Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 one is looking after the people, the whole macro view is shrouded.I estimate that even the US stock...

女子超市偷食物 警察没抓她 却说⋯⋯

19-07-17 NBC》报导,7月4日这名妇人前往当地超市“Union Square Whole Foods”购物,离开时,被保全人员发现,袋子里有尚未结帐的食物,结果被留在超市里,直到警员到场。3名男警抵达...

Whole Foods宣布部分商品降价

19-04-04 Wholefood 超市(Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)Whole Foods宣布,从4月3日起,亚马逊旗下的Whole Foods,将对数百产品调降价格,平均降幅达...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 heavenly secrets and wisdom that can benefit mankind for the whole life time. Here are the following eight...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 whole year.Zodiac: tiger, rabbitTiger and rabbit belong to wood in the five elements of metal, wood...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 correlate to these two energies being in harmony. The whole family, including children, are more likely to...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 where to move it, the whole structure will collapse.” The deviant Hao became silent and his eyes opened...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 his wage after he toiled the whole year. Though you have donated a cartload of oil, that was only...

Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 , “If the silver belongs to someone who is running a small business like me, then his whole family would...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 have spread to the whole village. I alone put out the fire. I saved the lives and properties of many...


18-12-17 “砍伐”(cut)作为关键词,因为没有人再自己砍树了,农场工人会为您砍伐您挑选的圣诞树。(一定要给他们小费,特别是如果是一个超级冷的日子!)除了圣诞树,本地独立苗圃和Whole Paycheck等高档超市...

Mencius (Part 2)

18-11-28 will have peace, but also the people of the whole country. Every day I hope that he will change his...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 whole life. In his dealings with feudal lords and nobility, he behaved neither submissively nor...

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 creditworthy to humble servant.  The whole Zhong Family respects her very much.图说(图二):钟会出生后,张昌蒲越来越受到宠爱。清 任颐《弄璋图...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 reason why the whole family was so sad and worried.Tiying decided on an innovative way to save her...


18-10-10 电子零售巨头亚马逊于10月2日表示,它将在11月1日起,把所有美国全职、兼职、季节性和临时员工的最低工资提高到15美元。该政策涵盖旗下的子公司,包括其去年6月收购的Whole Foods。亚马逊...

沃尔玛网购出新招 纽约实现无门卫送货

17-07-24 在纽约设店,却遭到民意代表与当地团体的强烈反对而作罢。然而,一篇描述沃尔玛与Latch合作计划的乐观评论表示,亚马逊以130亿美元收购了全食商店(Whole Food),与这次购物网站与房地产开发商的合...

亚马逊年度最大折扣开跑 中国会员也可参加

17-07-10 等其它零售商如临大敌。CNN财经网报导,亚马逊公司表示,今年会员日的促销规模较往年为大,全球各地的会员都可以享受成千上万商品的折扣。此外,日前收购全食超市(Whole Foods)的亚马逊,在今年会员日活动...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 and Earth. Some rulers would even issue an edict of repentance to the whole empire to confess and...


17-06-26 美国全食超市(Whole Foods Market)。(Drew Anthony Smith/Getty Images)【看中国记者丁晓雨综合报导】在全球实体零售业遭遇电商冲击一片哀鸿的境况下,电商...


17-06-23 【看中国纽约讯】在上周五(6月16日)亚马逊(Amazon)宣布收购全食超市(Whole Food)之后,又传来消息称,这家总部位于西雅图的电商巨人,可能在史坦顿岛建超级仓库(mega...

涉足食品业 亚马逊137亿收购全食超市

17-06-17 美国电子商务巨擘亚马逊公司将以137亿美元收购全食超市(Whole Foods Market Inc.),这是亚马逊的最大交易,也是其进军生鲜食品市场的第一步。彭博社报导,亚马逊公司周五(6月16日...

The Essence of a Gentleman Is to Know Virtue

17-06-10 dedicated his whole life to promoting moral standards and urging kings to govern their countries with...


17-05-28 我们的作法。”。从5月22日起,包括7-Eleven和 Whole Foods等这样全国性连锁店需标示菜单上食物的卡路里含量,并需按要求提供食物的相关营养信息。据悉,由于全国食品和药物监管局(U.S....

  Sima Guang's Views on Talent and Virtue

17-05-16 demonstrative and liked showing off his talent. He felt that the whole world was inferior to him, and he was...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 , so I came to console you." Yu Du replied respectfully, "I've studied my whole life but...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 because all jobs were state-run, that meant the whole government apparatus was immediately alerted. It was...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 heart. Zhao believed in Buddha his whole life, which motivated his actions to be transparent and upright....

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 unopened Parthenon or rather the whole Acropolis of Athens waiting to be studied.” Following the overthrow...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 a whole make up a much smaller proportion of household debt than mortgages, and a deterioration in the...

购物更方便 美Costco推送货上门服务

17-03-21 上完成,在线年销售额将达1,000亿美元,超过70%购物者认为未来10年将在线购买杂货。在此之前,Shipt已与全食超市(Whole Foods Market)和区域杂货连锁店H-E-B以及Harris...

美国超市物价下跌 50年来首次

17-03-21 首席财务官Richard Galanti说,物价通缩是罪魁祸首。他说,他们商店的食品库存平均通缩接近1%。与此同时,劳工成本和其它成本在上升,这削减了每家连锁店的利润,从Kroger到Whole Foods...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 shot up high into the sky. "The whole crowd was as quiet as if there was nobody there." Her...


17-02-17 not in one bottom trustedNor to one place; nor is my whole estate意思是:我的财富不能放在一个篮子里。它们不在一个地方,也不在一所房子中...


17-02-14 拿起手机拍下这张照片传给他的妻子。而他作为记者的妻子立刻将其转发在推特上:“在为咱们家人买杂货时,丈夫看到副总统在Whole Foods为他的情人[买花],希望老公也跟随副总统的好榜样...”副总统...


16-03-23 Sts. 日落公园市场:Fourth Avenue between 59th and 60th Sts. 贝瑞吉市场:Third Avenue and 95th St. 有机商品超市   Whole...

在美买升值快房屋 专家建议避开沃尔玛

16-03-12 的房价水平,会排挤收入较低民众的移入。根据房地产网站Zillow去年的一项统计,买家在考虑购屋地点时,通常会参考社区附近有无高档零售店如全食超市(Whole Foods)或塔吉特,如果有,表示当地的房价...

美2015年满意度调查 Wegmans超市蝉连榜首

16-02-24 。全食超市(Whole Foods)去年爆发标示不实及超收丑闻,满意度下降最多,由2014年的81分降到73分。其它类别被评价最佳者分别是:百货及折扣店:诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom),82分零售店...

金猴迎春 孔厦巨幅海报揭幕仪式

16-02-10 (MetroPlus)、鸿昌厨具进口公司(Hung Chong)、康逸健保(AgeWell)、完全健保(Senior Whole Health of New York)、亲情健保(Affinity Health)、中央...


16-02-02 有机食品的销售,所以消费者可以在这里买到从前在Whole Foods才能买到的食物。对于水果和蔬菜,Trader Joe’s的价格略低5-10%。不过,Target的Archer Farms品牌的牛奶...