Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 Rex Tillerson said, “We hold the Cuban authorities responsible for finding out who is carrying out...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 ) and several other records. Let us take a look at a typical day to find out how the Emperor's...

Tillerson Releases International Religious Freedom Report

17-08-27 Singles out China's treatment of Falun Gong, Uyghurs, and TibetansSecretary of State Rex...

White House Petition to Designate Far-Left Antifa as Terrorists Gets 180,000 Signatures in 4 Days

17-08-27 , including one on how to conduct guerrilla warfare, which has sections on carrying out “executions,” “bank...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 regard for morality. The government should establish and carry out benevolent policies in order to...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 Because you put his name into a search engine, bam, all his images come out and everything, and all his...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 a middle-class living for American workers. Outsourcing forced American workers out of good-paying jobs with...

Renowned Human Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Disappeared, Says Wife

17-08-20 a few times, but Gao did not come out of the room. Gao’s brother went into his room and saw that nobody...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 the water level and figure out the depth of water in rivers and oceans. He used the divine ax to open...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 He fashioned arrows out of the bamboo and then went on a three month hunt with his dog to Yunmenze...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 saw this, he immediately got out of his wagon and gave it to Zhang. He himself took off on horseback...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 stepped out of his carriage on the street and walked to Heng Rong's home to show his respect. When...

中共团中央置顶反美视频 疑从公安流出

16-08-08 out。还有一位“爱国”网民“霸气冲天炮”呼吁中国爱国民众说:该我们把美国弄乱了,大家多到美国论坛上装白人挑衅黑人,几千万中国网民去做,把美国黑白矛盾尽量放大,直至让大量美国黑人受不了而拿起手中的枪瞄准...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 a client with a case, he would try to resolve the conflict out of court. For those without a good reason...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 spoke good things about him. Yan Ying repeatedly admonished the King to watch out for Luan Ying....


16-07-30 about going out to see the world instead of working in the mill. How wonderful that would be! Soon...

"Flowers Bloom at the Pen Tip" and "Jiang's Talent Has Run Out"(中文字920)

16-07-30 someone with outstanding writing talent. The expression, "Jiang's talent has run out," is...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 instructing a child." Ji An could always point out shortcomings in the empire or crafty officials who...

Prefect Kong Yong Peacefully Resolves an Armed Insurgency

16-07-24 dispatched outside the county to carry out a task. As a result, Tianzhou was without any defense. The people...


16-07-16 椅子、毛毯、食物和饮料,去尽情享受吧!电影在黄昏(约8时)开始,都是免费。•8月3日(周三):「Inside Out」 (PG), Montrose Park(451 Congressional...

组图:法国恐袭 大卡车辗撞人群1英里77死

16-07-15 (Photo credit should read VALERY HACHE/AFP/Getty Images)Police officers carry out checks on vehicles in...


16-07-11 Lincoln Center Out of Doors         这是林肯中心每年正规演出季节结束后,夏季休息时安排的户外表演,主要是音乐与舞蹈展现,水平颇受好评,全部免费。平日只有晚场,周末还有下午场...


16-07-11 【看中国纽约讯】7月15日,第二届「法拉盛夜市(Flushing Night Out)」将于在法拉盛高中(Flushing High School)拉开帷幕。夜市分为4次,每隔周五一次。时间分别是...

第二代产品 2016 Ford Edge Titanium

16-07-08 Parking),Ford Edge都可选配,笔者测试了垂直泊车,系统的确可顺利把车停好,但是与邻车距离太近,难以开启车门。此外,Edge也装有Park Out Assist,就算泊进了非常狭窄的位置,也可轻易...

Tang Emperor Taizong Swallowed a Locust for the People

16-07-08 determination to wipe out the plague. Worried that the emperor might get sick, his page tried to stop him from...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (2/2)

16-07-01 A few days later he died of gangrene. Moments before his death, people near him all heard him crying out...

A Treacherous Imperial Court Official Condemned by History (1/2)

16-06-26 , "You ask us, the great Jin Dynasty, for peace day in and day out, and yet Yue Fei is bent on taking...

英国脱欧卡梅伦辞职 欧洲何去何从

16-06-24 ,纷纷发文:WE ARE OUT (我们退欧了)05:39 荷兰政治人士WILDERS说:荷兰公投的时候到了。05:38 德国经济部长加布里尔:对欧洲来说,今天真是糟糕透顶。05:34 受“脱欧”影响...

7月活动 | hello,纽约夏日!

16-06-23 Center Out of Doors),将在7月中以后回来,时间是7月20日到8月13日。这是林肯中心每年正规季节结束后夏季休息时,所安排的户外表演,主要是音乐与舞蹈,水平很好,全部免费。平日只有晚场,周末...

Lang Yi Predicts the Future

16-05-28 himself every day in order to rid the natural disasters. Lang Yi particularly pointed out how the...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 meet again in three years.” After saying these words, the fortune-teller walked out and left. Liu bade...


16-05-09 …△ 手指不到位!OUT!△ 其实,宝宝最服的是这个!完美!哈哈哈哈哈哈乐得前仰后合输得心服口服...

奥巴马任内最后一次记者晚宴 调侃川普

16-05-03 ,共和党的提名过程一切顺利。”奥巴马回顾了自己的总统生涯,戏称“共和国的末日从未看起来这么好”。他最后语气转为严肃,感谢白宫记者,并推崇媒体自由,“我只要再说两个字:奥巴马out”,接着把麦克风丢在地上...

一群神秘黑衣人...  他们只跟两种人说话....

16-05-03 ... 第五个见过黑衣人的是Dan Aykroyd,他喜欢钻研关于UFO的一切神秘现象。2002年1月,他准备把自己关于UFO的研究做成一个系列在科幻频道播出,节目名字就叫《out there》。节目内容...

Resolving Resentment with Forbearance and Forgiveness

16-05-01  After Cheng Bolin woke up, he could not understand why he was singled out, so he prayed to the gods...


16-04-26 :www.barclayscenter.com。4、亚洲协会艺术特展 In and Out of Context: Asia Society Celebrates the Collections         今年是亚洲协会成立60周年,特展...


16-04-26 ,“你啊,这药就留给自己吧!”那泥土与香做的枕头,确实管用,我从来不失眠,有时头还没有碰到枕头,就什么都“out”不知道了。这是我的天人合一的故事。...

Taking Bribes and Perverting the Law Ruined a Promising Future

16-04-16 to visit the old man after he finished his official duties in Luling County. The next day he set out...


16-04-12 140. close to接近,亲近 141. come in contact with 与…取得联系 142. come out of sth. alive大难不死 143. come up (with...