带来光明  荣耀回家

23-05-27 、王明旭博士在預告片裡所說的那樣:「我們無法決定我們的來處,但如果我們能與過去和平相處,擁抱現在——我們就能變得更好。」故事的原型記載的是王明旭博士的人生軌跡, 這條軌跡最初出現在他的暢銷書「從黑暗到光明...

一延再延 《长春》因良好口碑 纽约热映又加演至11月10日

22-11-02    8:10PM 地址: 209 West Houston St.New York NY 10014 (曼哈頓“電影論壇Film Forum ”)。官網:eternalspringfilm.com 。預告片網址...

觀眾反響強烈讚譽有加的奥斯卡参选影片《长春》 纽约熱映再延長一周直至11月3日

22-10-28 York NY 10014    (曼哈頓“電影論壇Film Forum”   )。官網:eternalspringfilm.com   。預告片網址:youtube.com/watch?v...

震撼难忘印象深刻的奥斯卡参选影片《长春》纽约热映延長 直至10/27

22-10-21 10014  (曼哈頓“電影論壇Film Forum” )。官網:eternalspringfilm.com  。預告片網址:youtube.com/watch?v=IFk7VGehYjE  。票價...


22-10-20 West Houston St.New York NY 10014 (曼哈頓“電影論壇( Film Forum )”)。官網:eternalspringfilm.com 。預告片網址:youtube.com...


19-07-29 the Ten Rings),并公布相关演员阵容,主要《上气》主要男主角将由加拿大华裔演员刘思慕(Simu Liu)担任,刘思慕于1989年4月出生在哈尔滨,曾出演《金氏便利店》、《初来乍到》等,而反派...


19-07-24 增加约801美元。学费上涨的额度远远超过通胀率和新州家庭过去二十年来的收入中位数的增长。但罗格斯大学的官员表示,该校学费的涨幅与其同等级的大学一致,包括其所属的“大十联盟(Big Ten...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 children. Since the owner had not returned, he never really had a chance to go back home. Ten years passed...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 flute died after losing his appetite for more than ten days and was consumed with worry. After these...


19-01-22 the past!Levels beyond levels of endless skies in front of meIn all Ten Directions*With Falun...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 Emperor, who then sentenced the crown prince to prison for ten years. As an advisor of the crown prince...

干细胞疗法 医疗的未来

17-01-16 still five to ten years away. However, there is a growing body of anecdotal and experimental evidence...

干细胞疗法-医疗的未来 Stem Cell Therapy  "The Future of Medicine"

17-01-07 therapy is still five to ten years away. However, there is a growing body of anecdotal and experimental...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 Emperor Xuanzong. Yao Chong was very decisive. Because he made ten very valuable suggestions, he was...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 Wei County for over ten years. In order to not disturb the common people, he avoided grandiose...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 farmers. He studied and investigated river management for more than ten years, and placed importance on...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 she did. Surprisingly, ten days later, the great-aunt was able to see again! Ji Xiaolan analyzed and...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 still face steep fines equal to as much as three to ten times their annual household income.The use of...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 haul. With that incentive, his people brought back over three thousand loads of grain in ten days.Liu Qi...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 Constitution)(宪法的)补充5What do we call  the first ten amendments to the Constitution?宪法的前十项修正案称为什么?The Bill of...


16-10-01 will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child.你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。That...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 won every battle. It took only around ten years to unify the nation. Li Shimin established an...

Even Thieves Have Principles 盗亦有道

16-08-30 that bordered the adjacent county. The next morning, Zhang Qing found that his ten large wooden cases...


16-08-22 。还有一部分就是国家队运动员参赛。当然,所有这些都是通过层层选拔后确定的人选。例如美国泳坛传奇菲尔普斯。他来自美国中西部著名的大十联盟(Big Ten)领头羊学校。这十所学校都是公立学校,每年从联邦和州政府...


16-04-10 www.149kentapartment.com查看,申请截止日期为4月11日。第二处是Bedford Ave356号、Ten Eyck街37号、Maujer街37号的威廉斯堡公寓楼群,共有30个新建单元开放申请,户型包括一卧单元、两卧单元及三卧...


16-01-02 转灯的话,则还是一样由直行车走完之后才换左转车。  十一、Ten dollars rebate and ten dollars cash back  Rebate和cash back都是在美国很常用到的...


16-01-01 visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer.Correct: I'll visit my birth...


15-08-29 ://wakuwakunyc.com/。5、千年中的中国织品珍宝Chinese Textiles: Ten Centuries of Masterpieces from the Met Collection展览通过馆藏唐代至清代各时期...


15-08-27 。  入场费:15-65元不等。  网站: http://wakuwakunyc.com/。5、千年中的中国织品珍宝Chinese Textiles:Ten Centuries of Masterpieces...

【英文对照赏析】善良怜悯 正气清廉  Zhong Liyi, a Man of Compassion, Honesty and Righteousness  

15-07-24 the area. More than ten thousand people died and everyone was trying to escape by leaving the area....

日本机器人酒店将开业 接待大厅无一名人类员工

15-07-16   位于日本长崎县佐世保市的主题公园豪斯登堡(HUIS TEN BOSCH),将开设一家由机器人接待客人的酒店,并命名为“奇怪的酒店”。  这家酒店将于本月17日开业,使用机器人可大幅降低酒店...

北京多处公园英文标识出错 厕所译成tollet(图)

15-03-25 /人/次”,而在对应的英文中,却变成了“0.00 Yuan”。此外,在宣传板旁立有一指路牌,标明了园区各景点方向。其中,有一个景点名为“万人广场”,但相应的英文“Ten Thousand Peoples...


15-03-20 . 但是如果没有左转灯的话, 则还是一样由直行车走完之后才换左转车。  Ten dollars rebate and ten dollars cash back。 Rebate 和 cash back 都是在美国...


15-03-09 美国“人事 ”杂志(Human Events)邀请了15位保守派学者和公共政策领袖组成一个评委会,来评比19到20世纪世界“十本最有害的书”(Ten Most Harmful Books)。每个评委...

The Most Learned Emperor in Chinese History - Emperor Kangxi

15-02-22 French scientist Blaise Pascal. The imperial palace kept ten of these ancient calculators and they were...

刚到国外那些令人喷饭的尴尬经历  别说你没有!

15-02-12 人家电话号码,日后做朋友。于是问:“HOW MANY IS YOU PHONE NUMBER?” 白人说:“TEN。”提示:要电话的表达一般是“May I have your phone number...


14-11-19 "十大联盟(Big Ten)"之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”。UIUC是全美最优秀的工科院校之一,始终位于USNEWS工程院排名前五。该校商科也具有非常强的竞争力,其中会计,精算,金融等专业...


14-10-02 , "Your Majesty, I have studied very hard for ten long and difficult years now. I have wanted to be...


14-09-22 全家參與的紐約電影景點活動,讓公眾有難能可貴的機會至神祕的幕後工作一探究竟,活動將帶民眾到製作20多支電影預告片的電影卡車,這些預告片都是在紐約拍攝、製作,民眾還可與電影專家談談他們的拍攝設定等。相信民...


14-09-19 免費、適合全家參與的紐約電影景點活動,讓公眾有難能可貴的機會至神祕的幕後工作一探究竟,活動將帶民眾到製作20多支電影預告片的電影卡車,這些預告片都是在紐約拍攝、製作,民眾還可與電影專家談談他們的拍攝設定...