White House Petition to Designate Far-Left Antifa as Terrorists Gets 180,000 Signatures in 4 Days
The White House may respond to a petition calling on the U.S. government to formally recognize the far-left, extremist group Antifa as a terrorist organization.

The White House petition started on Aug. 17 was required to get 100,000 signatures by Sept. 16 in order to receive a response from the White House. In just four days, it received over 180,000 signatures.

Antifa advocates for the use of violence for intimidation and suppression of what they deem as speech and views antithetical to their own—views they place under a blanket slogan of “fascism.”

The White House petition notes that terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims.”

The group originated with the German Antifaschistische Aktion (“Antifascist Action”), officially launched in 1923 under the united front of the Soviet Union’s Politburo of the Communist Party of Russia. The Soviet Union killed an estimated 20 million people, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” and communist movements around the world have been responsible for at least 100 million unnatural deaths.

Antifa was operated under the KPD (Communist Party of Germany), and from its founding worked to label all rival political parties as “fascist.” According to the German booklet “80 Years of Anti-Fascist Action” by Bernd Langer, “The other parties opposed to the KPD were fascist, especially the SPD [Social Democratic Party of Germany].”

Langer is a former member of the Autonome Antifa, formerly Germany’s largest Antifa organization, which was shut down in 2004. He notes the German communists used “anti-fascism” merely as a label for “anti-capitalism.” He described it as just “battle concepts” under a “political vocabulary.”

Antifa still acts under this altered definition of “anti-fascism,” according to a 2016 report from Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). It notes that the “left-wing extremists” merely use “fascism” as a label for “capitalism.”

Antifa is already categorized as a domestic terrorist threat by New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. It defines the group as an “Anarchist Extremist” organization, and notes Antifa is known for “inciting violence toward far-right extremists.”

A description of Antifa from Germany’s BfV website states the group directs its violence “not only against actual or supposed right-wing extremists, but also always against the state and its representatives, in particular members of the security authorities.”

Some of the branches of Antifa are more direct in their stance. One of the groups, Redneck Revolt, includes various training manuals on its website, including one on how to conduct guerrilla warfare, which has sections on carrying out “executions,” “bank assaults,” “kidnappings,” and “terrorism.”

Included on the group’s site is The “Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla,” originally written in 1969 by Carlos Marighella, a leader of the Brazilian communist guerrilla movement, National Liberation Action.

The manual states that “The kidnapping of personalities who are well-known artists, sports figures or who are outstanding in some other field, but who have evidenced no political interest, can be a useful form of propaganda for the guerrillas …”

Under its section on carrying out terrorism, it states “Terrorism requires that the urban guerrilla should have adequate theoretical and practical knowledge of how to make explosives,” and states, “Terrorism is a weapon the revolutionary can never relinquish.”

The White House petition asking that Antifa is formally recognized as a terrorist organization states, “It is time for the Pentagon to be consistent in its actions—and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Antifa a terror group—on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.”
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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