The Value of a Kind Heart

19-12-26 into the mountains to go hunting, and his household staff Qin Xiba followed along too. During the...


19-12-23 with an important task. To resolve his dilemma McKinley spent nearly three months on a study and...


19-12-22。3、为成人和青少年介绍Word软件 Introduction To Microsoft Word For Adults And Teens您是否有兴趣学习使用电脑的Word软件...


19-12-10 方便吧!”(Come on, give a break to the citizen)...

细胞与星系 领域的合作

19-11-24 核磁共振等研究人体用的扫瞄成像术何等相似。“细胞到星系”(Cells to Galaxies)研究项目,正是想找到连接两个领域之间的桥梁,一个领域发明的方法,可能对另一个领域也适用。维吉尼亚大学...


19-11-22 ~7:00pm,感恩节不营业。地点:联合广场公园南部(Union Square Park, Southern Side)。地址:Broadway To 4 Ave., E 14 St. To E 17 St....


19-11-08 大道26街~46街(Fifth Avenue, from 26th to 46th Street)。费用:免费。网站。7、纽约苹果(西打)酒周 NYC...


19-10-31 Island)的Fort Wadsworth开始起跑,最终再到曼哈顿的中央公园。时间:11月3日(周日)8:30~15:00。地点:Staten Island to Central Park, NYC。费用...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 stepped forward: “Reporting to General.  Royal Air Force, No. 6 Airborne Division, Commando, Private...

来美国自驾游 要了解法律

19-10-24 已经结束旅游回到中国,她说她不会下个月再去美国为此案出庭。吴小姐是否就可以逍遥法外?没这么简单。如果当事人不交罚款也不上庭,将会被检控“未能出庭(Failing to Appear)”,法院会将名字送到...


19-10-19 ,所有的有机杏仁均为热处理;Planter(现由卡夫食品公司所有)、Back to Nature和Trader Joe’s的杏仁也为热处理;Blue Diamond则只有其杏仁切片为热处理。环氧丙烷的危害...

感谢NBA支持言论自由 麦迪逊广场集会挺港人民主抗议

19-10-19 十多位身穿黑衣的抗议者在纽约麦迪逊广场花园前,手举“Never Bow to Autocrats”(永不屈服于独裁者)、“光复香港、时代革命”、“Hong Today, The world...


19-10-10 )11:30~15:00。地点:Fifth Avenue from 44th Street to 72nd Street。费用:免费。网站。6、布碌仑美术馆瑜伽...

纽约华埠社区游行 反对新监狱计划

19-10-10 (Alpha Stock Images/CC BY-SA 3.0/Nick Youngson)10月6日(周日),由全市五区社区机构组成的反监狱联盟(Committee to Stop the...


19-10-09 to the Voiceless)”奖。 时间:10月5日(周六)13:30~15:30。地点:中央图书馆(Central Library)。地址:89-11 Merrick Boulevard...


19-10-03 业务至全球市场及政府合约 Business Series IV: Selling to the Government and Global Market时间:10月24日(周四)14:00~15:30...

时代广场商住楼火灾 致3人受伤

19-10-01 (Pexels-photo-free to use)【看中国纽约讯】9月22日(周日),纽约时代广场周边的一幢商住楼起火,致使3人受伤。目前,火灾原因正在调查中。纽约市消防局(FDNY)表示,22日...

台美更进一步 川普联合国演讲 台代表获邀出席

19-10-05 的行为,美国总统川普也以行动力挺台湾。在第74届联合国大会举行期间,由川普在纽约联合国总部所主持的“全球呼吁保护宗教自由”(Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom)活动中...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 for skirting these regulations. In 2016 and 2017, American workers at the plant attempted to unionize...


19-09-23 左派的秘密历史,从墨索里尼到政治的变化》(Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the...

川普宣布鹰派新国安顾问 欧布莱恩是谁?

19-09-22 关于外交政策的强硬论文,名为《沉睡中的美国:恢复美国对危机世界的领导地位》(While America Slept: Restoring American Leadership to a World in...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 An event was held on Sept 7 to remember the victims of 9/11What caused the twin towers of the World...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 speaker discusses how the Chinese government plans to solve the mounting crisis it faces from the trade...


19-09-05 (周四)~9月1日(周日)。地点:总督岛(Governors Island)、炮台公园到中央公园(Battery Park to Central Park)、布鲁克林大桥到康尼岛(Brooklyn...


19-08-23 Avenue, from Corbin Place to Coney Island Avenue)费用:免费入场。网站。10、全美网球公开赛 US Open...

中共付费给5家台媒 买新闻赚人心

19-08-17 ;: China using Taiwan media to win hearts and minds on island–sources)为题,报导中共政府以金钱影响台媒,试图推进其统一目的。大陆国台办设立公司...


19-08-16 !(英文原文:my friend President Xi said that he would stop the sale of Fentanyl to the United States–this...


19-08-11 Introduction to Email 在这个电子邮箱讲座中,您将学习到如何创建电子邮件帐户、如何登录、如何导航您的电子邮件帐户、如何发送和接收电子邮件以及如何附加文档。建议您在上课之前学会基本的鼠标和键盘操作。报名...


19-08-02 《华尔街时报》7月18日发表了加拿大世界小姐林耶凡(Anastasia Lin)撰写的文章“How I Learned to Stop Hating Falun Gong”,以下是译文。我上中学时...


19-07-31 Meadows Park, Queens)。地址:111th Street to Van Wyck Expressway Queens, NY 11375。路线:乘地铁7号线,在威利点站(Mets-Willets...

川普再掀推文风暴:这些议员是共产党人 恨美国 就离开

19-07-21 』⋯⋯” ....What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of...


19-07-20。2、医疗讲座:如何避免心脏病发作? How to Save Yourself From a Heart Attack(Pixabay-CC0-Creative-Commons...


19-06-27 Wind》。日本影片:《五亿圆的人生5 Million Dollar Life》、《Complicity》、《我们无法阻挡Dare to Stop Us》、《The Fable》、《飞翔吧!埼玉Fly Me...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 army to attack Sichuan. The Emperor sent Hou Jun to lead his army to battle and the soldiers brought...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 Confucian scholar to teach him traditional Chinese culture. At the same time, Li Feili taught him Latin and...


19-06-15 生产。”这个说法现在也得到了证实。美国商务部6月4日发布了一份名为《确保关键矿产安全可靠供应的联邦战略》(A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable...


19-06-12 起、12岁或以下儿童 免费、包酒水美食 $175起。网站。4、河滨音乐艺术节 River to River Festival(WikiFlickr-CC-BY-2.0...


19-06-10 、航天飞机。上面的文字是FLORIDA 1845。图案下面文字是GATEWAY TO DISCOVERY(发现之路)。最下面的文字是2004和拉丁文E PLURIBUS UNUM。注释:1.佛罗里达州简称佛州...


19-06-09 Chang张小姐)。2、中文讲座:如何善用美国的医疗卫生资源How to Properly Use the Health Resources in America with Dr. Vincent Wang...


19-06-07 法律援助处(New York Legal Assistant Group)和纽约州法院法律正义项目(Access to Justice Program)的特派专员前往服务。陈倩雯表示,华裔众多的社区...