2024财年自主拨款开放申请  纽约市议员黄敏仪鼓励非营利社区组织积极申请

23-01-17 )( 3 )組織,還包括其他類型的501 ( c )組織,例如: 501 ( c )( 19 ) -War Veterans'Organizations 、 501 ( c )( 4 ) -Civic...


21-11-15 War Veterans Council)也特地请来了当年参加过二战、越战,还有近些年在伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争的退伍军人,分享当年的感人故事,鼓励年轻一代继续为美国的自由与维护世界的和平做出贡献...

看不见的战争 台湾正被偷袭

21-02-08 ,暗示共军可能会对台湾发动武力攻击。但美国国家战争学院(National War College)教授柯尔(Bernard Cole)说,他并不认为中共会直接大规模两栖攻击,因采取偷袭战术的可能性更大...


21-01-11 military strategist by scoring tactical victories one after another. The five years of war between the Chu...


20-12-24 战略思维极具价值,它就是《孙子兵法》(The Art of War)。它是由孙武在公元前6世纪所撰写,它所研究的主要是军事战略。这本书对很多国家的领导人都产生了深远的影响,道格拉斯.麦克阿瑟将军和历史上...

我最恨的人 竟是那个救我的人/World War II: The Person I Hate the Most Is the One Saving My Life

20-10-19 ,如果你活著,请来看看这棵树。老编辑的声音早已哽噎,老兵们的泪流早已满面。站在树下的每一个头发花白的人,直到此时才完全清楚,罗迪克一共救了三十六名英国战俘。World War II: The Person...

红朝末日近 习近平孤注一掷 彭丽媛和女儿不满离去?

20-05-29 已经成为香港人的DNA。共产党一天还在,香港人就注定跟它拉锯,这是一场无限之战(infinity war)。不满北京情绪世界各地延烧中共拟推行“港版国安法”引发国际强烈谴责,批评中共此举公开撕毁“一国两制...

Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 from returning home,” "The United States wets its pants and sues for peace in trade war,” etc....

What is the best assistance in life   人生的靠山是什么?

20-02-11 virtue and moral character are always blessed. During World War II, during a day of heavy snow, General...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 scenes before the D-Day invasion of Normandy during World War II.The Royal Air Force landed a division of...


19-09-14 Violators and War Crimes Center),于8月27日~8月29日,在12个城市发起了非法移民扫荡行动。期间,ICE执法人员在曼哈顿、布鲁克林、皇后区和纽约上州的奥西宁(Ossining)逮捕...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 Qing who was said to be a local military officer; heroic, courageous, good at war and has the ability...

Xi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in Davos

17-01-20 Related CoverageXi Jinping Defends China’s Golden Goose in DavosWill Rex Tillerson Lead US to War with...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 Company at San Francisco's War Memorial Opera House on January 8.“Very uplifting, very beautiful, and...

Jealousy Harms Others and Hurts Oneself (I)  妒嫉之心 害人害己(上)

17-01-16 defeated. Pang committed suicide and his last words were, 「Too bad this war will make the brat [Sun] famous....

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 756 AD. By that time, the Tang Dynasty was in decline and there was constant war and chaos. Therefore...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 damage in a trade war, but would come out on top in the end.“China would feel the impact of U.S....


16-12-17 America: Civil War,$19.99)星际迷航:超越(Star Trek: Beyond,$19.94)谍影重重5(Jason Bourne,$19.99)哈利波特:完整8片盒套装(Harry...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 to attack the nomadic tribes of the west. Many officials wrote memorials advising against the war but...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 have experienced the wrath of war and have lived under distressing conditions. I have to attend to...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 and arrived in Sichuan in November. Zhang Fangping did not seek to raise funds for the war or supplies...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 declare war宣战To create an  army创立军队To make treaties签订条约42Under our  Constitution, some powers belong to...

加速进军好莱坞  万达拟收购金球奖制作商

16-10-01 (World War Z)。还有重拍的功夫梦(The Karate Kid)和赤色黎明(Red Dawn)。美国智库“美国安全中心”(Center for American Security)创办一个名为“中国...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 people, "My purpose for going to war was to save people from this life of misery and to get rid of...

美购物季将结束 别错过购买便宜商品的机会

15-12-18 美元。这两种游戏机也与游戏捆绑出售,Xbox One捆绑游戏XboxGears of War,PlayStation 4捆绑游戏“秘境采集”或“星球大战”。其他打折的游戏机还有Xbox One...

核战差点发生 美国惊天绝密报告解密

15-10-27 之一。前苏联9月击落一架韩航客机,北约准备11月在欧洲部署“潘兴二型”中程飞弹和陆基巡弋飞弹。不过,那段被称为“战争恐慌”(war scare)的时期究竟是真的有危险,或只是宣传的吓唬伎俩,一直有辩论。这份报告...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 一个特定的方向发展的时候,你就可以引用这句话。"War became inevitable, the die was cast."这是恺撒将渡Rubicon河时说的一句话,表示"...


15-09-29 影片《战争房间》(War Room)以428万排在第八,累计票房5600万。犯罪悬疑片《边境杀手》(Sicario)周末试映收入177万,并打入榜单前十。该片由艾米莉‧布朗特、乔什‧布洛林等,讲述美墨...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun"Able to lead the troupes during war time and able...

美国迪士尼 打造星际大战乐园 图

15-08-17 遥远银河系的传奇冒险故事“星际大战”(Star War),即将在地球成真!迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)十五日宣布,将在佛罗里达州和加州的迪士尼乐园旁打造一座占地五.六公顷的“星际大战...

【英文对照赏析】Good and Evil Retribution from a Single Thought  善恶一念之间 报应毫厘不差

15-08-15 Miu for a certificate of indebtedness.A few years later, a war broke out in Shandong Province. Bandits...


15-07-13 Connah’s Quay, served in the royal navy during the Second World War and was presented with the Arctic...


15-07-10 /4knots。5、革命:纽约市和独立战争Revolution: NYC & the War for Independence展览使用大量的历史文献、工艺品的复制品来反映革命战争中的士兵和纽约平民。这一...

F-35近战测试报告 战斗力差

15-07-06 过高、瑕疵不断等问题所困扰。知名军事部落格《War is Boring》1日引述美军模拟空战的飞官报告,更直指F-35的操控性并不理想,在近战时甚至不敌服役近40年的第四代低阶战机F-16。  《War...

普京修改国家机密法令 隐瞒俄兵在乌死亡人数

15-06-01 在乌克兰东部进行军事行动的证据报告。这份题为《普京战争,继俄罗斯总统普京之后(Putin War, after Russian President Vladimir Putin)》的报告长达64页...


15-03-09 ,这个纳粹纲领直接导致了第二次世界大战(World War II)和对犹太人的大屠杀(Holocaust)。他设想通过大规模屠杀犹太人、对法国的战争、以及以后的对苏联的战争来为德国在东欧开辟“生存空间...


15-02-26 美国和欧洲的工会组织以及英国慈善团体War on Want指控麦当劳公司通过卢森堡的一家子公司故意避税约10亿欧元。  这些组织在周二发布的一份报告中指称,麦当劳在2009至2013年长达五年的...


15-01-28 ,来自好莱坞的19人道具专家团队设计出了这款逼真的北极熊复制品,由备受赞誉的伦敦西区的 War Horse 操作控制。...

香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明

14-12-01 student-led movement against famine, internal war and persecution. In two years time, the nation had rapidly...