The Story of Li Shizhen (2 of 2)

The Story of Li Shizhen (2 of 2)
When the Bencao Gangmu was nearly finished and dedicated to the emperor, Li Shizhen was already 76 years old and he could tell that his time was up. Indeed, he died shortly thereafter.
Before he died, Li Shizhen wrote a memorandum to the throne and left it to his son Jianyuan to give to the emperor.
During the reign of Emperor Ming Shengzong (1572 – 1620 AD), the emperor wanted to compile national history and demanded books from all over the country. Jianyuan contributed his father's message to the throne and the Bencao Gangmu book. The emperor was very pleased and ordered the Ministry of Rites to publish it in every city and province. Since then, every scholar has had a copy of this book at home, which also epitomized the knowledge of herbal medicine.
In his message to the throne, Li Shizhen said: "After a long period of time, many herbs have been given different names even though they are the same, others have the same name but they are actually different. Some of them are very difficult to distinguish. Some are classified incorrectly. Some of the poisonous herbs are very similar to the non-poisonous ones. All of these factors have contributed to the difficulties in collecting the proper herbs, resulting in unsatisfactory results from treatments. Also, many new herbs have been discovered over time that have not been documented. More than 1500 herbs were recorded in the previous books; another 374 were added in the Bencao Gangmu. This book consists of 16 volumes and 52 chapters. The official names of the herbs are recorded as their Gang and the details were recorded under Mu. In addition, descriptions, corrections, origins, scent, and functions are all recorded in the book. A wide range of references were consulted, from ancient official texts to anecdotes, anything related to herbal medicine is summarized in this book. Although it is a medical book, it explains the principles of the universe and medicine. I do hope the emperor can arrange for scholars to review the book and have it published. Then it will become an essential reference book for all physicians.
Li Shizhen was not only a well-known physician and herbalist. He was also a person who practiced divinity. According to the Biography of Li Shizhen by Gu Jingxing: "When I was young I heard some stories of Li Shizhen. He read according to the time of sunrise and sunset and meditates at nights. He thinks of himself as a divine figure."
In his Examination of The Internal Energy Passages Near a Lake, Li Shizhen commented on the principle of the eight passages through which vital energy circulates by Zhang Zhiyang: "The passages in Zhiyang's study are different from those known by physicians; however, it is not wrong for ordinary people to see the inner routines in a reversed way."
Though Li Shizhen was proficient in medicine and the practice of seeking immortality, he paid great attention to the secrets of the Eight Internal Energy Passages. He pointed out in A Study of Eight Internal Passages that physicians and immortality seekers ought to know the eight passages. Furthermore, he said that physicians and immortality seekers have yet to comprehend their practice areas until they understood the eight internal energy passages. "
李时珍的故事 ()
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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