
19-01-03 often surprised at the frequency of argument and debate.”【译文】“在日常生活中,中国人努力争强,并且习惯于在所有的交易中时刻维护自己。最近去过中国...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 This painting depicts Cao Cao staring at Nanping Mountain in a full moon before the Chibi Battle....

If a Ruler Is Amiable and Approachable, the People Will Submit to Him Willingly

17-01-28 me three years to eliminate the old customs. That's why it took me so long."At that time...

A Gap in the Great Firewall: Mobile Apps

17-01-28 regulations were passed aimed at reining in the hundreds of unregulated mobile app stores in China. The exact...


16-04-05 、上西城等地,留意网站。  时间:4月10日中午11点至下午2点。  地点:皇后区森林小丘(Forest Hills)。  地址:67-09 108th St (at 67th Rd), Queens...

A Lustful Fantasy does not Escape Heaven's Scrutiny

16-04-02 lowest level of the civil service examination, usually at the village level, was known as a “Xiu Cai....

“死后有生”研究斐然有成 报告经历者众

16-03-31 )合著的第一本书《死亡时刻》(At the Hour of Death)问世。如今他已入耄耋之年,在临终体验之外,也广泛研究前世记忆和超自然能力。在接受大纪元视频采访时,他表示,由于这些体验是完全个人化...


16-03-28 以下儿童7元。  网址:tinyurl.com/z87mkq8。6、春日中旋转木马Spring Break at Le Carrousel  布莱恩公园的旋转木马向来是大人孩子们所熟知和喜爱的,在音乐、彩球...

Everyone's Fortune Is Predestined

16-03-27 playing with fireworks, the two looked at each other and sighed because they lived in such abject poverty...


16-03-23 、海鲜和果酱。地点在东第17街和百老汇街两侧,开放日是每周一、三、五、六。其他主要的还有: 曼哈顿 市府公园市场:Broadway at Chambers St. 下东城格兰街市场:Grand St....

The Story of Honest Yan Shu

16-03-20 said to the main examiner: "Sir, I have practiced this question at home already. If I do it again...


16-03-15 2日。  地点:纽约时尚美术艺术馆(The Museum at FIT)。  地址:227 W 27th St, New York, NY 10001。  路线:地铁1号线到28街站。  费用:免费...


16-03-14 《后天》中,人类的避难场所就是这里啦!烧书取暖的那段还记得吗?试试看找找那个壁炉吧~另外《欲望都市》电影版,Carrie就定在这里举行婚礼~地址: 5th Ave at 42nd St,New York...

@ 在其它语言中的各种新奇叫法

16-03-13 说到“at”标志(@),如果你母语不是英语,一定会感到很有意思。维基百科上给出了@查询进入的名称名单覆盖50多种语言,很多都是极具感情色彩的对它的形状解释——通常都是涉及动物的类比。亚美尼亚人称之为...

A Brief Discussion on the Chinese Character "Ren" (忍, Forbearance)

16-03-05 a tribulation, those who forbear may be ridiculed and laughed at by others. But, once one overcomes the...

五千年辉煌光耀夺目  启迪人心---神韵3月2日再度光临纽约

16-03-05 一家四口在好几年前就听说了神韵,恰好1月16日来纽约旅游,当赶到纽约林肯中心大卫‧寇克剧院(David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center),票房的回答是“一张票也没有了...

再过半个月 温哥华将成为全世界最美的城市

16-03-03 公园及卑诗大学(UBC)Lower Mall南边等几处。          最佳观赏地:South Cambie: Douglas Park,Willow at West 20th AveUBC...

Dong Yong's Filial Piety Touched the Heavens

16-02-27 when a person respects and loves his parents at home can he respect the elderly in society, humbly...

里根(下):终结共产 兑现神的托付

16-02-26   was a man whom fate set by me in perhaps the most difficult years at the end of the 20th century."...

Zhuge Liang and His Teacher 诸葛亮求学

16-02-20 Everyday at noon the rooster would crow three times and Sir Shuijing would end his lesson as soon as he...


