
23-11-15 社区关系委员会(JCRC)、西班牙裔联合会(Hispanic Federation)、大都会犹太贫困问题委员会(Met Council on Jewish Poverty)、联合浸信会(Union...


22-01-07 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1、大都会博物馆:令人鼓舞的迪士尼展 The MET:Inspiring Walt Disney(Adobe Stock)纽约大都会博物馆,第一次推出...


21-02-04 无法被人们观摩的时候,线上体验给人们带来了创造性的重新想像的Met体验,无论人们在哪里,都可以健康安全地免费参展。”届时, 在线的参观者将首先“进入”华丽的博物馆大堂,然后,欣赏这些艺术佳作,艺术大师包括...

护身辟邪 玉保平安

21-02-01   One day, as Mr. Li was strolling along the street, he met a man from Japan. The man noticed Mr. Li’s...

纵欲毁前程/Greed Can Ruin a Person’s Destiny

20-11-27 looked like, he became very anxious.One day, he met a monk by chance. The monk’s character and...


20-09-01 (Metropolitan Museum of Art),开放时间稍微变动:每周四~周一开放(周六~周一开放时间:上午10点~下午5点、周四、周五开放时间:中午12点~晚上7点)。曼哈顿上城的修道院艺术博物馆(The Met...


20-05-22 的慈善晚宴,MET Gala),旨在保持社交距离。...

【川普】对抗病毒 吁国会立即减免美国人工资税(全文翻译)

20-03-12 a possible early opening.同时,我们正在监视中国和韩国的疫情。而且,随着他们状况的改善,我们将重新评估目前的限制和警告,有可能提前解除。Earlier this week, I met with...


19-05-02 。5、大都会博物馆时装展 (Wiki-CC-BY-2.0)在每年5月,大都会艺术博物馆的时装学院,都会推出这个时装展,备受推崇。同时,每年5月的第一个周一,也都会有一场慈善晚宴,即,大名鼎鼎的Met Gala...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 man.The two came back to the street and met the greedy customers. Seeing Han Zhongli’s true form and...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 intended to sell the birds while performing his trade. Along his route, he met a merchant. When the...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 these birds and animals were resurrected. Milarepa finally met Master Marpa.  In the beginning, Marpa...

How Kindness Transformed a Thief

19-01-16 carried the bag for him!The old man was very grateful.“I have never met anyone this kind. Please let me...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 the important prime minister. All the magistrates I met during the trip were extremely polite to me...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 Liang met Xiao He and became a mayor; otherwise, he would have been an ordinary citizen. Yanzi was less...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 ;Zhang Jifei is a friend of my elder relative, and I have met him as well. Zhang Jifei personally told me...


16-11-28 和城市天际线合照。每天都可在票柜台支付你愿意付的门票大都会艺术博物馆Breuer分馆 The Met Breuer大都会接收了惠特尼博物馆在麦迪逊大道的前址。这栋以设计师Marcel Breuer命名...

Beauty and Divinity Found in  Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

16-10-10 a challenge that they’ve met, they’ve met very well. And the color is unique. You won’t find this color...

罗怡:大都会的卖卖卖 商业机构「美术馆」

16-10-10 不缺钱的,尤其, 3月中大都会分馆Met Breuer刚开幕,4月就公布了1000万美元的财政赤字,然后是自愿离职计划的变相裁员和3位高管的离职, 最近这半年一直处于关注中心的大都会,其财务状况的确堪忧...

周末好去处: 纽约动漫展 巧克力展 大都会博物馆

16-10-08 AvenueNew York, NY 10001网址:goo.gl/7Ob2rC4. 大都会博物馆 中国绘画书法收藏精选 (Masterpiece of Chinese Painting from the Met...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 character. Before Liu Tingshi passed the provincial level of the civil service examination, he met a lady in...


16-08-31 免费歌剧:大都会剧院夏季HD歌剧节 Met’s annual Summer HD Festival  连续举办8届的林肯中心广场〝免费户外歌剧放映〞活动。会有10部来自Live in HD的热门戏剧登场...

Provide Frank Advice, Be Loyal to Friends, and Repay Kindness

16-08-30 but was unable to find him. One day, he coincidentally met Zhang on the street. With tears in his eyes...


16-08-17 from his hobbies or collections etc.7. Listen to what he said when the first time you met him. After...

古画流韵  大都会亚艺馆100周年纪念展

16-01-04 之一,成为来纽约旅行的游人不得不造访的地方。目前大都会博物馆主建筑物面积约有8公顷,展出面积有20多公顷。馆藏超过二百万件艺术品,整个博物馆被划分为十九个馆部。主建筑物通常被简称为“the Met”。除了主馆外...


15-11-28 美国知名时尚与摄影网站My Modern Met评选出2014年度最让人叹为观止的37张照片。这些入选的照片有自然美景,有奇幻星空,有流光溢彩,也有艺术照。下面让我们细细品味这些美轮美奂的照片...


15-11-24 personal friend of John Smith since he was twelve years old. He met Jane Jones when he traveled to London...


15-08-29 ://wakuwakunyc.com/。5、千年中的中国织品珍宝Chinese Textiles: Ten Centuries of Masterpieces from the Met Collection展览通过馆藏唐代至清代各时期...


15-08-27 from the Met Collection  展览通过馆藏唐代至清代各时期的中国织物精品,包括刺绣、皇家服饰、戏服、华盖、官服补子等,展现中国古代巧夺天工的技艺。  时间:即日起至2016年6月...

【英文对照赏析】 积德改命

15-08-22 good deeds will be rewarded with good, and those doing evil deeds will be met with evil. All these are...

【英文对照赏析】Good and Evil Retribution from a Single Thought  善恶一念之间 报应毫厘不差

15-08-15 entered a divine being's cave by accident and met the divine being. He asked about the root cause of...

盘点最易遇到明星的纽约餐厅(一)The Lion

15-08-07 电视喜剧《老爸老妈的浪漫史》 “How I Met Your Mother"中曾有一句台词,如果在纽约还没有遇到伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen),那你还不能算真正的纽约客。的确,纽约...


15-08-04 戒指就会震动并发出亮光。2010年的纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会Met Gala上,凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)也因身穿CuteCircuit品牌的LED炫彩裙装而惊艳世人。 卫报 ...


15-06-15 and Zengzi were both students of Confucius. One day, they met each other on the street. Zengzi...


15-02-26 电视喜剧《老爸老妈的浪漫史》 “How I Met Your Mother"中曾有一句台词,如果在纽约还没有遇到伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen),那你还不能算真正的纽约客。的确,纽约...

为保展品安全 美多家博物馆禁止游客使用自拍棒

15-02-06 )的“室内空间”都制订了类似禁令。  纽约大都会博物馆(MET)允许游客自拍,可正在考虑禁用自拍棒。去年12月重开的CHS,把禁令视为让展品长寿的方法。实施有关禁令的还有华盛顿国家艺廊、达拉斯艺术博物馆、阿肯色州...


15-01-29 五:McGee's Pub酒吧How I Met Your Mother"《老爸老妈的浪漫史》http://mcgeespubny.com/《老爸老妈的浪漫史》编剧Carter Bays和Craig...


15-01-19 英国近日降温,许多地方变成冰天雪地。气象部门警告说,苏格兰大片地区将变成冰天雪地。英国气象部门Met已针对大片地区发布黄色预警。格拉斯哥、爱丁堡、曼彻斯特等地气温降到摄氏零下3度,卡迪夫和伯明翰摄氏...


14-10-02 Imperial Civil Service Examination personally hosted by Emperor Renzong at the Royal Court. The Emperor met...