老人免费记忆筛查 预约从速

17-09-08 老年人身上的一种常见疾病,及时发现潜在症状很重要。美国阿兹海默病基金会(The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America )将分别于9月18日、25日,10月10日、16日...


17-09-06 团体活动,发展潜能。许老师也致力于培训团员的领导能力、团队精神、小组创作设计、上台自信及独唱才艺。今年度的主题为宫崎骏精选 (Highlights from Miyazaki’s Animation...

BMW性能急先锋 2018 M550i xDrive

17-09-03 共同的外观特征,Audi的S家族(银色后视镜壳)、M Benz的43 AMG家族(黑色后视镜壳)也采用类似的手法。铝圈搭载专属的20寸M款双辐双色样式,并搭配前245/35R20、后275/30R20尺寸...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 Confucianism's "benevolent people care about others, and this includes the whole nation" and...

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 Strategy Center, the incident follows a long-running trend.“My first reaction was that it’s similar to what...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 than 50 years.Thousands of residents have been rescued from Harvey’s floodwaters, while an estimated 30...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education Emperor Kangxi (1654 – 1722 AD) of the Qing Dynasty had...


17-08-31 构成,外观独特,共四层,酷似一本螺旋上升的“书”,堪称现代建筑奇观。您可漫步前往派克市场(Pike’s Place Market),参观第一家星巴克,观赏飞鱼表演,感受热闹的氛围。西雅图奇胡利玻璃艺术园...


17-08-30 ·道格拉斯 / 约翰·马尔科维奇。网站:tinyurl.com/y9j8eg49。●《总督之屋》 Viceroy's House本片是英国籍印度裔女导演古兰德·查达哈,耗费十几年之个人心血筹备,自编...


17-08-26 /ybtavvn8。●《狗的生活(A Dog's Life)》(1918)/《寻子遇仙记(The Kid)》(1921)(Wiki Public Domain)(Wiki Public Domain)时间...


17-08-27 。一个建筑商正以$3,500万的成本将该市中心的 People’s Guaranty and Trust 银行楼与隔壁另一栋楼改建成一个127户的公寓楼。楼下有空间开餐馆和商店。同时还有几个更大的开发计划也在...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-27 developed. One could be aware of it although others have yet to find out. One should abstain from one’s own...

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 Singles out China's treatment of Falun Gong, Uyghurs, and TibetansSecretary of State Rex...

White House Petition to Designate Far-Left Antifa as Terrorists Gets 180,000 Signatures in 4 Days

17-08-27 front of the Soviet Union’s Politburo of the Communist Party of Russia. The Soviet Union killed an...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 Hence, it is most important that a man's thinking be always on the right path. History has many...

Philip Ng on Bruce Lee -- A Talk with the Star of Birth of the Dragon

17-08-25 took place inside Lee’s gym, with only a few witnesses. The fight became controversial and legendary. ...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 Lee’s gym, with only a few witnesses. The fight became controversial and legendary. Controversial...


17-08-24 一个加州的陪审团在8月21日认为制造“娇生爽身粉”(Johnson’s Baby Powder)的美国制药公司强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)要赔一位原告美金$4.17亿。这位...


17-08-23 好的时候,或者对于某些特定艺术家的作品,艺术品投资的回报远远高于诸如投资美国股票市场的收益。2012年10月12日,音乐家埃里克· 克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)通过苏富比(Sotheby's )以2130...


17-08-18 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1.本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:●《杀手的保镖》 The Hitman's Bodyguard这是一部...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 Act into China’s taking of intellectual property from U.S. firms. Once the investigation is complete...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 “Gao’s brother went to Gao’s home at around 8 a.m. to call on Gao to have breakfast. He called Gao...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-20 discipline himself and treat others in society. This is a manifestation of a gentleman's virtue. Being...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People Emperor Yu's...

“法拉盛街坊节” 40路变身美食街

17-08-19 是全市最繁忙的地区之一,街坊节让民众可在一条街范围内,享受众多美食;为商家带来很好的推广机会。街坊节的节目表演正在策画中,因为临近中秋节,会有一些特别的节目为社区增加节日气氛。今年参展的美食有:Sam’s...


17-08-17 马州乔县8/26起派发文具马里兰州乔治王子县(Prince George's County)巴士文具募捐活动(Stuff-a-Bus)即将结束,义工、学生和工作人员正准备派发学校用品的背包...

营养补剂并不安全 (上)

17-08-17 )走进德克萨斯州儿童医院(Texas Children's Hospital)的急诊室。他的胸膛、脸颊和眼睛看起来都黄灿灿的——“简直像萤光笔的那种亮黄色。”负责对他进行治疗的儿科住院医师希瑞娜...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 King Wen’s three loves: his dog, sharp arrows and the Danyang beauty are the three evils restraining...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 Zhang.Liu Yi held fast to his own ideals and was not willing to submit to the imperial government's...

To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs

16-08-14 served three of Qi’s kings: King Ling (581 – 554 BC), King Zhuang (553 – 548 BC), and King Jing (547...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 Tang, was promoted to be a commander in charge of the Emperor’s safety. He Tang recommended that...


16-08-14 份可租用做生日聚会和其他用途的社交场地名单、即将到来的文化艺术节目、特别活动、学生放学后的工作机会、盖城滑板公园(City’s Skate Park)、迷你高尔夫公园(Miniature Golf...


16-08-14 与对其评级。其执行主编布莱斯乐(Kevin Brasler)建议,不要以威胁的方式投诉,因为没人能善意的回应敌意。华盛顿消费者检查簿(Washington Consumer’s Checkbook...


16-08-12 继今年稍早宣布关闭40家分店后,美国最大百货公司梅西百货(Macy's)周四(8月11日)宣布将关闭另外100多家分店(占全部门市的15%)。这是持续面临困难的零售业关门浪潮的最新一例...


16-08-08 房地产市场又火热起来了,买房进入到了一个绝佳时机,那要不要买房呢?当我们掌握了影响房产的各种因素后,便可以依据自己的需求,寻找理想的居所,选择适合的投资了。1、「S」—是Station车站寻找有价值...

价廉物美 2016 Volkswagen Jetta

16-08-08 型号,介于美国的S with Technology与SE之间,车厢内的空调是手动式,但也有三段式加热前排座椅。配6速的自动变速箱,具有Tiptronic技术,可让车主介入作出加或减档。全线Jetta均有...

The Wise Use of Writing Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 times.On New Year's Eve, he had a dream in which two men in black called him into a magnificent...

Emperor Taizong Governed with Five Points in Mind

16-08-07 majesty's virtue is as great as heaven and earth, and it is hard to cover it in one sentence." The...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 – 481 BC). In year three of King Zhuang's reign (550 BC), Luan Ying, a high-ranking scholar from...


16-08-06s Master Food Volunteers)的烹饪示范。他们在McCutcheon/Mount Vernon、Herndon、Reston和Lorton markets都有。在每个市场,也包括...