16-02-16 Life: Reflections at 90)语音版获得最佳诵读专辑奖。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报导,91岁的卡特在这本书中描述自己在政坛的崛起,以及在1980年大选败给罗纳德.里根(Ronald...

How New Year's Day is Determined in the Chinese Calendar

16-02-13 , which indicates that yin is at its peak and starts to decline, and yang strengthens. It is the same...


16-02-10 /zqhn5sw。6、“芝麻街”现场表演 Sesame Street Live  时间:2月11~21日。  地点:麦迪逊广场花园(The Theater at Madison Square Garden...

One Stray Thought with a 600 Year Consequence

16-02-06 ;Although you are very good at this, you may one day fall suddenly into a calamity, and then it will be too...


16-02-03 :The Gym at Judson。  地址:243 Thompson Street, New York, NY 10012  路线:搭地铁A、B、C、D、E、F、M到West 4 St Station站...

小小趣味故事 大大安全道理

16-02-03 所学校。一个工作了20多年的职业消防员一有机会,就念这本书给学校的孩子们听,他已经念了一百多遍了。  让我们再来看看有关戏水安全的《恐龙和我海边寻宝:儿童(和恐龙)戏水安全》(A Treasure at...

体质饮食 研究:亚洲人易得糖尿病

16-02-02 危险群?〉(I'm slim so why am I at risk of diabetes?)的专题报导中,探讨了这个特殊的亚洲现象。据世界卫生组织(WHO)资料,全球有3.5亿人患有...

Sharp Words Inflict More Pain Than Swords

16-01-30  Pointing at the fence, the father said, "You did good job, but look at the holes on the fence. The...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 next morning, when little Zhang arrived on the bridge at daybreak, the old man was already there. The...


16-01-26 Community College、Penn State University、Suny at Maritime College 、Suny Oswego University等,同时若有学校欲参展...


16-01-25 )。  地址:43rd St at 7th Ave, Brooklyn。  交通:搭乘地铁N、R线到45 St站。         网站:http://tinyurl.com/h8r3ts5。12、两场大战之间...

Passing Righteous Principles and Virtue to Future Generations

16-01-24 him. He collected all the rocks and debris in the basket to store at home. Before he passed away, the...


16-01-24 )。  地址:林肯中心广场南侧Lincoln Center Plaza(Columbus Avenue at 63rd Street)   交通:搭乘1号地铁到66街林肯中心站。  费用:30~170元...


16-01-20 Koch Theater)。  地址:林肯中心广场南侧Lincoln Center Plaza(Columbus Avenue at 63rd Street)   交通:搭乘1号地铁到66街林肯中心站...

台大选蔡英文领先 朱立伦宣布败选辞党主席

16-01-16 at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2016/01/16/a1247557.html#sthash.RsqSMskl.dpuf...

投资连锁店必看 美国最佳与最差的连锁店排名(上)

16-01-14 以下 2 Maid Pro 10% 92% 167提供详细的49点房子清洁服务。$15万以下 3 Right at Home 14% 89% 338为老年人、残疾人提供家庭护理、护理陪伴。$15万...


16-01-14 Hall at Lehman College)  地址:250 Bedford Park Blvd West Bronx, NY 10468。  交通:乘地铁4号线到Bedford Park...

不是每个老男人都是大叔,不是每个胖子都是Alan Rickman

16-01-14 有点古怪的英伦绅士“。尤其在《哈7》,Alan Rickman完美的演绎了斯内普内心的挣扎与矛盾,他呈现了一个一直被误会,却坚持着承诺的男人。他的一句“Look at me”,以及回忆中紧紧抱住Lily流泪...


16-01-13 的保險。$15萬以下 2 Maid Pro 10% 92% 167提供詳細的49點房子清潔服務。$15萬以下 3 Right at Home 14% 89% 338為老年人、殘疾人提供家庭護理、護理陪伴...


16-01-11 学院剧场 (Concert Hall at Lehman College)  地址:250 Bedford Park Blvd West Bronx, NY 10468。  交通:乘地铁4号线...