Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

Benevolent and wise king Zhou Wenwang (1152 – 1056 BC, original name Ji Chang) was discreet and sincere, using kindness and virtue to govern the country and was thus well respected by the people. His benevolence and kindness set a great example for later generations.
Use Virtue to Influence People to Gain Respect from All Walks of Life
In the latter period of the Shang Dynasty, Ji Chang was the Duke of Xibo, the leader of all the western dukes. Later he was given the respectful title of Zhou Wenwang. When Zhou Wenwang governed the Zhou Country, he pursued virtue as his governing principle and proposed "using virtue to harmonize with heaven, respecting virtue and protecting the people, pursuing virtue and being cautious of using punishment." He promoted education and pointed out, "The king should act in accordance with kindness and virtue. Officials should act based on discreetness. Children should act based on filial piety. Parents should act based on kindness and caring. People should interact with one another based on sincerity and trust." He taught the people to rectify their thoughts, respect heaven, and respect virtue.
Zhou Wenwang set a good example himself, working diligently and conscientiously. He lived thriftily, wearing everyday people's clothes. He went to the farmlands and did farm work with the farmers. In addition, he established many policies to benefit the citizens. For example, one policy was aimed at reducing the farmers' taxes to allow them to build up savings. Another one was to permit farmers to work on public land and only have to pay 1/9 of the usual tax. Furthermore, a policy was established to not collect customs duties on imported and exported goods. He had the legal system set up so that when someone committed a crime, the spouse or children would not be implicated. He also promptly gave help to the poor and helpless. Many good and talented people such as San Yisheng, Nangong Shi, Tai Dian, Hong Yao and Xin Jia, who had spoken frankly to the ruling Emperor Zhou of Shang and incurred his wrath turned to Zhou Wenwang for protection. Zhou Wenwang always treated these people politely and assigned them positions based on their abilities.
Yu and Rui were both western countries affiliated with the Shang Dynasty. One time, the dukes of both countries were in conflict over the border between them. They were unwilling to ask Emperor Zhou to settle the matter. Instead, they both admired Zhou Wenwang's prestige and asked him to settle the matter. Based on
Shi Jing (or the Book of Poems), the two dukes went to Zhou Country and saw that "Upon entering the borders of Zhou country, the farmers all voluntarily gave the edge of their fields to their neighbors and the travelers all allowed others to pass through first. Upon entering a city, the men and women travelled on opposite sides of the road, and the elderly people did not need to carry heavy loads because the young people always helped them. Upon entering the court, lower-ranking officials conceded promotions to others and higher-ranking officials recommended their colleagues to ministerial positions." Everyone in Zhou Country behaved in a noble manner. The two dukes compared Zhou country with their own countries and both felt very ashamed. They said to each other, "Petty people like us really don't have the courage to face this nobleman and have him settle the matter for us." Even before they saw Zhou Wenwang, they both voluntarily gave the disputed land to the other country. In the end, both sides refused to accept the donated land, and the land was abandoned. People later called this land "the unoccupied land." All the nearby dukes soon learned of this matter, and thus all took Zhou Wenwang as a role model. Many of them became affiliated with Zhou Country, which eventually accounted for two thirds of the total territory of the Shang Dynasty.
Sincerely Caring for the People, Mercy Even for the Dead
The people in Zhou Country enjoyed good and prosperous lives. No one picked up lost items on the roads and nobody needed to lock their doors at night. They all held to high moral standards, which brought good fortune to the entire country.
Once, Zhou Wenwang discussed with his ministers about the idea of building a terrace to observe omens of disaster or auspiciousness. However, he was concerned about straining the public on such an endeavor. San Yisheng said, “The terrace is for the benefit of the people, not for tourism or entertainment. The people will be delighted to work. If you do not wish to casually order the people to work on this construction, you could still offer monetary compensation and let the people decide if they’ll join this effort.” Therefore, Zhou Wenwang posted a notice about the terrace. When soldiers and civilians saw the notice, they happily said, “We have been taught by the king to be loyal, filial and righteous. The king would like to build a terrace to observe omens for our benefit. How can we accept the king’s compensation?” The people enthusiastically joined the effort and construction completed in no time.
