康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30   Manchurian  teacher,  Dahata,  and  the  Mandarin  teacher,  Tang  Bindeng, first bowed to the princes as...

Can the Wisdom of the Ancients Guide Us Today? 张天师治瘟疫的妙法

20-03-31 Taizong of the Tang, Emperor Lizong of the Song, Emperor Xizong of the Ming, and Emperor Yongzheng of the...

Monkey King at Fire Mountain 《西游记》故事:火焰山

20-03-16 many forms, including now on the Shen Yun stage.We join our heroes (Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang Monk...

Hoover Institution: China owns or controls majority of Chinese-language media outlets in the US

20-01-07 /DaJiYuanNewspaperIndependentHope RadioRadioIndependentNew Tang DynastyTelevisionIndependentVision TimesNewspaperIndependent ”Given...


19-07-20 Author Talk Series #41: Sonia Hu and Vivian Tang(Pixabay-Pixabay-License)纽约华文女作家协会的两位成员纽约桃花和汤蔚将介绍她们的新书...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 even proposed a marital bond to the Tang kingdom. Tang Taizong accepted Songtsan Gambo’s request, and...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 In the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), there was a highly-enlightened monk by the name of Yuanze who...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 rhythm of music. This story took place during Emperor Dezong time of the Chinese Tang Dynasty.  Song Yan...

涉周立波被捕案男子   疑似MIT天才华裔科学家

17-01-21 被警方拦截搜查。据称,警方从车上搜出枪支与古柯硷,周立波与另外一名男子唐爽(Shuang Tang,音译)被当场逮捕。20日本案第一次开庭受审,美国法律规定,关押48小时后将第一次开庭,但如果在48小时内...

名主持人周立波在美被捕 搜出枪支与毒品(图)

17-01-20 立即逮捕周立波与坐在副驾驶座的唐爽(Shuang Tang,音译),两人被捕时并未拒捕。周立波与唐爽被美国警方指控非法持有毒品、武器及非法持有枪支罪名,周立波还加一项开车使用手机的指控。...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 Ming, The Complete Book of Tang Poetry, and the Kangxi Dictionary. He left behind precious cultural...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 people involuntarily in China,” Rohrabacher told New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD), a New York-based...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 barricades. The Great Wall was built during the Qin Dynasty and constantly repaired during the Han, Tang, and...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 towards you in turn.Several notables in the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD) resolved grudges with generosity...


16-11-19 Chinese NESTA。2. 报名截止日期:2016年12月02日(周五)前填妥线上报名表,并将报名费支票寄至报名地址,以邮戳为凭。报名地址:Ms. Ling Tang, 404 Upham Pl. NW...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 The Story of Li Mi Li Mi (722 – 789 AD), from the Tang Dynasty, was called the "White Robed...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 was one of the most admired politicians in Chinese history. He was a chancellor in the Tang Dynasty...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), known for his broadmindedness and wisdom, was such a virtuous and wise...

非法持4.4吨大麻 14中国人美国落网 7人无身份

16-09-22 、Chi Hung Phung、Xue Shugong、Guoying Tang、Xin Tao和Malvin Ung,涉嫌销售超过2.5磅的大麻或超过1磅的大麻萃取物。目前案件仍在审理中,警方表示正在厘清...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 accomplished the great achievement of reviving the Tang Dynasty. Consequently, Emperor Tang Daizong (727 – 779...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor Emperor Taizong (598 – 649 AD) of the Tang Dynasty (618...

Dai Zhou’s Devotion to the Law

16-08-30 Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD). Because Dai Zhou was an honest and capable official free of...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 gave Emperor Tang Taizong. Li Daliang used to be the commander of Yuezhou City. In the first year of...

古画流韵  大都会亚艺馆100周年纪念展

16-01-04 Wang)、唐杨葸恩(Frances Young Tang)等人的展厅。)大都会博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)位于美国纽约州纽约市中央公园旁,作为世界四大艺术博物馆...

中航工业违约仲裁败诉 判赔七千万美元

15-12-23 清洁能源企业美腾能源(Tang Energy Group Ltd.)支付逾7000万美元的违约金。中航工业是中国最大的国有航空航天军工企业。总部在德州达拉斯的美腾能源称,中航工业未能履行承诺,即协助一个德州...

银联卡境外提款  一年限十万人民币

15-10-10 。据彭博社报导,8月份估计有1,416.6亿美元资金流出中国,刷新了7月份创下的1,246.2亿美元的纪录。中国高级经济学家MK Tang等人在本月的研究报告中估计,中国8月的资金流出规模可能增长到了...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 straightforward man with great integrity. Wei Zheng was not reluctant to point out Tang Taizong's...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 have speculated that Emperor Tang Taizong’s magnificent rule was not only due to his vast cabinet of...

Filial Piety Fosters Kindness  以孝养善

15-08-07 Li Gao lived during the Tang Dynasty. He was well known for being caring and respectful to his...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 In the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), there was a gentleman named Li Jingrang that lived in Luoyang...


15-07-10 移民历史,并分享中美之间的文化交流点滴。她也会在现场与观众互动,教授传统彩带舞。汤泠(Ling Tang),来自中国湖北武汉,2002年赴美深造,先后获得马里兰大学舞蹈、跨文化表演艺术双学位...

港立法会主席办公室疑遭窃听 传与特首选举有关

15-06-29 、以及6楼的议员办事处被装置窃听器;曾钰成居住的西贡帝琴湾,也有可疑车辆长期停泊在屋苑范围,疑似“监视”曾钰成。由于建制派WhatsApp群组泄密事件至今未找到“内鬼”肇事者,自称法律界人士David Tang...


15-06-15 reading in my study books about Yao (2353 - 2234 BC) , Yu (21st century BC) and Tang (15th century BC...


15-06-07 总裁John Tang受奖(图/新唐人电视台提供)【看中国记者陈怡妙纽约报导】保肺健齿检骨骼,养生美颜促效果。专家讲座名医诊,观众热染健康展。6月6日,新唐人电视台的“生命的源泉始于肺”巡展暨名医讲座...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 ;Kangxi Dictionary," "Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng," "Tang Poems" and many others. He...


15-02-15 中国人民银行意外全面降准,并未有效遏制资本流出势头,热钱出逃的速度超过了新增资金入场,担心中国将出现大规模资金外逃。这种担心自有根据,种种迹象表明中国境内国际资本正在加速流出,高盛分析师MK Tang...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 ”的本来意义,是比喻人与人之间有一种特别的缘分。In the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), there was a highly-enlightened monk by the...


14-12-26 活动的详情,请联络Brian Tang电邮地址﹕btang@cbwchc.org 。咨询更多关于青少年资源中心的详情请致电(212) 226-2044,或发电子邮件至﹕trc@cbwchc.org 欲知...


14-12-11 ,请联系Brian Tang电邮地址﹕ btang@cbwchc.org,咨询更多关于青少年资源中心的详情请致电(212) 226-2044, 或发电子邮件至﹕trc@cbwchc.org 。...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵 Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and his Prime Minister, Wei Zheng, were one the most famous and...