Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 Divinely-inspired culture believes that to be human is to have high moral standards and integrity....

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 freely with China and time is on our side,'” said Smith in a statement made part of the hearing’s...


17-03-09 后,今公布判决结果。遭弹劾下台的朴槿惠失去在职总统不具刑事起诉的豁免权,因伙同崔顺实收贿等罪名遭检方起诉。根据规定,南韩必须在60天内选出新总统。5月9日是弹劾案宣判之后的第60天。南韩在5月第一个星期有小...

继互逐大使 朝鲜“绑架”马国公民

17-03-09 。专家估计,马朝两国关系将更形恶化,四十年的外交关系或将画下句点。金韩松露脸报平安就在双方关系紧绷之际,金正男的儿子金韩松于YouTube露面,向国际宣称他与家人在国际组织的保护下,已暂时获得平安...

川普保健出炉 谁是大赢家

17-03-09 6,750美元。有病史者要负担高自付额保险虽然AHCA保留奥巴马健保有关保险公司不得拒绝有病史的民众,但取消了要求保险公司承担一定比例医疗费用的规定。保险公司虽然得以提供更广泛的保单,包括更高的自付额...

两会暗潮汹涌 新疆官场再次被清洗

17-03-09 流血事件,加剧了民族矛盾。并曾在政局敏感时刻,频频制造恐怖袭击,对习近平当局搅局。今年3月初,伊斯兰国(IS)恐怖组织第一次推出使用维吾尔语的长达28分钟的视频,视频中直接威胁中国,声称要为遭迫害者复仇...

川普查福利滥用 移民担保人或有连带风险

17-03-05 。经济担保义务为十年出问题政府有权追讨另一个方面是,按照移民规定,为亲属提供经济担保的人士“遭罚”。华盛顿资深移民律师张先正表示,“帮亲属移民(担保)者的义务是为他们担保十年。”为亲属申请移民,首先需要有...



粉碎IS 分析师:川普战略更胜前朝

17-03-03 职司战术指导的美军军事顾问人员,正于摩苏尔战场提供空中支援指挥任务。(美国陆军官网)美国防部本周将向白宫提出加速对IS战争的战略,这是美国总统川普(特朗普)在总竞选活动中承诺改变目前战略和粉碎...

外资持续撤出中国 4500万人将丢饭碗

17-03-03 ,若这个趋势持续下去,危及中国4500万人的工作。报导说,从新世纪以来,中国一直被誉为“世界工厂”,庞大的劳动力、廉价的土地资源和相对成熟的基础设施,从世界各地吸引了大量资本,但近年来却屡屡传出外资撤离中国...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 setting a correct example. This is because when high officials are no longer corrupt, their subordinates...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 15 years, and that the number of organ transplants is six to 10 times higher than the official...

心容永珍 大有担当 2017 New Buick Enclave

17-02-25 2017 Enclave is proof. It’s hard to imagine three generous rows of seating and storage inside of...

  The Story of Li Shizhen (2 of 2)

17-02-24 references were consulted, from ancient official texts to anecdotes, anything related to herbal medicine is...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 commercial trade to curb the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile program.The Chinese regime’s move is...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 might think that there were vocal masters only in the west. In reality, this is not the case. There were...

加速清剿IS 美防长秘访伊拉克

17-02-23 在伊拉克境内对伊斯兰国(Islamic State)的战况,并与当地建立共同消灭IS的共识。而针对川普要求马蒂斯提出快速清剿IS的计划,国防部指出,将不排除在叙利亚布署地面部队。马蒂斯:评估与建立共识自川普...


17-02-17 not in one bottom trustedNor to one place; nor is my whole estate意思是:我的财富不能放在一个篮子里。它们不在一个地方,也不在一所房子中...

Embrace the Life, Jaguar XE

17-02-17 First of a new generation, the Jaguar XE is built to exceed all expectations of a compact luxury...

The Story of Li Shizhen (1 of 2)

17-02-17 introduction of the book that reading classics is like chewing sugar cane, "the more one chews, the...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 officers suggests that the cleanup of the People’s Liberation Army is still underway.But Xi Jinping has...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay "To err is...

被指清除薄、王流毒不力 孙政才仕途蒙阴影将落选常委?

17-02-15 市委书记的孙政才的仕途因此而蒙上阴影。2月13日,中纪委网站报导了中央巡视组向重庆市委反馈巡视情况的消息。据报导,根据有关部署,中央第十一巡视组从2016年11月6日至2017年1月5日对重庆市进行了巡视...


17-02-12 近日,新疆通报原教育厅长等7人涉严重违纪,其中有6人都是和田公安系统的。大陆有微信文章披露,这跟去年底新疆墨玉县发生的一起暴袭击案有关,涉及中共官场的“两面派”、“两面人”。2月9日,中纪委网站...

德法年内大选 牵动欧盟前景

17-02-11 ,10月也罩不住崛起的左派社民党。费雍坚守保守世俗价值去年11月,法国前总理费雍,在共和党两轮的提名选举上均以高票赢得党内初选。他的主要政见为提高工时废除35小时上限、延后退休至65岁、大幅删减公务员额...

外储首破三万亿美元 外汇局回应引关注

17-02-11 。即便在这种情况下,官方数据显示,中国大陆的外汇储备,从2014年6月最高的3.99万亿美元直到现在为止,已经有逾万亿美元消失。人民币贬值压力加大 官方应对失策目前,中国大陆经济持续增长乏力,美联储还将在今年加息...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 persuade him: "General, haven't you heard that it is dangerous when one's courage and talent...

Pro-Beijing Group’s Hate Campaign Includes Fliers, Banner, and Biting

17-02-11 regime has targeted in a brutal persecution campaign that is approaching its 18th year. Several of the...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 This is why he is commonly known as Jiang Tai Gong, or "the greatly esteemed elderly gentleman...

2017款Ford Escape 为你而来

17-02-10 Escape is smarter than ever. Available technology can alert you to unintentional lane drift, warn you of...

金莲仙史(13) 陇上度女流

17-02-08 ,而且又是女身,遭魔折。你若有意,可随我前往龙门一走,如何?”使女喜悦地叩头答谢。...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 ; I'd better take him as my disciple. However, I need to test the boy to determine if he is cut out...