
16-07-29 音乐秀,日落时分开始播放电影。        地点:布碌仑威廉斯堡麦凯仑公园(McCarren Park, Williamsburg)。       地址:Bedford Ave at North...

Prefect Kong Yong Peacefully Resolves an Armed Insurgency

16-07-24 the camp and sat down on a chair. The leader of the Tong yelled at Kong, "Who are you and why are...


16-07-19 :Bedford Ave at North 12th St, Greenpoint, Brooklyn。       路线:搭乘地铁G号线到Nassau Av站,或L号线到Bedford站。       网址...

Convincing People with Virtue (1/2)

16-07-19 Convincing People with Virtue (1/2) At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (184-220 AD), the land of...

杰出人才 EB1A 及其具体衡量标准

16-07-18 符合移民法规定的十条标准中的任意三条,就可申请杰出人才移民。我所为客户申报的大量杰出人才成功案例,都是以此种标准提出申请并获得成功。2. 申请人是否符合移民法规定的十条标准中的任意三条(at least...

组图:法国恐袭 大卡车辗撞人群1英里77死

16-07-15 on July 14, 2016. At least 60 people are feared dead after a van drove into a crowd watching Bastille...


16-07-11 。        地点:布碌仑威廉斯堡麦凯仑公园(McCarren Park, Williamsburg)。       地址:Bedford Ave at North 12th St, Greenpoint...


16-07-08 公园(McCarren Park, Williamsburg)。       地址:Bedford Ave at North 12th St, Greenpoint, Brooklyn...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 retribution has begun for what we did to Yue Fei." Since her husband's death, Wang had never been at...

文华东方酒店 沁凉盛夏在台北

16-06-30 酒店管理式住宅(Residences at Mandarin Oriental)。图/台北文华东方酒店《台北文华东方酒店》   座落于台北市繁华商业中心与人文荟萃的敦化北路上的台北文华东方酒店,这座全新国际...


16-06-29 , Williamsburg)。       地址:Bedford Ave at North 12th St, Greenpoint, Brooklyn。       路线:搭乘地铁G号线到Nassau Av站,或L号线...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (1/2)

16-06-26 because of Yue Fei, so he decided that Yue Fei had to be killed. At the time in 1140 AD, Yue Fei was on...


16-06-24 为钢琴家查尔斯•琼斯。  时间:6月25日。  地点:布鲁诺•瓦特演奏厅(Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center )。  地址:10 Lincoln Center...


16-06-23 第五大道82号大街Main Building 1000 Fifth Avenue (at 82nd Street), New York, NY 10028门票:25美元/成人,17美元/青少年,12美元...

Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster

16-06-18 unbelievable nonsense and would not listen at all. Those who had received the warning in the dream eventually...

Zhang Tingyu Inhibits his Son In Order to Achieve Greater Virtue

16-06-13 Ruoai advanced to the final examination, which was held at the royal court. After the royal court...

Deities Cannot be Fooled With 神灵不可欺戏

16-06-05 asked to meet the "Thunder Deity." Although Taoist Zheng refused at the beginning, he could...

从威尼斯到鲁凯族石板屋        经文处建筑保护讲座发人深省

16-06-01 在世界建筑飨宴中感受到文化遗产保护的重要。这项讲座主要是希望以世界的角度让各界共同来体验台湾建筑文化之美及善尽文化保护之责。活动由任职于Creative Director at Mengdom...

6月活动 | Hello, 夏日纽约!

16-06-01 Center for the Performing Arts 64th St at Columbus Ave.• 网站:http://craftsatlincoln.org/• 费用:免费夏日舞台...

全球最大灯光节开幕 璀璨点亮悉尼夜空

16-05-29 , AUSTRALIA - MAY 25: The Sydney Opera House is seen from inside the 'Cathedral of Light' at The...

Lang Yi Predicts the Future

16-05-28 Dynasty. His biography can be found in the Book of Later Han. Lang Yi’s father, Lang Zong, was very good at...


16-05-24 戴拉寇特剧院(Delacorte Theater in Central Park)  地址:Mid-park at 80th Street, Manhattan, NY 10024  交通:搭乘地铁B...

A Small Story of Retribution

16-05-22 at their own peril. He wanted to save them, yet those people did not accept his help, and continued...


16-05-21 at Bohrer Park),地址是512 South Frederick Avenue, 在盖城高中旁。水上乐园的主游泳池对所有的人开放,有洋溢着度假风情的棕榈树、多水道滑梯、多功能的各种玩法...


16-05-19 轩尼诗。"Eat for nutrition, not for taste. And exercise at least once a day."Oh, also: "...


16-05-18 )檀香山市不仅以舒适的气候和美丽的海滩吸引留学生,像拉斯维加斯一样,该城市拥有几所世界闻名的酒店管理大学,特别是夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 (University of Hawaii at Manoa)和夏威夷...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 looked at Liu Hongyi and then congratulated him, “Your life has been extended. This is a reflection of...


16-05-09 ,及价格l  行销预算l  效果评估l  高效策略步骤及协助资源 另附,英文讲座信息如下:在森林小丘:In English at Forest Hills Library from 2pm-4pn...

一乘单骑游纽约 5月自行车月

16-05-04 :4/29 10am-8pm4/30 9am-6pm地点:Pier 36 at Basketball City地址:299 South St, Nerw York City, NY10001地铁:F to...


16-04-29 4/23华府翰墨云山社年度书画展开始在华府成立20多年的翰墨云山书画社,日前在马里兰州盖城博乐园活动中心(Activity Center at Bohrer's Park...


16-04-27 and Applied Science)  平均薪资:$65,900美元14. 伊利诺伊大学厄本那——香槟分校工程学院(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign...


16-04-26 State Park Kent Ave. and N. 7 St;周日Prospect Park at Breeze Hill Lincoln Rd. at Ocean Ave.。        网站...

(皇后区)长岛市新亮点 Dutch LIC 荷兰豪华公寓

16-04-26 Ekstein先生成立于1999年,在纽约三州地区开发超过300万平方英尺的物业。他们的豪华公寓项目包括540 West 28th, The Foundry at Hunters Point, 30 East...


16-04-26 就为美国军方工作。著有《五角大楼的陌生人》(Stranger at the Pentagon)一书的弗朗克·斯特兰杰斯(Frank Stranges)博士也声称自己见过索尔。斯特兰杰斯说,索尔身高...

母亲节 乐一下

16-04-23 、折纸游戏、公路赛等等。当然,歌舞伎表演,如:大鼓和民间舞蹈。更是吸引人。地址:中央公园Central Park Bandshell(69th St. at 5th Ave)时间:5月10日,上午8:30...


16-04-16 of California at Davis)研究员指出,蓝莓可以减少坏胆固醇在血管内堆积,减少发生中风和心血管疾病的机会。美国农业部专家也表示,蓝莓含有丰富的物质,有助对抗心脏病和肥胖。6.促进视力...


16-04-16 4月23日(周六)11:30–15:00。地点:新陶芳大饭店(马卅洛城),12015-G Rockville Pike, at Randolph Road, Rockville, MD。 (电话...

Taking Bribes and Perverting the Law Ruined a Promising Future

16-04-16 arrived at a place about ten miles away from Jian County. As he was preparing to stay the night at...


16-04-12 of time / schedule提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once...


16-04-11 Lord.When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He...