U.S. Trade Rep. Declares China an ‘Unprecedented Threat’ to World Trade System

17-09-23 States. Lighthizer told a crowd of over a hundred at the Center for Strategic and International Studies...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 theaters across the world.In the regular Shen Yun season, the orchestra at every show acts as the...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 and nurture the country's citizens At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, due to years of turmoil...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22 families needed to bar their doors at night." One day in the region of Baisimapo, an old man sunbathed...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 a 90-degree angle. Hopper lived for more than 50 years at nearby Washington Square, so he would’ve had been...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 and look at each other.Lee Ching-yu has launched a relentless and high profile public campaign to seek...

Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 foot illness, Li Fan couldn't walk normally so his brothers-in-law arrived at Hu Lusheng's...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 the system at first.” Allen’s response would explain fewer voters being counted initially, not more....

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 said, "If you ever run into any tribulation, please look for me at Jiulong Mountain, in Pengzhou...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 path in fits of rage. He grabbed others' property and money at will, and everyone was afraid of...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 shown its disapproval of North Korea’s brinkmanship, but at the same time, has not done a great deal to...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 "concern-ed about the people who were in high positions at court." When he was the Deputy...


17-09-06 (周六)下午2:00、晚上7:30。演出地址为Shakespeare Theatre Company at the Herman Center for the Arts, 610 F Street, NW...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 Jingyou Era (1035 AD), Fan was promoted to Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Rites. Prime Minister at the...

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 The State Department confirmed on Aug. 24 that at least 16 U.S. government employees were affected...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 Greg Abbott at a press conference following Trump’s arrival.Abbott said that members of Trump’s cabinet...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 ) and several other records. Let us take a look at a typical day to find out how the Emperor's...


17-09-03 John Regional Park at 7400 Tuckerman Ln, Bethesda, MD 20817收费标准: 15元,12岁以下5元,6岁以下免费联系人: 各校友会;赞助本次活动的公司...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-27 desires even at the earliest stage to prevent them from growing. Be careful when speaking and be cautious...

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 Tillerson released the 2016 International Religious Freedom Report on Aug. 15 at the State Department....

White House Petition to Designate Far-Left Antifa as Terrorists Gets 180,000 Signatures in 4 Days

17-08-27 world have been responsible for at least 100 million unnatural deaths.Antifa was operated under the KPD...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 People also worshipped gods that looked after the land and crops. When government officials arrived at...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 convinced him to make those changes? As we all know, Lee died prematurely at the age of 32, and Wong had...


17-08-23 Ingleside at King Farm或侨教中心(届时会确认)。课程内容:小说、散文、游记等。费用:40元(多不退,少不补)报名方式:1. 请向作协工坊召集人暨作协副会长陈小青(电邮...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 China. However, most of the benefits went to those at the top of the income distribution: princelings...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 “Gao’s brother went to Gao’s home at around 8 a.m. to call on Gao to have breakfast. He called Gao...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-20 benevolence. One should "not look at things inconsistent with propriety, not listen to things inconsistent...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 hills. People were constantly losing their homes and lived in misery. The Emperor at the time was Shun...

To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs

16-08-14 dog at home. People are afraid of being hurt by the fierce dog, so they dare not come and buy liquor...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 Emperor Guangwu was very satisfied with this selection. At the time, Heng Rong was already sixty years...


16-08-14 (Activity Center at Bohrer Park)或本杰明盖瑟中心(Fitness Center at the Benjamin Gaither Center)的健身中心锻炼身体。 还有艺术谷仓...


16-08-12 」翻译成:「I didn't hold back…I used all of my mystic energy!」而澳洲传媒则译成:「No no,not at all…I've been...


16-08-09 , NY, NY 10278。 8月10日(周三)五十岁开始创业(Starting a Business at 50+)时间:9:30am-11:30am,地点:拉瓜地亚社区学院(LaGuardia...

挑战川普希拉里 前CIA官员以独立身份参选

16-08-09 与外交专业,并于宾州大学沃顿商学院(Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)获得商业管理硕士,后来在巴西做过摩门教传教士。2001年9月11日...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 his mother and himself. At age 20, he was ranked highly in the county examination that was the first...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 be on your guard."The King did not listen and trusted Luan Ying just as before. At the same time...

8/12盖城天文台开放  供观赏英仙座流星雨

16-08-06 活动还包括:海王星冲日(Neptune at Opposition), 9月2日(周五),晚上9:30~11:00。蓝色巨大的海王星此时最接近地球,可以充分被太阳光照射到。但用肉眼看还是极端遥远...


16-08-01 :布碌仑威廉斯堡麦凯仑公园(McCarren Park, Williamsburg)。       地址:Bedford Ave at North 12th St, Greenpoint...


16-07-31 of Washington)全美公立大學排名No.8得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)全美公立大學排名No.9伊利諾伊大學厄本那香檳分校...

"Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out"(中文字920)

16-07-30 "Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out" The talent...