中国12月入境新规  华人回国路更艰难

20-12-19 阴证明和绿色健康码才可登机。然而,这项新规却导致华人的回国之路变得更艰难。据加拿大媒体报导,住在加拿大爱德华王子岛(P.E.I),并在当地华人社区做义工的郭女士(Ally Guo)说,当地没有可以检测...

美国新规让海思无路可走 华为最快明年无晶元可用

20-06-16 制造商向华为出口使用美国设备和技术的晶元产品,将重击华为半导体设备的核心,对其人工智慧到移动服务等领域造成冲击。在华为的年度全球分析师峰会上,华为轮值董事长郭平(Guo Ping)坦承,求生存是华为...


19-09-23 Zhang (410-926-5845);Mrs. Zhu (301-221-1680);Mrs. Guo (443-562-8008)9月28日华盛顿筝乐团2019音乐会音乐会举办地点:The...


19-08-23 号2楼。电话:718-961-0888(张小姐)。3、范树国中国古瓷鉴赏讲座 Lecture on China and Ceramics Appreciation by Mr. Fan Shu Guo...


19-06-20 Zhang (410-926-5845) Mrs. Zhu (301-221-1680) Mrs. Guo (443-562-8008)华府作协6月29日张畅繁教授演讲演讲时间: 2019年6月29日...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 of Guo lived in Huofu city of the Wanzai county during the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368 A.D.)  His left...


19-01-19 Zhang (410-926-5845) Mrs. Zhu (301-221-1680) Mrs. Guo (443-562-8008)欢欢喜喜东北年-家的喜庆由东北同乡会主办,黑龙江同乡会、吉林大学...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 Stories of Tolerance (Part 3) Guo Ziyi Acted Generously and with Integrity In the Tang Dynasty, Guo...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 , the Emperor did not yet have an empress, so both Guo Shengtong and Yin Lihua were crowned Imperial...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 , Tang learned from Wei Zibo, King Wen of Zhou learned from Ziqi, and King Wu of Zhou learned from Guo...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 legitimately ordained by the Vatican, such as Zhuang and Bishop Joseph Guo Xijin of Mindong.The 88-year-old...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 move may relate to ongoing factional warfare within the Party.Fang was a subordinate of Guo Boxiong...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 Jiacai, an assistant to Guo Shuqing, the current chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, was...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 Guo’s cartoon, reposted by retired Chinese tennis star Li Na. (Screenshot via Weibo)Allegations of...

Ousted Chinese Military Boss Guo Boxiong Attempts Suicide in Prison, Says Hong Kong Magazine

17-10-16 As the former vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Central Military Commission, Guo...

Chinese Billionaire Dissident Guo Wengui Unleashes Accusations of Organ Harvesting by Top Officials

17-09-29 and their relatives healthy.  In a series of posts and videos uploaded to Twitter on Sept. 1, Guo...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 asked, "How so?" The elder said, "The Guo family liked good deeds, but they did not do...


17-07-19 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA     目前,美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定...


17-07-12 。        电话:212-748-0281。        网站。 2、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA...


17-07-09 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下: 1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA  目前,美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定期为...


17-06-29  【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下: 1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA目前,美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定期为...


17-06-26 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下: 1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA目前,美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定期为小企业...

为告郭文贵诽谤 胡舒立宣誓签名证词为真

17-06-22 ,成功地把当时的北京副市长赶下台。诉状在被告栏列出了郭文贵使用过的9个名字,包括Guo Wengui,Guo Haoyun,Miles Kwok,Kwok Ho Wan,Kwok Ho,Gwo Wen...


17-06-13 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA目前,美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定期为小企业...


17-06-01 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1、美国联邦小企业局郭曼丽讲座 Business Lecture by Manli Guo of SBA美国联邦小企业局专员郭曼丽女士将定期为小企业及商家...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 Guo Xueming, translated by Epoch TimesOne day in October 2012, Matsumoto Moria, the Japanese Consul...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 chairs Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong, was preceded by months of investigating lower ranking cronies.Xi...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 our troops now, we will be ambushed." At the same time, generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, from as...

加国史上最大移民骗局 逾800受害华人或被遣

16-11-27 案件。这意味着新能顾问公司的1,200名客户中,超过800名可能会被遣返回中国,林国良(Guo Liang Lin,音译)是其中之一。林先生在2010年获得加国永久居民身份,但在之后的五年,只在加国居住...

The Story of Li Mi

16-11-08 when he lived in seclusion and while in Lingwu. Li Mi, Guo Ziyi (Tang general), and Li Guangbi (Tang...

Two Stories about Tolerance and Forgiveness

16-09-13 Cannot Be the Head of a Household After Guo Ziyi (697 – 781 AD) subdued the An Shi Rebellion, he...

中国超级富豪 不再想要西式住房

16-09-03 Sunny Liu表示,虽然有不少中国富豪仍倾向选择西式别墅和公寓,但越来越多的人开始改变需求,喜欢上传统风格。「在北京,多数高端买家开始出高价选择传统别墅。」北京某房地产咨询公司高管郭毅(Guo Yi...

美国禁进口奴工产品 中国监狱冒冷汗

16-03-05 表示,当看到这封信时,非常震惊。英国《赫芬顿邮报》曾引述被关押的郭玉军(音译,Guo Yujun)表示:“除了休息上厕所,我们不得不坐在那整整一天,去制作这些产品。没有一天休息时间,而我们的工作是没有任何薪酬...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 Dynasty (1271 – 1368 AD), Guo Shoujing wrote the book Teaching Time and Calendar, and it calculated the...

中国学生美国求学 有机遇也有挑战

15-09-08 Yuanhon,音译)将去芝加哥大学学习,他说:“希望自己不会崩溃。”18岁的郭瑞韩(Guo Ruihan,音译)即将去达特茅斯学院学习,他说:“学校告诉我们,他们的信条是好好学习,尽情玩乐。”“我希望这些挑战...

中共重启特赦 香港中通社:周和郭不在特赦范围(图)

15-08-25 在江泽民任军委主席期间被一路提拔的细节。日本亚洲时事杂志《外交学者》(The Diplomat)刊出<郭伯雄、江泽民与中共军队贪腐的关系>(Guo Boxiong, Jiang Zemin...


15-06-21 ,证件号:H0133601801。郭文贵在这些证件上使用的是化名郭浩云(GUO HAOYUN),出生日期为1968年5月10日,而出境的照片中显示的是郭文贵本人。据悉,中共高层当时已把郭文贵列入了边控...

15中国学生涉考试和移民诈欺 美司法部起诉

15-05-29 和电报诈欺等罪名起诉。  司法部的声明引述当日开启的起诉书,将这起大范围高校入学考试欺诈案称为过去十年中最厚颜无耻的考试丑闻之一。  涉案中国籍人士包括Han Tong、Xi Fu、Xiaojin Guo...


15-02-28 sour pork)烹调程序,且配料错误百出,怀疑她根本不是厨师而拒签,她不服提出上诉仍遭驳回。  现年28岁的中国女子郭晶(音译,Jing Guo)宣称是有五年经验的厨师,并取得亚省欧可多克市...


15-01-30 耶鲁大学中国留学生郭玉珮(Yupei Guo,音译)的父母服务于新闻业,她既非富二代,亦非官二代,学费如同天文数字的耶鲁,原是可望不可即,但如今她的学费大半由学校补助。类似中国大学生的人数在美国顶尖...