当选UN人权理事会要职 中国被指“纵火犯当上消防局长”

20-04-15 。美国国会汤姆兰托斯人权委员会(Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission)4日发推称:“这是美国离开联合国人权理事会的另一个不幸后果。”早在2018年6月,美国就已退出联合国...


20-03-09 Plan(安保)、Affinity Health Plan(亲情健保)、Human(惠安纳)……向民众提供良好的信息与服务。现场抽奖活动,也是每次活动中必不可少的一项,提供的奖品有:价值298美元的厨房...

美旅行禁令 至今140人被拒入境 数万人二次检查

20-02-23 Department of Health and Human Services)协商后,以最快、最安全的方式在飞机上设立了标准的隔离专用区。国务院发言人称,在飞回美国之前,这些美国人都经过了美国疾病管制与预防中心...

石正丽被揭5年前造出新冠病毒 能感染人呼吸道

20-02-05 circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence)”的论文,武汉病毒研究所的葛行义和石正丽是该论文共同作者。石正丽位列论文共同作者。(网络...


19-12-15 令外界担忧。法德两国在12月10日国际人权日当天宣布全球15位人权捍卫者获得2019年度法德人权法治奖(Franco - German Human Rights and the Rule of Law...


19-09-14 ,他们将把所有人权侵犯者遣返回原籍国家。美国移民和海关执法局的人权侵犯者和战争罪行中心(U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Human Rights...

送中条例虽撤回  天罗地网难破局

19-09-05 起,新疆居民手机被强制安装“清洁网络卫士”的应用程序,被迫接受政府对“可疑内容”进行监控。国际组织人权观察(Human Rights Watch) 中国部研究员王松莲表示: “新疆警方正在对民众的合法...

林郑强硬为戒严铺路 香港危急汇率制难保

19-08-29 戒严并进行暴力镇压,美国国会两党议员一直在积极推进《香港人权与民主法案》(Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act),并且该议案极有可能在今年9月分...


19-08-11 、General Human Outreach亚美残障福利中心、United Chinese Association of Brooklyn布碌仑华人联合会、NYC Transit Authority纽约市运输局...

华人妈妈打女儿被控重罪 4娃被带走

19-07-12 她的两个孩子都被儿童厅带走,至今还不能回家。就算是去儿童厅探望孩子,也不能说母语普通话,只能说英语。无奈之下,这位北京妈妈把卑诗儿童厅告上了人权仲裁庭(BC Human RightsTribunal...


19-06-27 Miracle Fighters》、《恭喜八婆Missbehavior》、《摆渡人See You Tomorrow》、《沦落人Still Human》等。泰国影片:《鳄口逃生The Pool》。台湾影片:《寒...

香港经历劫难 走向新生

19-06-22 ,吉姆·麦高文(Jim McGovern)等议员跨党派提出,美国国会将迅速展开“香港人权与民主法”草案(Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act):要求美国务院...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 human activities there before. Researchers have found a network of residences connected by roads, with...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 a dumpling hawker in order to test human beings and find a suitable apprentice in the crowd.He lifted his...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 scientists consider the human teeth, saliva and stomach to be better adapted for such a diet.Moreover, it is...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 immense than the ocean, while the human heart can be greater than the sky. When faced with this dilemma...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 that no human could grasp, but was potentially the most efficient known solution to the problem....

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 , plastinated (silicone-preserved) human bodies. It caused controversy for lacking documentation of the source...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 blacklisted Russians engaged in human rights violations.Rod Goldstone, a publicist for a Russian pop singer...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 and a human king on earth is sent down to earth by Heaven to rule over people. Hence, an emperor was...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 ’t be Marxists anymore, because you couldn’t be a Marxist and claim you were a human being by the end...

美参院法案可禁违反人权者入境 大陆炸锅

16-01-02 美国国会参议院在去年底通过“全球马格尼茨基人权问责法案”(Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act),该法案授权美国总统对世界各国违反人权...


15-12-02 Health Insurance AccessNYC Dept of Consumer AffairsNYC Human Resources AdministrationNYC Dept of...


15-11-27 研究者开展了人群方面的研究。 2008年哈佛大学公共健康学院的研究者发表在《人类生殖学》(Human Reproduction)上的一篇论文,让99名男性在不孕不育门诊治疗的男性填写了调查问卷,让他们描述...


15-11-13 cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence)论文。美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校的科研人员发现,蝙蝠身上...


15-09-27 the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders...

【英文对照赏析】 亡灵借体退赃,坚持操守清白 Adhering to Ethics, even after Death

15-09-24 leftover reward money to my family. Even though there is no book-keeping in the human world, it has stained...


15-08-29 以下参观者免费。周五晚7-10点随意付费。电话:212-570-3600。网站:www.whitney.org。7、画纸上的脸部表情About Face: Human Expression on Paper...


15-08-27 。  网站:www.whitney.org。7、画纸上的脸部表情About Face:Human Expression on Paper  展览特别搜罗了馆藏中的肖像画、漫画和摄影等,丰富各异的脸部表情暗含了...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 decided by human beings themselves. Didn't Zheng Xingr's fate change simply because of a kind...


15-08-03Human Development)以及特殊教育学(Special Education)。不过,PayScale也表示虽然该排名的研究对象涵盖了全美1000多所高校,但对于各专业未来薪酬的研究仅是对该专业的...

北京承办冬奥 人权问题引担忧  

15-07-31 ,他们计划于周五在瑞士苏黎世的国际奥委会总部前举行集会,呼吁对西藏人权问题进行关注。总部位于纽约的人权观察(Human Rights Watch)在投票前就对中共当局的人权迫害问题提出批评,并称国际奥委会...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 learning how to act as a human being is much more important than having wealth. That is why Zheng Shi...


15-07-24 (Health and Human Services, Aging & Disability Services)赞助的“Stepping On”课程,教您如何保持平衡、预防跌倒。从8/3开始上课,每周...


15-07-18 “人权观察”的沙拉·马贡在听证会上发言(VOA视频截图)美参议院16日举行听证会,审议全球人权问题和讨论“全球马格尼茨基人权问责法案”(Global Magnitsky Human Rights...


15-07-09 ,弯弯腰,赔个礼,不就变得简单了吗?从这简单的两画,你也许可以看到更多,从"human”里你能看到什么呢?用电子显微镜,你也很难找到什么。3.汉字能跨越空间、时间的阻隔1911年时,思想家...

IS激进组织进攻叙利亚重镇 致12死70伤

15-06-25 (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)主任拉曼(Rami Abdel Rahman)今天上午的发言说:“IS在靠近土耳其边界隘口不远处引爆一枚自杀炸弹,至少炸死5人。”之后又...


15-06-15 , from ancient times to today, there were many sages of virtue who realized that human beings'...

世界机器人大赛 韩国人问鼎二百万奖金

15-06-08 ”团队(Human and Machine Cognition),第三名来自卡内基梅隆大学的自然机器人工程中心,他们将分别获得100万美金和50万美金奖金。今年的比赛被选在拥挤的加州洛杉矶市区举行,参赛...