大都尚在推测阶段,中南海人事变数极大。其实是“知者不言,言者不知(People who know...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 take the boy as my disciple, the townspeople will think of me as one of those people who 'cuts off...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 ), was from Huaiyin (modern day Jiangsu Province). He was one of the three heroes who helped establish...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 pieces. When Yue Fei realized that the person who disregarded military discipline was the son he had not...

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 , who then would want to be close to him? This will inevitably isolate him. On the other hand, if one is...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 authorities who owns the app store and how many apps are present, allowing regulators to shut down stores as...

大陆444城市禁放烟花爆竹 764城市限放

17-01-27 因果关系的标语口号是不科学的,一方面烟花爆竹致霾不见蓝天,概率近似零,另外北京霾污染是工业排污、汽车尾气、建筑灰尘等造成的。世界卫生组织(WHO)唯一的中国专家阚海东则表示,烟花燃放对霾天气造成的影响...

售卖救援药品 金正恩夺命要钱

17-01-22 一个月所花费的钱,相当等于一般劳动者五年的收入,所以国内有很多人,死于肺结核,我亲戚的小孩们,也都是这样死了」。世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,2014年,朝鲜每年10万人约有20人死于结核病,其死亡率为韩国...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny In ancient China, someone who passed the...


16-03-31 研究报告出炉前,这样的结果一直让医师不解,尤其是大家早就知道红肉会增加癌症风险。去年,世界卫生组织(WHO)把香肠等加工肉类列为最高风险的〝1类致癌物〞,与香烟、石棉及砒霜同级;每天进食50克,患大肠癌的...

培养领导力 参加培训和主流活动的收获

16-03-31 , where, what,why,who等。来自北京的学生李沛洁说,“认识了很多新朋友,看到了不同文化背景下的思维差异”。据LEAP主席琳达(Linda Akutagawa)介绍,培训中,有一些必要的西方...

“毒疫苗”事件《环时》换人背锅 公知大V惹火上身

16-03-27 。据悉,叶檀拥有微博粉丝160万、谢文近百万、王克勤近70万。次日,《环时》刊登了一名自称“专业记者”耿直哥的评论文章。文章中说,经过了一番调查发现,这个世卫确实不是世卫(WHO)的官方网站,因为官方压根...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 He threw a fit trying to find who the culprit was when a government employee found a note in a corner...

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 The Story of Honest Yan Shu Yan Shu, who lived in the Song Dynasty, was kind and honest from the...

A Story about Retribution 善恶迟早有报 怨天尤人害己

16-03-13 does not want me to be good." He began doing evil as he did before, and found a doctor who cured...


16-03-06 ,甚至会帮助癌细胞生长等。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)建议,每天糖类摄取应占总热量5%即可,若以每天摄取1800大卡来算,约只能摄取22.5g的糖分。如果你想要减糖,首先让自己的味蕾变淡。以下5招可帮助你减糖...

A Brief Discussion on the Chinese Character "Ren" (忍, Forbearance)

16-03-05 a tribulation, those who forbear may be ridiculed and laughed at by others. But, once one overcomes the...


16-02-28 首次的海外粉丝见面会。金所炫在电视剧《Who Are You — 学校2015》中的演出,让观众看见她更加纯熟的演技,在年末的《2015 KBS演技大赏》节目中担任主持人,表现也令人惊艳。最近在海外拍摄...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 valued and promoted among humans. Below is a story about Dong Yong, a son with filial piety who was...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26 ;)("He has already entered history as a man who was instrumental in bringing about the end of  the...

Zhuge Liang and His Teacher 诸葛亮求学

16-02-20 (220 – 280 A.D.). Zhuge Liang's teacher was Sir Shuijing, who lived a recluse life in the Village...


16-02-06 up.不计前嫌。16、Don't over do it.别太过分了。17、You want a bet?想打赌吗?18、Who wants?谁稀罕?19、December heartbeat....

One Stray Thought with a 600 Year Consequence

16-02-06 Li Linfu (who died in 752 A.D.) was Prime Minister for Emperor Tang Xuan Zong (713-756 A.D.) of the...

美建议去过兹卡病毒高发区者 28天后方可献血

16-02-06 本周一(2月1日),世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布将兹卡病毒引发的疫情列为全球紧急公共卫生事件。随后,美国红十字会呼吁到往过兹卡病毒高发区的献血者须等待28天后方可献血。《路透社》报导,美国红十字会在...


16-02-06 兹卡病毒蔓延的新闻在美国越演越烈。继世界卫生组织(WHO)在二月一日宣布兹卡为国际卫生警急事件后,次日德州达拉斯又传出当地一位居民经由性接触传染了兹卡病毒。这个案例证实了兹卡除了从蚊子传染之外...

美国已有48寨卡病例 全球戒备防堵疫情扩大

16-02-05 担心的是,感染寨卡病毒的孕妇,有可能影响腹中胎儿,生出小脑症婴儿。巴西自去年5月出现第一起病例迄今,已有近4,000名被感染的孕妇生出小脑儿。全球戒备  采取防范措施世界卫生组织(WHO)2月1日已将寨...

体质饮食 研究:亚洲人易得糖尿病

16-02-02 危险群?〉(I'm slim so why am I at risk of diabetes?)的专题报导中,探讨了这个特殊的亚洲现象。据世界卫生组织(WHO)资料,全球有3.5亿人患有...

WHO:全球兹卡疫情紧急 级别等同埃博拉

16-02-01 世界卫生组织(WHO)今天(2月1日)在日内瓦召开紧急会议后宣布,兹卡病毒迅速蔓延,已达全球紧急状态,并将之定为国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件,应投入更多经费及资源研究对抗兹卡病毒的方法。美国广播公司...

“兹卡”病毒迅速蔓延   尚无治疗良药

16-01-30 感染后,又新增18起病例,总感染人数已达19人,不过患者皆非孕妇而且病情较轻。世界卫生组织(WHO)日前警告,兹卡病毒可能迅速在西半球扩散,只有智利和加拿大可以幸免,因为当地没有传播病毒的埃及斑蚊。巴西...