Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 was made in accordance with a UN National Security Council resolution that targets North Korea’s...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 vocalize new voices. She was named Xu Hezi at birth and was from Yongxin County in Yizhou City (today’s...

特斯拉Model 3平民电动车9月开始量产

17-02-23 3车型。特斯拉通常不会给出其全年的交货预期,但表示,预计将会在2017年上半年交付4.7万辆到5万辆Model S和Model X电动车。但没有提供具体的Model 3车型的生产目标。2016年5月,特斯...


17-02-21 名称及其CHIPS ABA 或SWIFT 代码) Beneficiary’s Bank : China Merchants Bank,H. O. Shenzhen CHIPS UID :298375...

法媒评习近平反贪根本问题 十九大进或退?

17-02-20 》(China’s Crony Capitalism-the Dynamics of Regime Decay。)裴敏欣在受访中分析了中国政治与经济之间错综复杂的关系,认为腐败是这种政经勾结的体制的核心,这种权贵...

美国总统日优惠多 买什么好?在哪儿买?

17-02-20 艺术品。除了家具外,总统日期间,购买电器也会享有一定的优惠。记得查看是否享有免费运输和送货服务,因为这也可以节省不少开销。在2月15日至28日,Lowe’s的精选家用电器为消费者提供高达30%的折扣。金门...


17-02-20 ,影片皆挑选质量上乘、特立独行而别具一格的文艺学院派影片。今年首映有法国片《女人的一生(A Woman’s Life)》、中国王兵导演入围2016年威尼斯电影节的纪录片《苦钱》等。        时间...


17-02-20 Hikes Act of 2015,以下简称PATH),要求国税局对申报这两种抵税项目的纳税人延迟到2月15日以后才能开始办理退税。另外,期待退税的纳税人,要等到2月15日以后,国税局网页上的“Where’s...

Embrace the Life, Jaguar XE

17-02-17 recognizable. Sinuous lines create a lithe and muscular stance, making the XE appear as if it’s always ready to...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 Dynasty, Li Shizhen was born in Qizhou (today’s Qichun County in Hubei Province). His courtesy name was...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 Chinese leader Jiang Zemin’s key allies, like ex-security czar Zhou Yongkang, and former military vice...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay "To err is...

AT&T, Verizon 数据流量大战,消费者受益

17-02-16 1G的邮箱,各家网站陷入“罪犯的两难境地”(prisoner’s delimma),最后不得不放弃收费,纷纷跟进。最终受益的是消费者,和适应这一变化的商家。由于T-Mobile和Sprint的信号覆盖...

申请在美国庇护  委内瑞拉第一  中国第二

17-02-16 排名第二,有17,745名中国公民递交了申请。委内瑞拉人大量申请庇护始于2014年,当年委内瑞拉人对马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro Moros)总统进行了长达数月的抗议,要求马杜罗下台,但政府下令军方...

川普政府出台新规则 不强制购买奥巴马健保

17-02-16 (America's Health Insurance Plans)和蓝十字蓝盾协会(Blue Cross Blue Shield Association)均表示赞同。《华尔街日报》表示,新规定可能会增加保险公司的...


17-02-12 继续服务乡亲。  活动时间 :2017年2月19日(周日)下午五时。活动地点 :新财神,New Fortune Restaurant (16515 S Frederick Ave,Gaithersburg...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 of Wei's troop placement, Han Xin placed a large number of ships at Linjin County, on the...

Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 debunking the Chinese regime’s propaganda. They are locked up in detention centers, and are subjected to...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 history of China. Jiang Ziya's original family name was Lu and ancestral name was Jiang. His given...


17-02-10 完成。2月15日以后,提早报税的小伙伴就可以去IRS官网,点击“Where's My Refund?”查看退税详情了。3.外国人报税号码更新今年,部分人群在报税前需要更新自己的个人纳税识别号码...

2017款Ford Escape 为你而来

17-02-10 了。                                                                      2017 Ford Escape It’s For YouEscape EnginesFord Escape offers three engines: The 2.5L with independent...


