暴雨山洪又要来 若不买洪水险 没有赔偿金

21-09-28 。纽约州遭受了至少5,000万美元的财产损失,有1,200所房屋被破坏。通常,如果房屋是在洪水区(Flood Zone),房屋抵押贷款公司会要求屋主买洪水险。但是,在这些被洪水淹没的县辖内,有相当一部分在...

善恶定生死 ——红眼石狮的故事 /Good and Evil Determines Life and Death  The story of the red-eyed stone lions

20-08-13 to her. Seeing that everyone her, the old lady had to run up the mountain alone, and the flood...

Throughout the Ages, Good is Rewarded While Evil Provokes Karmic Retribution (Part 1)

18-08-05 after, there was a disastrous flood in the Xiliao area. The level of the floodwater rose several feet...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 magistrate, Jingyang was in the midst of a flood and farmers with low-lying farms lost all their crops. He...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 divine and heaven, worked on flood control, and taught his subjects moral principles. He accomplished so...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 you need to do them, you are often stopped by what others say. Take the flood disaster for example...

China May Be Preparing for North Korean Exodus

17-05-16 has about a potential collapse of the North Korean regime is the flood of refugees likely to cross the...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 examination. Between 1119 to 1125 AD, Hong Hao was an official in Xiuzhou City. There was a disastrous flood...

After an Earthquake, Emperor Kangxi Advocated Introspection and Reform

17-03-02 report to higher officials the misery that the people endured. In cases of flood and drought, local...


16-12-14 《艺文类聚》5. 《圣经》6. Noah's Flood: The Genesis Story in Western Thought, by Norman Cohn7. 《山海经》8. 《淮南子...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 am trying to tell you,” he shared this:“It was a flood of feelings and visualizations—childhood...


16-10-05 上危机重重。此外,这对地球上的影迷来说是坏消息,虽然人们赞赏莱昂纳多甘冒如此巨大危险的勇气和无私,但是影迷们都会希望他在地球上多待会。而且以他为主角的环保纪录片《洪水之前》(Before the Flood...

Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster

16-06-18 flood tide. It was a very famous and spectacular event, so most people in the Lin'an region would...

closing cost 和 lock rate的常见问题

16-05-09 fee   tax service   Appraisal fee   Credit report   flood certificate,etc2   Third Party Fee(HUD和GFE中...

解读买房贷款的closing cost

16-05-09 ;s Charge - 也就是银行审核贷款收的费用,一般包括underwriting fee,appraisal fee,tax service fee, flood cert fee等等,一般费用在...

房屋贷款中的closing cost主要有哪些?

16-05-09 或Administrative Fee),总数通常在$1200~$1400左右。有的贷款银行(lender)还会收诸如Tax Service Fee(确定房产地税没有被拖欠), Flood Certification Fee...


16-03-19 ): $20-60$处理费(Processing Fee):$200-$500纳税服务费(Tax Service Fee): $50-$100洪水证明费(Flood Certificate): $10-$20审批费...


16-02-16 (Processing Fee):$200-$500纳税服务费(Tax Service Fee): $50-$100洪水证明费(Flood Certificate): $10-$20审批费 (Underwriting...


15-12-29 或湿地,还有必要去考查一下房子是否在flood zone, floodsmart.gov 可以给你一个初步的估计,如果flood risk is high,就要到FEMA的flood map 上去做更仔细...


15-12-29 支付给保险公司。 HO-6 policy一般不会被Escrow, 需要借款人自己支付。2) 根据房屋所在地区不同,有些还需要提供额外的地震险(Earthquake)、洪水(Flood)保险等给贷款银行...


15-11-16 ):$200-$500•    纳税服务费(Tax Service Fee): $50-$100•    洪水证明费(Flood Certificate): $10-$20 •    审批费...


15-04-17 , 需要借款人自己支付。•根据房屋所在地区不同,有些还需要提供额外的地震险(Earthquake)、洪水(Flood)保险等给贷款银行。如贷款银行会根据Flood Cert来确定房子是不是在FloodZone...


15-01-16 ,或洪灾险Flood Insurance,或房屋担保Home Warranty。这3者的不同在于,房屋保险一般是必须的,尤其是贷款买房。美国提供房屋保险的公司如同提供车辆保险的公司遍地都是,而且很多都是车险...