川普再掀推文风暴:这些议员是共产党人 恨美国 就离开

19-07-21 calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse...


19-07-05 (Canada Border Services Agency,CBSA)调查员的证词,在2011年至2016年期间,在Kong家中电脑上发现的帐本,列出了932名被认为是偷渡客的姓名,上面大约三分之一的人在加拿大...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 the stability of the southwest border of the Tang kingdom, Emperor Taizong felt that it was necessary...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 Wusun stayed positive. Feng Liao's heroic story of maintaining the peace at the border has been...

美国安部换将   边境政策收紧

19-04-13 Border Protection commissioner)凯文‧麦卡利南(Kevin McAleenan)将会接替尼尔森,作为国土安全部代理部长。“我相信凯文会做得很好!”在周日晚些时候的一则推文中,尼尔森...

精心策划的走私巨案 美查获100万磅中国猪肉食品

19-03-22 。 据美国之音报导,美国海关和边境保护局(U.S.Customs and Border Protection,简称CBP)3月15日在纽瓦克港(Port of Newark)召开新闻发布会。CBP表示,这100...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 to defend the border and fight our enemies on the battlefields. I woke him up. He was very...


18-12-03 来自中国和香港。据法广(RFI)日前报导,在圣诞购物季来临之际,美国海关与边境保护局(U. S. Customs and Border Protection,简称CBP)和国土安全调查处(Homeland...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 border grew better day by day. The Chu people thought it strange at first. They secretly investigated and...

Migrant Caravan Members Are Mostly Male, 90 Percent Won’t Qualify for Asylum: Top US Official

18-11-27 border who claim fear of returning to their home country pass an initial “credible fear” screening. Of...

防范非法移民 国防部向美墨边境增兵

18-11-04 目前有边境巡逻队(U.S. Border Patrol)、移民与海关执法局(ICE),以及其他执法人员。除此之外,我们将再加派军力,将在边界的军人总数提高到1万至1.5万。”目前,中美洲大篷车距离美墨边境...

NAFTA Talks to Get More Complicated

18-07-22 border security, NAFTA, and the possibility of a separate trade deal.“For all the speculation about López...

Poll: Most Voters Blame Parents on Border Children Crisis, Not Feds

18-06-30 Most American voters blame the parents of the separated children at the border instead of the...


18-04-18 =560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden"...


18-01-22 设备检查不会被拒入境,但其设备可能会被保留5天,而非公民若拒绝搜查则可能被拒绝入境并遭遣送回国。根据美国海关边境以及保护局(Customs and Border Protection)日前公布的数据显示...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 about life in border areas, "the Poetry of Confucius" Wang Changling, and so on. In the later...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22 guard the dynasty’s border, he visited the tribes of the Qiang people inside the border. Niujia Tribe...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 export income comes from trade with China.China has also reportedly been fortifying its border with North...

绫濑遥挑战 家庭动作剧

17-09-08 绫濑遥主演秋季10月新剧《太太请小心轻放》,《BORDER》、《CRISIS》金城一纪原创编剧,故事讲述主角伊佐山菜美(绫濑遥)当初她是为了得到安稳而幸福的新人生而参加联谊,结果就找到了丈夫,现在正...


17-09-08 【看中国讯】根据美国海关和边境保护局(US Custom and Border Protection)网站报导,加州圣地亚哥部门的美国边防巡逻队员8月26日(星期六)上午,在奥泰梅萨(Otay...


17-08-27 【看中国讯】据美国海关和边境保护局(US Customs and Border Protection)官网报导,位于德克萨斯州法尔福里亚斯市(Falfurrias)附近的里奥格兰德谷边境巡逻人员截住...

74万外国人逾期滞留 美议员关注免签计划

17-07-14 根据美国国土安全部的统计,在2016财年,共有近74万外国公民在美国签证逾期的情况下滞留美国。虽然这一数字在今年7月1日已经下降到了约42万人,但仍然引起参议院边防安全和移民小组委员会(Border...

纽约市街名的故事 The Stories Behind NYC Street Names

17-07-05 border to keep out rival English settlers. (Stuyvesant also lends his name to a short stretch of street...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 infrastructure plan or fight for a border wall.Taken together, McConnell has set himself against major issues...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 fight for a border wall.Taken together, McConnell has set himself against major issues—bold tax reform...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 border between them. They were unwilling to ask Emperor Zhou to settle the matter. Instead, they both...

川普上任百日 被捕非法移民增长38%

17-05-18 更复杂的情况,并影响移民法庭的审理进度。ICE拘留非法移民的场所之一。(ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)据海关和边境保护局(US Customs and Border...

China May Be Preparing for North Korean Exodus

17-05-16 , looking to fill positions related to security on the border with Korea.The letter lists needed positions...

重要!中国公民近期入境美国 必须注意这些

17-05-02 做法,可向美国国土安全部海关和边境保护局(U.S.Customs and Border Protection)投诉。网址:https://help.cbp.gov/app/forms/complaint...


17-04-22 Border Protection, CBP)和移民及海关执法局(U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE)防止绿卡及工卡欺诈及篡改,加强国家安全。新卡的特征...

美国绿卡及工卡换新装 移民局今年5月启用

17-04-19 Authorization Document ,简称EAD)。移民局表示,新的绿卡及工卡加强图形和防伪设计,提高安全性及防欺诈、篡改功能。新卡有助于移民局、海关及边境保护局(U.S. Customs and Border...

美国知识产权遭侵犯 年均经济损失数千万

17-03-04 保卫局(Customs and Border Patrol)提供的数据,超过一半(52%)流入美国的假冒商品都来自于中国大陆。虽然这一数值明显低于2013年(68%)的统计,但从香港流入美国的假货数量...

美部长发新令 所有非法移民皆成目标

17-02-21 递解出境针对的非法移民,从之前的抵达美国不足两年改为无非法滞留期的限制。法新社报导,凯利在本次签署备忘录之前,已经下令规划、兴建美墨边境墙。此外,海关与边境保护局(Customs and Border...

美将大规模执法 优先遣返7类非法移民

17-02-21 ,媒体拿到的还不是最终版本。外媒报导,国土安全部21日公布加强执法指导原则,将为移民及海关执法局(ICE)及美国海关和边境保护局(U.S. Customs and Border Protection...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 brought across the border into mainland China by a handful of mysterious men.Officially, Xiao is “abroad...

Convincing People with Virtue (1/2)

16-07-19 , "In order to have long-term stability of the southern border of Shu, the only way is to convince...

离境190天 绿卡遭吊销!海关这样说

16-04-19 Customs and Border Protection,简称CBP)4月13日针对上述疑义,正式回答表示:永久居民出入境现行规定没有任何变动,凡合法居民离境在180天以内,都不需要申请任何返美许可;离境超过...

华裔离境190天绿卡被取消 美国海关正式回应

16-04-15 绿卡。究竟执法当局,对绿卡居民出入境的要求是什么?审核标准是什么? 怎样操作?这些问题均引起绿卡人士高度关注。美国海关及边境保护局(US Customs and Border Protection,简称...

亚裔携带465万美元冥币入境美国 遭调查

16-02-17 2月17日,美国海关及边防保护局(The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office)底特律机场办公室表示,执法人员查获数额达465万美元的“冥纸”(假币...

澳洲破获史上最大液态冰毒案 4港人被捕(视频)

16-02-15 行动自去年12月展开,当时澳洲边境部队(Australian Border Force)查验从香港运往悉尼的货柜,那只货柜最初来自中国大陆。希恩说,该货柜运送胸罩内垫,内垫中发现藏有190公升的液态冰毒。澳洲...