Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay
"To err is human," is an ancient Chinese proverb. It implies that even a gentleman is bound to make mistakes. In contrast to an ordinary person, a wise person is more apt to look inward, correct one’s mistakes, and improve oneself. That is how one could be great and wise.
Past ancient sages advised that we should "accept advice gladly." Emperor Tang Taizong (January 23, 599 AD – July 10, 649 AD) was the Tang Dynasty's second emperor. His given name was Li Shimin, which means "serving the country and bringing peace to the people." Of all the emperors from ancient Chinese history, he was remembered as the best at accepting advice, and he thereby set a good example for future emperors. He encouraged his officials to offer advice and forgave those who criticized him for wrong reasons. When officials offered their opinions or pointed out his mistakes, he sincerely replied, "What you said is reasonable. It was I who was not thinking carefully." When people criticized Emperor Tang Taizong incorrectly, some officials suggested that he punish them. Tang Taizong replied, "I cannot do that. If I punish them, no one would ever dare to point out my mistakes." Because the Tang Dynasty had a wise emperor and many virtuous officials, the government was not corrupt, the country was stable, and the people lived peaceful lives. It was one of the most prosperous eras in history.
With regards to offering or accepting suggestions, one should do it without fear, and place the good of the people above all else. King Xuan of Qi (about 350 – 301 BC, given name Tian Bijiang) was the King of Qi (one of the Seven Warring States). He ordered that the palace be rebuilt. After three years the work was still not complete, but not one official offered advice to the king. An academic named Chun Ju was concerned that the construction could drain the country's resources. He risked his life to offer advice to the king and said, "If the king of a nation does not consider the people's capacity to forbear, is the king virtuous?" King Xuan replied, "No, the king is not virtuous." Chun Ju asked another question, "You are now rebuilding a large palace on more than one hundred acres of land, with three hundred gates. A country as big as Qi cannot even complete the construction of a palace in three years, and yet no official dares to offer any advice. Does your highness truly have officials?" King Xuan hesitated for a moment and replied, "It’s as if I don't." Chun Ju asked for permission to leave, then turned around and left. The king suddenly understood, so he got up quickly and called out, "Mr. Chun, please come back! Why did you take so long to advise me? I will issue an order to immediately stop construction." He then told his officials, "Please record this in the historical records that I wanted to remodel the palace and that I was not being virtuous. It was Mr. Chun who stopped me."
In order to correct one's mistakes and improve, one must also possess a broad and open mind. During the era of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1661 – 1722 AD), Zhang Ying from Tongcheng City was an official at the Wenhua Palace and Secretary of the Ministry of Rites and Education. Zhang Ying's neighbor was the prominent Ye family. Mr. Ye worked as an assistant in the imperial palace. On one occasion, the two families had a dispute over the courtyard wall. Zhang Ying's wife immediately sent a letter to her husband. After reading the letter, Zhang Ying became worried. He sent a letter back to his wife saying, "You wrote me a letter from thousands of miles away about a piece of wall. It would not hurt to concede three feet. The Great Wall of China is still standing, but Emperor Qin is no longer around." Therefore, Ms. Zhang ordered the workers to back up the wall by three feet. The Ye family was very touched by this gesture and ordered their servants to back up their wall three feet as well. The two families became good neighbors since the incident.
In fact, when a person is capable of correcting his mistakes and improving himself, he is truly in charge of his own life. To be able to accomplish that, one should not fret over one's mistakes. Similarly, one should not cover up mistakes. One should remember, follow, and carry out the principles of improving oneself at all times and under all circumstances. For those who have committed serious mistakes, the implication is far more significant. There is an ancient saying: "No matter how big an accomplishment one has achieved, it does not rival an ounce of self-boasting. No matter how serious the crime one has committed, it cannot be compared to a tinge of remorse." Once a person has a sense of shame and remorse, it is a sign of wisdom. On the contrary, if a person continues to be conceited, is unable to step out of "self" and "selfishness," and continues to look for justifications for his behavior, then he is bound to be lonely and will reap what he sowed.
King Li of Zhou (? – 828 BC, personal name Ji Hu) was the tenth Emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty and reigned for almost sixteen years. He was a despotic and domineering ruler and was quite proud of his ability to "forestall criticism." Although people had many complaints, King Li would not let them speak up and monitored those who criticized him. As soon as someone was heard criticizing him, whether an official or an ordinary citizen, he was sentenced to death. People did not dare to talk to each other on the street or, even less, have a discussion on the state. King Li was more concerned about "preventing people from criticizing than preventing the river from flooding." Three years later, the earth began to obstruct the flow of the river and caused it to flood. The people could no longer tolerate it. They gathered around the palace and wanted to kill the king. The soldiers were not willing to protect him, either. King Li was deserted by his allies, his family, and was exiled to a place called Zhi.
History is like a mirror, and the end result depends on one's ability to accept criticism. We should understand the principle of "To err is human, but people respect those who are able to admit fault and are willing to change." We should not be afraid of making mistakes. The key is knowing what to do when we make mistakes. Some people are afraid of hearing unpleasant words. Once they hear something that hits a nerve, they become angry, and they even want to bully others and retaliate. This kind of behavior will not only hurt others but will eventually hurt themselves. We should keep a proper attitude and do what is right, while continuously upgrading our level of thinking. Then there is nothing that can stop us from progressing forward.
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