【英文对照赏析】 亡灵借体退赃,坚持操守清白 Adhering to Ethics, even after Death
这是一则在明代轰动朝野的“还魂退金”的故事。毛吉(约1426 ~1465):明代进士,任刑部广东司主事。该司归锦衣卫管辖,但毛吉秉公执法,不畏强豪,对锦衣卫中的犯罪者同样严惩不贷。






Adhering to Ethics, even after Death

This is a story that shook the nation during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD). Mao Ji (around 1426-1465 AD) was a scholar. He was in charge of the Guangdong division of the Department of Justice, which was under the authority of the Royal Guard. Mao Ji was noble and fair, never feared the authorities, and brought criminals in the Royal Guard to justice without any clemency.

One year, when the enemy was attacking, the Royal Guards were defeated badly. At this critical moment, with an outcry, Mao Ji stood out bravely to stop the soldiers from fleeing. His subordinates persuaded him to hide and avoid being killed himself, but Mao Ji resolutely refused. He fought courageously even with the enemy outnumbering the Royal Guards, and died in the battle. After eight days, people found his body, and yet he still had a lively expression on his face.

Mao Ji had his helper, Yu Wen, take care of a sum of money that was to be used as rewards for the troops. Only thirty percent of the amount had been spent when Mao Ji died. Yu Wen thought of how Mao Ji's family was very poor, so he gave the remaining money to Mao Ji's family servant for use on his funeral and other expenses.

One night, the servant's wife sat in a formal posture in the main hall and began to speak with Mao Ji's voice and gestures. She ordered those around her, "Go invite Mr. Xia here!" The whole family was shocked, but quickly reported to Xia, the emperor's official in Guandong Province. Xia rushed to Mao Ji's house and the servant's wife stood and bowed with her hands clasped, just like Mao Ji did when he greeted his guests. Xia was shocked to see her like this. She said to Xia, "I, Mao Ji, was blessed by the State's grace, but unfortunately died by the enemy's hands. Yu Wen gave all the leftover reward money to my family. Even though there is no book-keeping in the human world, it has stained my record and I’ll have to pay the consequences in the afterlife. I do not want to use the State's money. Please help me return this money quickly, so that it does not soil my name!" As soon she finished talking, she passed out on the floor, only to return to her senses after a while.

Mr. Xia was shocked, but also admired Mao's virtue. He quickly returned the money for Mao Ji. This story was recorded in Ming History, one of the twenty four history book series, mainly consisting of biographies which were recorded for the 276 years of the Ming dynasty.

Mao Ji died for his country and lived a simple, noble life. He urged people to give back the money that did not belong to him, even after his death. That proved that even in the underworld, beings still feel proud for having honor and dignity, and are ashamed for corruption. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will meet with karmic retribution. All must pay what they owe.
    来源: 看中国 责编: Lisa

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