Zhou Wenwang once went to survey the outlying areas. He saw some dried bones lying in a meadow. He immediately asked his subordinates to bury the bones properly. They asked, "Your majesty, these are just dried up bones and no one grieves for them. Why should we pity them?" Zhou Wenwang replied, "The person who governs the world is the host of the world. The person who governs the country is the host of the country. I am the one who grieves for those who passed away. How can you say no one grieves for them?" The subordinates were very touched by Zhou Wenwang's words and immediately took great care to bury the corpses. The people all heard that Zhou Wenwang had mercy on the dead bodies and did not want them to be exposed to the rain and sun. They said, "Xibo Duke's mercy even extends to corpses, not to mention how much he cares about the living."
Harmonize One's Actions with the Principles of Heaven, Respect Sages and Honor Them Responsibly
Emperor Zhou of Shang was the last emperor of the dynasty. He was tyrannical and went against the principles of heaven. Zhou Wenwang admonished him, "If your majesty can understand heaven's mercy toward beings, respect heaven and follow the heavenly principles, and get rid of the sly and cunning people, then it will bring great fortune to all citizens." The emperor was very angry after he heard this. The evil Chong Houhu, the emperor's trusted minister, also secretly slandered Zhou Wenwang, "Ji Chang has proposed kindness and virtue everywhere, and the hearts of all the empire's citizens were dedicated to him. All the dukes admire him. This perhaps does not favor your majesty." Emperor Zhou had Zhou Wenwang arrested and detained at Youli (which is in present-day Tangyin County, Henan Province) for seven years. When Zhou Wenwang was imprisoned, he taught with virtue and influenced the local soldiers and civilians. He instructed them to cultivate themselves and understand virtue. He also concentrated on studying the principles of the heavens and invented
Zhouyi (the
Book of Changes). He deduced 64 Trigrams from Fu Xi's original 8 Trigrams, which included 384 diagrams. The 64 Trigrams contained the principle of the movement of the universe and the secrets of the interaction between yin and yang.
Zhou Wenwang understood deeply the need for talented and virtuous people to govern a country well. The story of how he personally recruited Jiang Ziya at the Pan River has been passed down for generations and continues to be praised. When Wenwang heard about the virtuous and knowledgeable Jiang Ziya, considered a great sage at the time, he chose an auspicious date, fasted and bathed himself carefully, before leading his subordinates to the meeting. Through their dialogue, Zhou Wenwang felt inspired by Jiang’s broadmindedness, abilities to govern a nation and aspiration to obtain peace for the world. He happily said, “My grandfather once told me that there will be a fundamental figure to assist me in flourishing Zhou. You must be that figure.” He then asked Jiang Ziya to ride together in his carriage and discuss a plan to govern the nation. Jiang Ziya helped Zhou Wenwang and later Zhou Wuwang (Wenwang’s son) to defeat Emperor Zhou and unite the nations. Jiang enacted laws to govern and prosper a nation, which have guided future generations.
Confucius said, "Zhou Wenwang's management accomplishments are magnificent. He did not intentionally act, but changed people. He did not intentionally do things, yet achieved success. This is because Zhou Wenwang could strictly cultivate and restrain himself, and be kind and generous to others." People always said that a sage's thoughts could shine like the sun and the moon. This is because a sage's virtue is in harmony with heaven. A sage can enlighten to the truth of the universe, save sentient beings, accumulate virtue, and act with benevolence. Zhou Wenwang's morality influenced many people, who, in turn, greatly admired him.
以德行仁 王者风范
盛德化人 四方皆敬
视民如伤 泽及枯骨
道合天心 尊贤重贤