香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union聲明:
香港大學學生會聲明:暴力鎮壓火上加油 必須回應市民訴求
Statement by HKUSU:
Raging against Police’s Violent Suppression
Urging for Prompt Response from the Government towards Citizens’ Demands
临近考试季节,莘莘学子无不课业繁重,依然走到占领现场,头破血流,浑身瘀青,仍坚持到底,留守竟夜。同窗眼见目睹,实有如内心淌血!身处添马现场,除了警员喝斥、乱棍划风、警犬狺狺、喷椒嘶嘶,「我要真普选」的怒号,更是随处可听,遍及添马。 「撤回八三一框架,重启政改五部曲」诉求,更显严正清晰,光明磊落。当警察向市民举中指、讲粗口,警棍如雨,喷椒成雾,辱骂我校学生为垃圾废青,尊贵的校长祭酒们不是默不作声,就只叫同学保持「克制冷静」,坐视校监梁振英折磨糟蹋学生,实在令人哭笑不得。
香港人,我们回不去了。这是全面抗争的时代,这是彻底抛弃幻想的时代,这是黑暗升起火光太阳的时代,抗命行义的基因已深植我们细胞。饱经无止境酷毒打压,我们要么终身为奴,要么觉醒为人。政权卸责予贫穷问题,却无视自身道德破产。 「我要真普选」已成港人核心价值,一日未成功,一日不罢休。无了期拖延走数,以执行法治为名,行蛮横清场之实,民意只会亦会益加沸腾,问题只会愈演愈烈。连番清场,占领运动反而发扬光大,甚至演化成夏悫千数连营,旺角处处鸠呜。继续暴力镇压,只会火上加油,不义政权最终只会引火自焚。
Responding to the call of HKFS and Scholarism, different NGOs and citizens upgraded their action by blocking the Central Government offices on 30 November, 2014. Citizens were stunned to see before their eyes, how the government abused the use of police force in clearing the occupied sites. Citizens who peacefully demonstrated their request for democracy were confronted by the police violently and some were even severely injured. Among the victims, we recognized that some are our fellow students and alumni. The Union therefore would like to express its greatest sympathy for all the injured citizens and condemn the police for their violent act, as well as the government for their contemptible, unjust conducts.
Students and citizens had no choice but to bring their action to the next level. It has been already two months since the occupation, yet nothing in
response to the citizens’ request has been done by the government. What we saw in Admiralty was the police in full gear confronting the defenseless citizens and beating them cruelly. Almost losing their humanness and disregarding the code of conducts, the police hit the head of the citizens with batons. Our fellow schoolmates were victimized and suffered from severe bruises and wounds on their limbs and heads. The police’s disgraceful offenses were distinctly brutal before our eyes. With batons in their hands, the police from the Special Operation Group snatched away citizens’ paper shields and pushed them on the ground. Some citizens are then locked by handcuffs or strings and then arrested in the dark. Turning a blind eye on the causality on the citizens, the Tactical Unit even abused pepper sprays and hit the citizens’ faces with the metal bottles. These ludicrous acts that we witnessed yesterday only intensified our rage towards this government.
Getting closer to exam periods, students burdened with hefty workloads who volunteered to stand out at the occupation sites were only rewarded with bruises and blood. Regardless the danger, we persist on our motives and stay till the very night every day, yet we are anguished to see the pain suffered by our fellow schoolmates. Despite the suffering, we are yet strong-minded to strive for our simple, innocent goal, “To urge for the withdrawal of CE election framework established by NPC and relaunch the procedures for Political Reform”. When the police swore at citizens and gave us their middle fingers; when batons fell on us like rain drops and layers of thick pepper sprays suffocated us like smog; when our fellow students were being called rubbish losers by the police, our teachers and vice chancellors chose to either say nothing or just asked us to stay calm. How upsetting it is that our respectful teachers would see their students tortured, humiliated, instead of being brave enough to speak up?
My fellow Hong Kong citizens, we are now at a point of no return. This is an era for all of us to stand out for righteous; an era to abandon our false fantasy and mistrust on the government. Remember, there is no one else who will fight on your behalf. We either strive for what we believe, or surrender as slaves under the unscrupulous government. The best method that our government uses to solve problems is sadly, to push the buck on poverty issues while glossing over their moral discredits. The cry for “true universal suffrage” has now become our core values and we shall therefore persist until we succeed. The false promise yet to be realized, and the brutality in clearing the occupied zones will only deepen the anger of the people and create even more conflicts. After many attempts to clear the site, people in the Occupying Movement only become more determined, if not, more enraged. It is easy to picture Harcourt Road and Mongkok filled with uncountable tents in extreme fury and wrath. If the government continue their violent suppression, it will only bring more people out to the street and in return, impair their governance.
“Those who suppressed the student movements will end up in despair.” In 1947, Kuomintang suppressed the student-led movement against famine, internal war and persecution. In two years time, the nation had rapidly fallen into a shattered state of devastation. In March this year, Kuomintang violently evacuated the protesting students in Taiwan, resulting in their deserved loses in the local elections. Here it returns, the Land of Blue, the Land faithful to its citizens.It is now the time for the Hong Kong Government to reflect on their tyrannical policies. Their abuse of the police force to violently suppress innocent students, their betrayal with unprincipled politicians on all their fellow Hong Kongers. These deeds will someday enrage all the citizens, by that time, will the Government be able to put up with such a cost?