Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 Dongting. Zhu En said, “I have mulberry trees in my garden and they've grown exceptionally well lately....

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 family. I was often bullied during my lifetime and all of you also suffered from those insults. I am...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 Store in Shenyang. He wanted to know my take on the anti-Japanese demonstrations, including the smashing...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 rhythm. My true ambition is to express my heart with music! Before I can truly express my heart with music...

Be Noble and Incorruptible: Do Not Pocket Lost Gold

17-03-19 my name." He left after saying this. People admired the lumberjack’s morality and personal...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 I continue to frequently come out of the bathroom three times when I wash my hair or stop eating...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 noble-minded. At 54, Zhuge Liang wrote a famous book, Directive to My Children, to his eight-year-old son, Zhuge...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 accept rewards without having earned them. Lord Jing didn't carry out my proposals, yet he offered...

美国税局十亿退税无人领 有没有你的?

17-03-09 ’s My Refund?)”...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 The commander did not agree. Hong Hao said, "I am willing to exchange my life for ten thousand...

形似又神似 川普是巴顿将军转世?

17-02-26 my words)”“我们不能让中共再继续强暴美国了,而他们现在正在这么做!(We can't continue to allow China to rape our country, and...


17-02-23 人应比照劳动所得缴税,并挹注照护长者或教育孩童等计划。未来20年内,美国可能有47%的工作会被自动化取代。德国职司对监视装置祭出禁令的联邦网路局,17日禁止名为“我的朋友凯拉”(My Friend...


17-02-20 My Refund(我的退款在哪)”查找退款情况。●纽约市手工啤酒商也可申请退税纽约市啤酒制造商今年起可有资格申请啤酒产品退税。啤酒生产商生产的前50万加仑啤酒,每加仑可获得12分的退税...


17-02-17 自己的财富分成三份:1/3投入土地(不动产,编者注),1/3投入商业,1/3留在手上(现金,编者注)。这个古老的概念后来被莎士比亚加以发挥,体现在其著作《威尼斯商人》之中:My ventures are...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 punish them, no one would ever dare to point out my mistakes." Because the Tang Dynasty had a wise...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 you take his food, you should do your best to support him.' How can I see only my own...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 project. I have decided that Emperor Zhou is not a wise emperor and I do not wish to serve him. My wife, we...


17-02-10 完成。2月15日以后,提早报税的小伙伴就可以去IRS官网,点击“Where's My Refund?”查看退税详情了。3.外国人报税号码更新今年,部分人群在报税前需要更新自己的个人纳税识别号码...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 become a doctor, Dr. Cai thought to himself, "Hua Tuo's father was my friend. If I don't...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (1 of 2)

17-02-06 are a coward. Do you dare to kill me with your sword? If you dare not, you have to crawl between my...

美国报税季开始 今年报税时间有变

17-01-24 ,今年可能要等到2月15日以后,才能在IRS〝我的退款在哪〞(Where’s My Refund)的网页查询退款进度。5、谨记没有白吃的午餐 有些公司(如H&R Block及Jackson Hewitt等)对申报...


16-04-03 ,一切都好。2. Be my guest。请便、别客气。3. Think nothing of it。别放在心上。4. I'm working on it。我正在努力。5. I'll...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 neighbor's young maid Ageng as my concubine. I shall build a luxury mansion and buy extravagant clothing...


16-03-30 下来每个都有点虐心。Introduced myself to mother again today.今天又向妈妈介绍了自己。My father finally quit smoking forever.我的父亲终能...


16-03-23 。         时间:3月26日(周六)下午2点半。         地点等信息同上。3、本周新片速递《我盛大的希腊婚礼2》My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 在2这一部的故事中,图拉将揭开她的家族...


16-03-19 家里电线总是乱哄哄的oh my god 这可怎么办莫慌莫慌小编最近学习了一些整理电线的好方法今天就在这里教给大家电线上贴几片绿叶非常的简单朴素电线裸露在房间内想必不好看吧不如给电线修一排小栅栏在插座...

新移民必知:"祸从口出" 在美国人人都得管好嘴巴

16-03-06 问候时,通常不用“圣诞快乐”(Merry Christmas),而用“节日快乐”(Happy Holiday),因为不是每个人都是信耶稣的。同样道理,“Oh My God”或“Jesus”,本来用于...

由云端跌到谷底 卡森落寞宣布退出美国大选

16-03-04 减为4名,卡森在今天宣布退选时并未表示会支持何人。退选后,卡森将出任非政党团体“My Faith Votes”主席,该团体之宗旨系致力大幅提高基督徒参与投票。由一名贫困的少年成为全球知名的神经外科医生...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 ; Dong Yong said, "With your kind gift, I was able to bury my father properly. Although I am poor...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26 seem eternal;America's is.在这充满希望的春天里,美国之光永远照耀。……让我们以里根总统的铭志,鼓舞我们未来最美好的信心和希望:I know in my heart...


16-02-24 重拨过了,现在是下午六点。’”(“Look, Tip,  I'm resetting my watch;  it's six o'clock.”)也许是这样幽默和胸襟...

在美报税 查询退税进度很简单

16-02-15 在美国报税,以电子传送报税表及退税申请文件,并且要求国税局将退税直接汇入银行帐户,是让退税落袋为安最快的方法。另电子报税上传后24小时内,就可以到国税局网站的“我的退税”(Where’s My...


16-02-06 1、My  time is your time.请你吩咐!2、My hands are tied.我很忙无能为力。3、To make a long story short....

One Stray Thought with a 600 Year Consequence

16-02-06 That's my decision." Upon hearing Li Linfu's words the Taoist said sadly, "I've...


16-02-04 无法运作,包括电子报税系统,因此即日起暂停接受电子报税。国税局网站目前仍维持运作,但“我的退税在哪”(where's my refund)以及其它服务的功能中断。国税局认为,虽然暂停接受电子报税...

Right Here Waiting,我会一直等你

16-02-02 right here waiting for you; 我会一直在这里等你Whatever it takes,无论命运怎样变迁Or how my heart breaks,无论我多么心碎,I will be...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 had fallen off the bridge. The old man said to little Zhang Liang,"Boy, go down and retrieve my...


16-01-30 ,指为前妻好,就要说出令完成下落。袁先生指,‘家中有枪’,意指可以保护自己。袁先生说:‘ I have my gun in my home, OK?’(我的家有枪)”可怜的袁先生,两个神秘来人放了吃重...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 he was looking for, and the man answered, "I have been working away from my hometown for years...


16-01-13 。同样是一部口碑极好的大作,《霸王别姬》的英文译名是Farewell My Concubine。Concubine有小老婆、小妾的含义,与中文“姬”的意思不是那么对应。“永别了,我的小老婆”,这名字似乎有点儿...