纽约长滩第十届圣诞游行   法轮大法队伍引人注目

23-12-15 【看中国讯】12月9日的夜晚,纽约长岛长滩(Long Beach)迎来了一年一度的盛大庆典——第十届圣诞点灯游行。整个游行不仅是长滩市传统的一部分,更是社区团结和热情的生动写照。游行时,居民...


23-08-10 )和紐約市長島(Long Island, NY)兩家。新澤西州許多停止運營的kmart門店,被改造成了其他受歡迎的商店及娛樂中心。...

「干净世界」设展位  配合纽约「全国打击犯罪夜」活动

23-08-03 」也在紐約市曼哈頓下東城( Lower East Side )、布朗士聯合港( Uniport )、皇后區長島市( Long Island City )、洛克威海灘( Rockaway Beach...


23-07-21 巡邏,以防危險的海洋生物。此外,還通知了長島海岸警覺小組(Long Island Coastal Awareness Group),該小組由來自皇后區(Queens)和長島(Long Island...


23-06-01 健康中心(Englewood Health)。●龍布蘭奇(Long Branch)的蒙茅斯醫療中心(Monmouth Medical Center)。●莫里斯敦(Morristown)的莫里斯敦醫療中心...


23-03-16 ),第201名。恩格伍德醫院與醫療中心(Englewood Hospital and Medical Center),第317名。位於長枝市(Long Branch)的孟茅斯醫療中心(Monmouth...

共和党候选人Joe Pinion参加车游力挺川普

22-08-18 Seaford Long IsLand Rail Road Station。美國參議員共和黨候選人Joe Pinion發表演講車遊活動中,美國參議員共和黨候選人Joe Pinion發表演講中重申: 會全力支持川普...


22-08-04 ,當您的病情可能發生變化時,他們會隨時為您的護理計劃做出任何必要的改變,無論白天還是晚上。康樂健保在家計劃RiverSpring at Home 是經過紐約州授權的Managed Long Term...


22-07-28 /看中國) 【看中國紐約訊】7月25日(週一),健康和心理衛生專員阿什溫·瓦桑( Ashwin Vasan ) 博士、紐約市測試與追踪團隊執行主任泰德·隆( Ted Long )博士和市長辦公室民族與社區...

曼哈顿中城长岛铁路新终点站将被命名为 Grand Central  Madison

22-06-03 ,以及進入大中央和現有空間的兩個新入口。兩個到中央車站北端通道的第45街和第47街。MTA Construction & Development、MTA Long Island Rail Road...

联邦紧急救助或延误 纽约将分发630万份家用检测盒

22-04-07 与追踪团队执行董事龙博士(Ted Long) 鼓励每一位纽约人都能进行家庭测试,“这样您可以在上班、上学或会见亲朋好友之前,知道自己是否感染了新冠病毒。” 市公共健康系统总裁兼首席执行官卡茨...


22-01-20 将分成6个租赁区进行,涵盖新泽西外海、靠大西洋的6个区域,大致从长枝(Long Branch)以东的地区到长滩岛Long Beach Island),离新泽西海岸最近27英里,离纽约最近的距离是20海里...


22-01-17 医疗和人口健康高级副总裁泰德·隆博士(Ted Long, MD)说:"麦克马肯医生的新任命标志着我们公共医疗系统的下一步发展,这会使营养和生活方式医学成为我们提供医疗服务的核心,作为一名初级...


21-12-09 虚拟币后的获利 (卖出时的市场价格减去买进币的价格)属于长期资本获益 (long term capital gain)需要向国税局申报, 使用表格:Form 8949, Sales and Other...


21-12-02 3个,都在长枝市(Long Branch)的蒙莫斯医疗中心(Monmouth Medical Center)接受了COVID-19疫苗加强剂注射。根据州政府的数据,约29%的有资格接受疫苗加强剂的居民...


