Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)
Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)
Li Linfu was jealous of capable and wise officials. After he took power, he banded together with clandestine groups to cast aside dissidents, and framed good people. Although he was good at flattery, deep down, he was deceitful and malicious. This is the origin of the Chinese proverb "mouth full of honey, a sword hidden in the belly." He stifled criticism and suggestions. One time, he threatened the officials and said, "You've all seen the horses that we use for ceremonies and rites. As long as you just do as you're told, then you will be fed and paid adequately. Those who complain will be eliminated immediately. By then it would be too late to regret."
Yang Guozhong took power after Li Linfu died from illness, and the socio-political environment became even darker. Tang Xuanzong favored concubine Yang Yuhuan. He was reluctant to attend state affairs. Instead, he enjoyed a luxurious and decadent lifestyle. Yang Guozhong was Yang Yuhuan's brother. His power and influence was unrivaled. Other than being the prime minister, he held forty-some other positions. The Yang family’s status and fortunes rapidly advanced.
Yang Guozhong singlehandedly deceived the public and created chaos in the royal court. One time, a rainstorm caused a lot of damage. When Xuanzong inquired about the situation, Yang Guozhong brought a big crop seedling and showed it to Xuanzong, and said that the powerful rainstorm did not cause any damage to the harvest. Some lower ranking officials reported the damage situation and asked for help. Yang Guozhong became extremely angry, dismissed them from their jobs, and severely punished them. Later on, no one dared to speak the truth. He formed cliques, was very corrupt, and took bribes. He did all kinds of villainous acts.
As the social unrest intensified, warlord An Lushan and Shi Siming started the "An Shi Rebellion" and dispatched troops to rise up against the Tang Dynasty in 755 AD. Because many of the Tang generals were overbearing and domineering, the troops had very low morale. They did not fight much and ran away. The rebel army quickly swept over a large region and was forging toward the Big East Gate of the capital until it reached Tongguan (a strategic point, the gateway between Northwest and Central China). There was no one in the royal court that could defend the capital. Xuanzhong had to summon a retired old general, Ge Shuhan, who was loyal and upright. At the very last minute, he put together a troop of 200,000 soldiers to guard Tongguan.
Ge Shuhan reported to the Emperor: "An Lushan is not well-liked by the people. As long as we persevere in guarding the city wall and moat, there will eventually be conflicts amongst themselves. We should wait until their strength is weakened, then dispatch our troops to attack them. This will assure our victory. If we dispatch our troops now, we will be ambushed." At the same time, generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, from as far as Hebei Province, also reported to the Emperor: "Tongguan is a strategic point, we must guard it with perseverance. Do not attack now and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. Then we will win once we strike." However, Yang Guozhong was jealous of the power Ge Shuhan had, and was afraid that he might be a threat to him in the future. Therefore, Yang Guozhong kept urging Tang Xuanzhong to dispatch Ge Shuhan's troops. Tang Xuanzhong believed Yang Guozhong's words and ordered Ge Shuhan several times to dispatch the troops. Ge Shuhan had no choice but to lead the army beyond the wall to attack the enemy. Sure enough, the Tang army was ambushed and lost the battle. Ge Shuhan was captured. He refused to surrender and was killed by An Lushan. Tongguan fell into the hands of the enemy.
In a panic, Tang Xuanzong escaped to Sichuan Province. On the way to Sichuan, the imperial guards began a mutiny and requested Tang Xuanzong to immediately execute Yang Guozhong and Yang Yuhuan as an apology to the country. Tang Xuanzong, reluctantly, ordered the execution of the Yang siblings in 756 AD. By that time, the Tang Dynasty was in decline and there was constant war and chaos. Therefore, people could not live in peace.
Looking at the historical relationship between the use of virtuous officials and stability to a nation, we can conclude that regardless of the political situation, when the Emperor relies on officials who lack virtue and act recklessly, when he associates with fiends and alienates himself from the wise, what awaits him is self-destruction. Those who do not have virtue will bring tribulations upon themselves. One should learn from history and others that only when one cultivates oneself can one be clear-headed, know right from wrong, and do good deeds. Furthermore, one should not collaborate with corrupt forces, and give villains an opportunity to do whatever they wish. This way, the nation's political system will not be obstructed, people will have peace and live in prosperity, and the nation's leader will be praised by future generations.

得贤则安 失贤则乱 (