"Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out"(中文字920)
"Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out"
The talent of writing well is a heavenly gift. Only those with good moral character will have it, and only those who respect Heaven can make good use of it.
The Chronicles of the Kaiyuan and Tienbao Ages has a story about the famous poet Li Bai. When Li Bai was young he dreamed that a flower bloomed at the tip of his brush pen. Later, he became one of the most talented poets in Chinese history, and the whole country knew of him. The expression "Flowers grow from the pen tip" was later used to describe someone with outstanding writing talent.
The expression, "Jiang's talent has run out," is often used to describe the deterioration of a person's writing skills. Jiang refers to Jiang Yan, a famous writer in the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420 – 589 AD). His famous article, "Biefu" has been recited by people for centuries and reflects his extreme talent. However, when he grew older he curried favor with nobles such as Xiao Daocheng and Xiao Yan. He became a high official and started living a life of luxury. Jiang no longer produced any good writings. Thus people came to say, "Jiang's talent has run out," to describe a person who has lost his skill and morality.
There are two stories in Southern Dynasty History - Biography of Jiang Yan about "Jiang's talent has run out." Jiang Yan's boat once stopped at the Chanling Temple on his way home after quitting his job as the prefect of Xuancheng City. That night while sleeping, he met a person named Zhang Jingyang in a dream, who told him, "I gave you one pi (about 44 feet) of satin once. Now is the time for you to return it." Jiang took out a piece of satin that was only a few feet long. Zhang was upset and complained that Jiang had cut it and almost used it up ("Cutting it and using it up" is called "caijin" in Chinese, which is pronounced the same as "Talent has run out"). Right then, they saw Qiu Chi (the author of "To Cheng Bozhi," a famous article) standing by and Zhang said to him, "Only a few feet is left. It is hard to make anything with it. Why don't you take it?"
Another time, Jiang Yan stayed at Yeting and dreamed of a person who identified himself as Guo Pu, a famous writer in the West Jin Dynasty (265 – 316 AD), who said to Jiang, "You took my pen for so many years. Now it's time for you to return it." Jiang reached in his pocket and sure enough found a colorful pen ("color" has the same pronunciation as "talent" in Chinese). He gave it back to Guo Pu. With both the cloth and pen returned, Jiang Yan naturally had no talent left.
In traditional Chinese culture, there are many ways to describe a person's outstanding writing talent, such as "Chuanbi," "Quixing," and "Jinxiu article." In every dynasty, there are many stories about revelations in dreams such those of Li Bai and Jiang Yan. This illustrates the important point that famous writers since ancient times have been produced in a cultural environment that was deeply reverent of gods. Many writers were religious themselves. This is true both in Eastern and Western societies.
In traditional culture, one often describes the artistic realm of a piece of literary work in the same way as describing a piece of art or painting. "This song should only be heard in Heaven. How often could one hear it in the human world?" In traditional paintings, people describe a state as "learning it with one's heart and understanding it with one's spirit," and, "The article was created in heaven, I just happened to write it down." Both phrases describe the simple fact that great works are created with divine help.
    来源: 看中国 责编: Kitt

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