21-07-22 (E.M.Baker School ,A+)。顶尖的私立学校是:长岛希伯来语学院(Long Island Hebrew Academy)。第2名:杰瑞科(Jericho)人口数量:1万3889人、家庭平均年收入...

护身辟邪 玉保平安

21-02-01 looking like it was dead, while the other fish looked like it was still alive. Not long after, Mr. Li...


21-01-05 德隆9Ted Long)博士说:“纽约人正在倾听并接受我们要求的COVID-19测试呼吁。随着严冬的到来,我们与冠状病毒COVID-19的战斗加剧了,我们需要每个人都继续经常进行测试...

纵欲毁前程/Greed Can Ruin a Person’s Destiny

20-11-27 a model for his painting.Not long thereafter, the painter completed his painting of the Buddha. It became...


20-09-17 。”纽约市测试与追踪公司(Test&Trace Corps)执行董事泰德隆(Ted Long)医学博士说:“每个基于证据的基准,纽约市测试与追踪计划都超过了我们的追踪者和纽约人所做出的承诺,以阻止...

善恶定生死 ——红眼石狮的故事 /Good and Evil Determines Life and Death  The story of the red-eyed stone lions

20-08-13 Determines Life and Death The story of the red-eyed stone lions A long time ago, the morals of the people in...


20-08-07 (Cape May)此前一个毕业派对,导致至少46人感染,年龄在16至23岁之间;艾塞克斯郡(Essex)一个父亲节派对导致3人感染;长滩岛Long Beach Island)一个救生员聚会导致35人感染...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 month treatment was too long and that it was proof of Wan’s insincerity, so he switched to another...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 officials and said, "You've all seen the horses that we use for ceremonies and rites. As long as...

干细胞疗法-医疗的未来 Stem Cell Therapy  "The Future of Medicine"

17-01-07 after long periods of inactivity. Second, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 in the eastern city of Tianjin arrested nearly 20 practitioners.“For as long as the Chinese Communist...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 kept donkeys, so that one could travel long distances and need not depend on foot soldiers (to carry...

船模展 首站皇后区

16-12-27 区政府大厅。然后,皇后区图书馆、长岛市(, Long Island city )、南布鲁克林等地。...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 in Confucius' time) was a scum, but had a long life. Emperor Yao was a supreme leader, but...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 Not long after Emperor He of the Han Dynasty (ruling from 88 – 105 AD) ascended to power, he desired...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 injected with a long syringe through the abdomen which would kill the fetus in utero. Typically doctors...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 8)

16-12-04 , as long as he uses his conscience, references the teachings of the able and virtuous men in the past...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 healthy and mentally sound.One day, he gathered all his children around him.「I have lived for a very long...

曼哈顿这栋大楼 居然可能是电话监听设施

16-11-18 、29层的大厦非常独特,整个大楼没有窗户,被称为长线大楼(Long Lines Building),到夜晚曼哈顿万家灯火的时候,这栋大楼却漆黑一片,成为隐藏在夜色中的巨大神秘物体。在公众的印象中,这座大楼...


16-11-14 。          网站:tinyurl.com/o3zwafl。 《比利•林恩的中场战事》(Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk)这是一部美国战争剧情片,由华裔国际知名导演李安执导...

外星飞船《降临》 李安新片上映

16-11-12 李安执导新片《比利・林恩的中场战事 》(Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk)描述战后人的心境与影响,主角是19岁的美国大兵比利,从伤亡惨重的伊拉克战场与战友...


16-11-10 worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for...

Wife Urges Husband to Elevate Moral Character through Studies

16-10-31 studies so quickly? Is there a particular reason?" Le Yangzi answered, "It's been a long...

A Taoist Talks About Destiny 神奇道人论命理

16-10-31 a long time ago. But how could his subordinate's friend know about this? It was really mystical....

Chinese Dissent in an Age of Social Media

16-10-26 has been targeted for elimination since 1999. It appears that as long as other users do not report the...