
19-01-24 10001(11th & 28[sup]th[/sup])。费用:$99起。网站:tinyurl.com/yacyc8nv。5.纽约时报旅游展 New York Times Travel Show...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 times and they feared the Xia army.  The Song general, Lu Shouqin was worried.  When Di Qing took the...


19-01-22 suffering and reincarnations end?How many times have I cried without a reason?Alas! In this lifetimeI have...

How the Chinese Leadership Could Take Shape at a Key Political Meeting

17-08-12 , The Epoch Times has learned from various sources. Also, elderly Party cadres won’t be welcome this...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 Many times, Kangxi asked Tu Hai to encourage him. Kangxi adopted the policy of "encouraging...

背景调查系统失灵 美暂停批准入籍

16-12-04 Times)2日报导,众议院司法委员会主席古德拉特(Bob Goodlatte)周五获悉这个重大错误后感到相当震惊,也对联邦政府从未告知他这个信息觉得不可思议。古德拉特表示,根据美国公民和移民服务局...

Song Jinggong’s Compassion Thwarts Disaster

16-11-29 ;She." One star means one year on earth. Seven times three equals twenty-one. Your Majesty, your life...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 those people of great achievements in the past and contemporary times, we will find that most of them...

韩各界20名元老 促朴槿惠明年4月前下台

16-11-28 上街抗议,要求朴槿惠下台。为什么朴槿惠强硬应对民意,不愿下台?《韩国时报》(Korea Times)分析认为,最有可能的原因出自朴槿惠的成长背景。朴槿惠的父亲朴正熙当年通过军事政变当上了韩国总统。他铁腕...

印度火车出轨逾百死 乘客忆恐怖经过

16-11-20 丧生,另有150人受伤,送往附近医院救治。但据“印度斯坦时报”(Hindustan Times)报导,已增至120人丧生和超过200人受伤。医疗人员说,伤者中有76人情况严重。事故地点在北方省...


16-11-19 ,中国“强奸”了美国等等言论。川普发誓要采取有效措施对付中国。对此, 中国官方的媒体“环球时报”(Global times)措辞强硬地回应川普的言论说:贸易战争只会损害美国的产业经济,比如:苹果手机销售量...


16-11-15 Shows 趁着这个小假期来看场百老汇演出,除了培养些文青范儿也还可以顺便在这个光鲜耀眼的Times Square停留一下,做一些感恩节购物。感恩节大餐推荐 对于平日疲惫不堪的你来说,做一大桌丰盛的感恩节大餐...

真的?假的?传希拉里败选后提离婚 (图)

16-11-14 美国大选结果尘埃落定,坊间有传希拉里败选后,提出与丈夫前总统克林顿离婚。美国媒体“Christian Times Newspaper ”11月10日报道还称他们取得了希拉里离婚的法律文件图片。但美国...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 China (data), Epoch Times (chart)As a whole, overseas institutions have made little headway in China...

川普当选 媒体过去狂轰猛批 如今讶异焦虑

16-11-10 Times)媒体作者洛腾柏格(Jim Rutenberg)说,绝大多数的新闻机构错误解读美国〝复杂的脉动。〞洛腾柏格说:〝8日晚间的惨败,不仅是民调的失算。〞他说:〝新闻媒体未能捕捉美国民怨沸腾,他们感到...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society " (Part 5)

16-11-08 opposite. They may earn other's trust and respect initially, but after dealing with them a few times...


16-11-01 Tracking4847全国四人民调IBD/TIPP Tracking454442全国二人民调IBD/TIPP Tracking4544全国四人民调Rasmussen Reports444452全国二人民调LA Times...

临近大选 川普民调反超 轰奥氏健保

16-11-01 Post TrackingClinton 45, Trump 46, Johnson 3, Stein 2),并在《洛杉矶时报》民调领先对手4个百分点 (LA Times/USC...


16-11-07 /VxVaHTZSD3</a></p>&mdash; Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) <a href="https://twitter.com...


16-10-30 ,美国西岸沿海的海洋生物却以惊人的数量呈现大量死亡,许多鱼类和海洋物种被测出有高剂量的幅射物,高于平均安全值。事实上,根本没有所谓的「安全值」。日本主要英文报纸(The Japan Times...


16-10-27 。       路线:乘坐1/2/3、号地铁到Times Sq(42 St站)。       费用:99~145美元不等。       网站:http://colorpurple.com/。 3、展览:亚历山大...

Mi Zijian Knew Precisely What to Accept or Reject

16-10-26 not become the grain of our enemy." This request was made three times, but Mi Zijian did not...

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 audience, in China. (Matthew Robertson/Epoch Times)Nearly 20 years ago, newspaper headlines were wondering...

中共卫计委建议市民每日发呆五分钟 引非议

16-10-20 的方法。打坐目的是让思想静止下来,什么都不想,入静、入定。练习打坐冥想可以显著减少皮质醇的分泌。图为法轮功静功修炼。(Jeff Nenarella/Epoch Times)最近,越来越多科学家研究发现...


16-10-19 , NY 10036。  路线:乘坐地铁1、2、3、F、M号线到Times Sq - 42 St站。  费用:75~125美元不等,详情请查看官网。  网站:tinyurl.com/j3cqsy2...


16-10-18 。美国总统奥巴马:〝无论如何没有正经人会觉得,美国大选被操控。我建议川普不要再鞭打大选本身,自己努力去争取选票吧。〞周二数据显示,川普仅在一项民调中以45%比43%领先希拉里(LA Times/USC...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation was many times worse than China’s but did not lead to the downfall of the...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 Emperor Wu several times, telling him that there was not enough evidence to support the accusation, but...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 right. In the old times, Lin Xiangru was brave enough not to yield to the King of Qin, but he yielded to...


16-10-03 牛津第一次成为世界排名最好的大学英国《时代高等教育》(Times Higher Education(THE))杂志自2004年起开始评估全世界的大学。在近日发表的2017年排行榜上,英国的牛津大学...

Correcting a King's Faults with Righteousness and Selflessly Serving the People 匡正君过 无私为民

16-10-03 envoy tried three times, but Yan Zi declined each time. Finally, Yan Zi went to thank King Jinggong in...

川普避税内幕 纽时拿1995年报税单揭密

16-10-02 纽约时报(The NewYork Times)今晚报导,美国共和党总统候选人川普(Donald Trump)曾于1995年的报税单报称,因有一笔9.16亿美元的亏损,可让他合法免税十多年。法新社报导...


16-09-28 。           路线:乘坐公交N、Q、R、7号线到Times Sq - 42 St站。           票价:150~500元。           网站:www.urbanworld.org/。 4、免费博物馆日...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 times with you." (Note: The Book of Later Han was compiled by Fan Ye in the 5th century, using...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 Weibo)BY  Leo Timm [Article Courtesy of Epoch Times] Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s moves to consolidate...

川普强势追平民调 希拉里露面拼选战

16-09-15 :川普领先希拉里6%据南加大多恩塞夫/洛杉矶时报(USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times)15日公布的全国追踪民调,川普以47%对41%,领先希拉里6个百分点,这是他自7月共和党...


16-09-08 Square 13,电话:(212) 336-5020;    AMC Empire 25 (Times Square),电话:(212) 398-2597;    AMC Loews 34th Street...

干细胞疗法 修复生命的引擎

16-09-04 supercharged to fix damage. In the University of Utah study, there was a 37% reduction in the number of times...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 , foreigners began to refer to the Chinese people as "sons of Tang." Even in current times, some...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 times) in Zhejiang Province was named Zhang Qing. He had a scholarly background and was very...