17-02-07 印象就是它可以整理纸张,但是很多人却不知道其实把它妙用,可以让大家在带手链的时候更加容易。首先,大家要把回形针掰开呈S形,一头扣在手链上,另一头用手固定,然后掰开手链的弹扣扣住就可以了。三茶叶渣喝完茶...

法拉盛中心 最便宜停车场

17-02-07 $5、二小时$7.5、三小时$8.5、八小时$13、24小时$22。休旅车或厢型车以上价格加$1。长江超市顾客一小时免费、中美超市消费满$20可停1.5小时。 ★富顿一号(One Fulton Square...

马州拟立法大麻 合法化、征大麻税

17-02-07 大麻,或在公共场所种植大麻盆栽,或摄取大麻后驾车仍然非法。同样的法案将授权主计长办公室(Comptroller’s Office)负责颁发许可证与管理销售。另一个单独的法案将对大麻盆栽征税并分配该税收...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 Hua Tuo's father. Hua Tuo went to town and met with Dr. Cai. After he expressed his wish to...

Report: China Tests Long-Range, 10-Warhead Capable Missile

17-02-06 officials familiar with China’s missile test said it was fired at the Taiyuan Space Launch Center in central...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 between the butcher's feet in front of everyone. Historical records call it: "The humiliation of...


17-02-05 另一项行政令,禁止任何被认为可能使用福利项目的人入境。这项福利项目包括医疗补助计划(Medicaid)和儿童健康保险计划(Children's Health Insurance Program...

2017 捷恩斯 G90 韩国现代旗舰豪华车

17-02-02 the left or right front brake when it senses vehicles in the driver's blind spot, Smart Blind...


17-02-02 ,所以必须重复地教,会比你想像的要花费更多的时间。拒绝粗鲁:南加州Children's Nook幼儿园的园长Susan Jensen说,她看到一个15个月大的孩子在做向父母吐口水之类的事情,父母笑了...


17-01-30 的人们,却偷偷拿走了他们的甜点。纽约奶酪蛋糕由里奥·林德曼在1921年开创,他中城区的店Llndy’s首次出售这种混合特奶油干酪和普通奶油的蛋糕,上面还撒了一些香草—一这引起了轰动。有些变种奶酪蛋糕在外壳上用了...

这些老美家庭聚会上曾流行过的食物 你尝过几样?

17-01-30 ;s1980年代的家庭聚会上,没有什幺比得上一道邋遢乔(Sloopy Joe's)更讨人欢心了,尤其是当有大量孩子在场的时刻。软软的面包、香气四溢的内馅,当和着汁水的碎牛肉和芝士在嘴里扑腾的时候...

昂山素季的法律顾问被暗杀 凶手动机不明

17-01-29 #AungSanSuuKyi‘s #NLD party member, a #Muslim Lawyer U Ko Ni @AdvocateKoNi was shot dead by unknown gun man...

Yue Yun: Loyal, Courageous, Kind and Devoted; His Name Lasts Forever (2 of 2)

17-01-28 father's military camp, Yue Yun became very angry. He swung the silver maces and crushed the tablets into...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 Xiongnu, an alliance of nomadic tribes that lived in the region of today’s Mongolia, sent an envoy to meet...

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 Being amiable and easily approachable is a type of virtue. It is a manifestation of one's high...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 apps.China’s “Great Firewall” has been central to the Communist Party’s strategy of controlling what...


17-01-26 太多的政府工作人员。根据信评机构穆迪投资人服务公司(Moody''s Investors Service Inc.)周一的一份报告显示,纽约市固定成本增长速度快,过去五年平均增加了...


17-01-26 佳节。联欢开场时间:2017年2月4日5:30pm。晚宴开始时间:6:30pm。联欢地点:新财神大酒家(New Fortune) Walnut Hill Shopping Center, 16515 S...


17-01-26 关键指标的评比,其中包括25岁及以上的成年人中至少有高中文凭者、平均大学质量,以及教育程度上之性别差距的百分比。该报告说,在马州有高达63.8%的成年人至少有大学或副学士学位(associate’s...