Election Fraud Rabbit Hole Goes Deep(已校对)

20-11-27 ) Chris Krebs after Krebs’ office released a statement asserting the 2020 elections were “the most secure...


20-06-30 帐户的钱不能永久保存在退休金帐户内,规定年满70岁半后,必须每年开始要取出部分金额,而在2019年12月20日新颁布的《安全法案》(SECURE Act)规定,如果纳税人的70岁生日在2019年7月1日...

“绿灯法”藏安全隐患 国土安全部(DHS)取消纽约人TPP资格

20-02-17 Pre)、“全球入境”(Global Entry)、芳邻卡(Nexus)、“旅客快速检查安全电子网”(Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid...

美国65岁退休可能成为过去 2020年社安金有削减

20-01-02 【看中国记者李若兰、金唐综合报导】“老有所养”是普天下年届退休年龄的人们最关心的问题。2020年新年的钟声已经敲响,新年前夕通过的“安全法案” (Secure Act)对于退休年龄有哪些新规定...

美国65岁退休可能成为过去 2020年社安金有削减

20-01-01 (看中国记者李若兰、金唐综合报导)“老有所养”是普天下年届退休年龄的人们最关心的问题。2020年新年的钟声已经敲响,新年前夕通过的“安全法案” (Secure Act)对于退休年龄有哪些新规定...


19-06-15 生产。”这个说法现在也得到了证实。美国商务部6月4日发布了一份名为《确保关键矿产安全可靠供应的联邦战略》(A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable...

Florida AG Bondi Orders Investigation of Election Irregularities

18-11-15 election law.The suit demands law enforcement to “impound and secure all voting machines, tallying devices...

防黑客 纽约推手机安全APP

18-10-13 【看中国讯】纽约市将从近期起,大力推广一款手机安全检测的软件(APP)——“NYC Secure”,透过广告或公共服务的公告呼吁民众下载安装。据称,在手机下载使用NYC Secure后(支持iOS...

Project Veritas to Expose ‘Deep State’ in New ‘Whistleblower’ Platform

18-08-23 information is secure and safeguarded. The team will monitor incoming communications on a variety of encrypted...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 forever.IndependenceBut low-interest policy and demand for a secure way to save are fueling part of bitcoin’s rise in...


18-04-06 【看中国讯】纽约市3月29日正式推出首个网络安全方案,包括推出免费手机安全检测软件(APP)“NYC Secure”,当用户手机内有可疑应用程序运行或受到恶意攻击时,该软件会发出警告,或者提醒用户...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 until now.Observers often speculated that the Vatican would abandon its relations with Taiwan to secure...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 They help secure his standing in the only place that really matters: Russia.According to Ramani, there...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 forsaken by Heaven. It follows that an emperor must cultivate his morality if he wishes to secure his...

Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 embryonic stage of business development, before they can even secure a loan or angel investments.This is...

Report: China Tests Long-Range, 10-Warhead Capable Missile

17-02-06 fully aware that China continues to modernize its nuclear missile force and is striving for a secure...

聘请更多移民法官 解决移民法庭过度延期审判

16-08-08 , 在2016年有100位法官预期退休,法庭的规模需要增加1倍, 或著2倍.众议院提议了增加25名新法官的预算, 参议员少数党领袖里德(Harry Reid)的Secure the Northern...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 secure his people. One should be devoted and selfless. This is what people would appreciate and the whole...

美空军基地上空现UFO 视频2天38万次点阅

16-05-30 )上空。神秘物体消失在云层中。(视频截图)另据英国《每日镜报》5月28日报导,目击视频被该夫妇传递给UFO分析者泰勒·克劳克纳(Tyler Glockner),之后发布在Youtube频道Secure...


16-04-27 而言,这些品牌就是他们的宗教信仰。你该怎样把消费者变成信徒?你该如何打造信徒式品牌?在我们的著作《火箭:保证无限增长的八堂课》(Rocket: Eight Lessons To Secure Infinite...

ApplePay进驻中国 靠什么挑战支付宝和微信

16-02-27 引以为傲的安全芯片(Secure Element)与指纹识别(Touch ID)保护,绑定卡片后,用户的帐户资料不会被储存在设备中,存下的只是一套被加密过的帐户号码,而商家也获取不到真实的帐户资讯...


15-08-26 Partners发现,RF28HMELBSR的三星智能冰箱没有验证可确保网络浏览器和服务器的安全对接安全套接字层(Secure Socket Layer)证书,入侵者可控制连接,查看用户的信息凭证...


15-06-22 ,可访问纽约州劳动局的网站:https://labor.ny.gov/secure/worker-protection/nail-salon-industry/州长安德鲁·科莫期待这些新的条例最终得到州议院...


15-03-19 Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution: The right of the people to be secure in their...

赚钱旅游两不误 新西兰对中国开放打工度假签

15-03-12 。7、医疗体检或胸透合格证书申请网址:https://www.immigration.govt.nz/secure/Login+Working+Holiday.htm新西兰是世界上最适合人类居住的发达国家...